First century Judaism and Christianity
Recent papers in First century Judaism and Christianity
La christologie des premiers chrétiens réfléchit sur le scandale de la croix suivi de la résurrection de Jésus, le Galiléen supplicié.
Introduction to Messianic Judaism provides a description of what the Messianic Jewish community looks like today at its center and on its margins. The first section of the book traces the ecclesial contours of the community, providing a... more
The term adelphoi, meaning brothers and sister, is used 271 times in the New Testament and is the foundational image for the gathered church community. To foster sibling bonds the church gathered around meals. In Mark 3:31-35 while... more
The meaning of the phrase "Son of God" -especially in connection with the messianic figure -is sometimes considered as a dividing line between Judaism and Christianity and a central factor in the parting of the ways between them during... more
The term 'Rabbi' is an historically and Scripturally legitimate title for Jesus. This paper examines the claims of three alternative views and evaluates the Gospel record by noting three marks of Jesus’ rabbinical ministry: His personal... more
The events recorded by the gospel writers from the crucifixion to the resurrection, come with their own time frames. The Friday afternoon to a Sunday morning scenario is an impossibility if these events are allowed to remain as they are... more
Overview of the Second Temple Period in Jewish History and the effects of Hellenization on first century Jews and Christianity
This paper, written originally on 04-09-2019, has the power to change the world for the better. This is a major work of the greatest importance and is necessary reading for any and all researchers of ancient history and religion. For the... more
The epistle to the Ephesians is considered one of the finest theological treatises in the New Testament. Its contents reveal the plan of the Father, expressed in a Trinitarian nature, to unite all as His chosen and root them in the... more
Berkaitan dengan konferensi tahunan Gereja Katolik Bebas Swedia dipenghujung bulan September, saya diundang untuk memberikan kuliah yang bertajuk Injil Y’shua = keyakinan Kristen tradisional? Pada diskusi itu saya langsung diminta untuk... more
Tutti e quattro i Vangeli del Nuovo Testamento, compresi i vangeli giudeo-cristiani 1 , pongono l'inizio dell'attività di Gesù in seguito all'incontro con Giovanni detto il baptistês, il Battezzatore. Egli invitava gli ebrei alla... more
Paul, considéré à bien des égards comme le père de la « théologie de la substitution », demeura-t-il à jamais la « pierre d'achoppement » entre juifs et chrétiens ? À mon sens, la justesse du jugement porté dépend largement de la prise de... more
Pengajaran (taurat) Musa yang dipegang teguh oleh para rabbi Farisi dan imam Saduki mendapatkan tantangan yang hebat dari pengajaran (Taurat) rabbi muda bernama Yeshu (Indonesia: Yesus). Hal ini membuat jemaah Yahudi menjadi terpecah... more
Time and again, scholars who privilege the Synoptics over the Gospel of John preface their remarks by claiming that Synoptic favoritism results from greater certainty as to how to approach the Markan traditions than the Johannine. This is... more
A summary of this essay was first presented at the “Jesus and Archaeology: The Millennium Celebration in the Holy Land” conference at the Notre Dame Center in Jerusalem (August 2000) organized by James Charlesworth. It was then expanded... more
Galilee has received attention far disproportionate to its size, because both the ministry of Jesus began in Galilee, and post-135 CE Judaism was centered there. This study maps the distribution of bronze coins found at some 250 sites in... more
This paper presents the raw data for an assessment of the view that the dominant conception of the Spirit in first century Judaism was that the Spirit was the Spirit of prophecy. Instead, we show that this is a misleading generalisation... more
Todos los derechos reservados. De conformidad con lo dispuesto en la legislación vigente, podrán ser castigados con penas de multa y privación de libertad quienes reproduzcan o plagien, en todo o en parte, una obra literaria, artística o... more
Paul uses the metaphor of sibling 120 times in the New Testament. This essay looks at first century family dynamics, family metaphors used in contemporary literature concepts of first century honor and shame, and Paul's use of the sibling... more
Bart D. Ehrman is quoted as saying "In the entire first Christian century Jesus is not mentioned by a single Greek or Roman historian, religion scholar, politician, philosopher, or poet, ... (or) in a single inscription ... (or) a single... more
This paper by Rabbi Raymond Apple originally appeared as a chapter in “Judaism in transition, 175 BCE-150 CE: Christian and Jewish perspectives”, published by the Council of Christians and Jews Victoria, 2008. The first century CE was so... more
Nel 1969, un giovane teologo, già perito del Concilio, pubblica un libro dal titolo evocatore Il nuovo popolo di Dio 1 . Nello spiegare le conseguenze dell'approccio conciliare riguardante la relazione tra il clero e i laici, egli non... more
This article explores the dynamics affecting the phenomenon of prayer in Jewish life of the First Century, as reflected in the early sources of the Second Temple Period. Publishing Company; all rights reserved. Please visit Eerdmans... more
Abstract: It is generally assumed that Christian confessions concerning the person and nature of Jesus Christ represent an irreconcilable divide between Judaism and Christianity. On the surface, a cursory examination of Christian... more
Recent analysis has attempted to locate the Infancy Gospel of Thomas (IGT) in a context of developing Christian thought about Jesus’ childhood, and has suggested that the author(s) imitated a popular children’s stories genre of late... more
This thesis addresses the topic of movement and mobility in the region of the Galilee during the first century and how that movement is reflected in the New Testament, particularly in the Gospel of Mark. Regarding one of the patterns of... more
What does it take to do the kind of work with ancient genealogies that I and a few others have? It takes time and dedication, and intense focus. After many years of observation and actual reconstruction of various ancient genealogies, it... more
A synopsis of the book Jesus: a Myth with Multiple Sources (in French
Brief text about the first followers of Jesus of Nazaret after his death. Index of the magazine. April, 2018.
In the present article, the author describes the issue of relation between Synagogue and Church in the context of Johannine writings. The author makes analysis of the Johannine texts in order to show the traces of polemic between Judaism... more
Although the dating of the Pseudoclementines is fraught with difficulty, there is abundant evidence to establish its internal intended chronology. This presentation will go through the Syriac text, assembling all temporal references into... more
IVAN PRCHLÕK (Praha) Autorem nÌûe probran˝ch zpr·v o ranÈm k¯esùanstvÌ byl, anebo mohl b˝t Publius Cornelius Tacitus. Proto je tento Ël·nek zamϯen p¯edevöÌm na jejich v˝povÏdnost pr·vÏ vzhledem k p¯ÌpadnÈmu Tacitovu autorstvÌ, zatÌmco... more
This is a translation of the Hebrew text of the Josippon concerning the martyrdom of Zekharyahu (Zacharias), who was put to death prior to the Jewish war against Rome and the destruction of Jerusalem. This text evinces many similarities... more
ΑΠΟ ΣΥΛΛΟΓΙΚΟ ΤΟΜΟ Σ. Δεσπότης και Α. Κονταλή, 1821 - Επανάσταση και Ανάσταση του Γένους. Αθήνα: Έννοια 2021.
First John is poetry. It follows the poetic conventions of Biblical Hebrew. In order to find the line and stanza breaks, we need a back-translation to Hebrew. The result is satisfying. Staying close to the Greek, adhering strictly to... more
A Summary of my paper on the role of teachers in the New Testament Church. This outline makes the case that "teachers" represent a unique class of worker in the New Testament church, one that is still extant today, separate and apart... more
In Luke-Acts, Jesus and his Apostles are characterized by language that is reminiscent of the Old Testament prophets, particularly Moses and Elijah. This article attempts to understand the meaning of such characterization in the narrative... more
By submitting this thesis electronically, I declare that the entirety of the work contained therein is my own, original work, that I am the sole author thereof, that reproduction and publication thereof by Stellenbosch University will not... more
Atonement has been described as the central doctrine of Christianity and yet, surprisingly, the church has never insisted on a particular understanding of how redemption in Christ was achieved. Instead, a miscellany of metaphors has been... more
El alimento celestial en el proceso transformativo del creyente Tomás García Huidobro sj Instituto Sto. Tomas en Moscú.