Feminist legal theory
Most cited papers in Feminist legal theory
I argue for adopting an understanding of rape as non-consensual sex rather than such alternatives as sex against the will of the victim, or non-voluntary sex. The article also argues for the value of conceptual analysis to reform in the... more
This article explores the ways in which coupledom is promoted through contemporary family policy in the UK. It does this in the context of dominant political discourses suggesting that broken relationships are a major political problem... more
This study examines Turkey's Law No. 6284, which was enacted pursuant to the Istanbul Convention's obligations for signatories to combat and prevent violence against women. The law aims to provide both protection and prevention measures... more
Legal judgment writing mobilises a process of story-telling, drawing on existing judicial discourses, precedents and practices to create a narrative relevant to the specific case that is articulated by the presiding judge. In the Feminist... more
Women’s rights are often curtailed online due to the pervasive internet atmosphere of cybermisogyny. Extreme examples include ‘image-based sexual abuse’, a term which encompasses the non-consensual creation and/or distribution of private... more
The approach taken by English courts to the duty of care question in negligence has been subject to harsh criticism in recent years. This article examines this fundamental issue in tort law, drawing upon Canadian and Australian... more
This paper is a contribution to a special issue honoring Duncan Kennedy. Taking the title ("Sexual Abuse, Sexy Dressing and the Eroticization of Domination") of Duncan Kennedy’s 1992 essay in the New England Law Review (which then evolved... more
Kapitel aus: U. Bittlingmayer et al. (Hrsg.), Handbuch Kritische Theorie, Springer 2017 Das Verhältnis von Rechtlichem und Nichtrechtlichem ist weder gegensätzlich, noch komplementär, sondern paradox. Diese Behauptung will der vorliegende... more
Cyberspace allows individuals to create representations of themselves that bear little or no similarity to their offline identities. Internet users can create a multitude of “avatars” for themselves, from video game identities to message... more
Over the past three decades there have been widespread reforms across the common law world to laws governing the prosecution and trial of sexual assault allegations in response to arguments of feminist and conservative commentators that... more
Sexual harassment is a complex and evolving practice. The rise of sexual discrimination in cyberspace is only one of the most recent and most striking examples of the phenomenon's increasing complexity. Sexual harassment law, however, has... more
In recent years, legislatures in the United States have considered and passed a number of "prenatal nondiscrimination" bills that would ban abortion based on the sex or race of the fetus. Proponents of these laws claim that such abortions... more
This article analyzes how concepts of gender, gender equality, and secularism have been addressed by the higher judiciary in India in cases dealing with matters of religion. The discussion focuses on three landmark decisions of the Indian... more
Contemporary feminist theory by and large agrees on criticizing the traditional, autonomous subject and instead maintains a relational, dependent self, but the vocabulary used to describe the latter remains contested. These contestations... more
Proponents of Stand Your Ground laws cynically exploit the image of vulnerable women to defend expansions of self-defense doctrine, despite the fact that such laws actually reinforce and exacerbate existing gender divides in self-defense... more
RÉFÉRENCE: Alexandre Baril, « Société de l’aveu, cis-tème de l’aveu : repenser le consentement à la lumière des images intimes de personnes trans* dans les medias », GLAD! [En ligne], 05 | 2018, mis en ligne le 15 décembre 2018, consulté... more
This article advances an interpretative account of parental rights and builds a normative case against them. This normative account considers how parental rights function in existing constitutional and family law, and assesses theoretical... more
Recently Professors Schultz and Hoffman argued that, in order to achieve gender equality at work and at home, scholars and policy makers should consider adopting measures to bring the weekly working hours for both employees who work very... more
On 12 November 2019, the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP), handed down a landmark decision in the case of ‘Katsa Su’ concerning the Awa indigenous group in Colombia. The Colombian conflict has particularly affected indigenous groups,... more
Cases involving attires, hairstyles, names, or manners of speaking have been increasingly attracting the attention of constitutional and socio-legal scholars. No longer viewed as marginal or esoteric, claims about the significance of a... more
The battered women's movement in the United States contributed to a sweeping change in the recognition of men's violence against female intimate partners. Naming the problem and arguing in favor if its identification as a serious problem... more
If a man in prison says that he was made " to feel like a woman, " this is commonly understood to mean that he was degraded, dehumanized, and sexualized. This association of femininity with punishment has significant implications for the... more
It is important to embrace the responsibility that comes with the new geological epoch of the Anthropocene, which, in terms of environmental law, requires nothing less than a radical revisiting of its basics tenets. In an attempt to... more
The inauguration of the International Criminal Court and the proliferation of criminal tribunals over the last twenty years are often presented as historic and progressive moments in the trajectory of interna
This article offers a feminist critique of the Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2019. Fifteen years since the first proposed regulation of assisted reproductive technologies and surrogacy, the 2019 Bill leaves much to be desired. It reflects... more
Este artículo analiza cómo el feminismo del poder (power feminism), una corriente feminista en el discurso jurídico internacional, se ha incorporado en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano por medio del diseño y discusión de indicadores... more
What does it mean for a man to conduct oneself as a feminist? It is this question that the author, a legal academic, dwells on in this essay. The article can be seen as a jurisdictional auto-critique about feminism's relationship with... more
The production and reproduction of immediate life … is … of a twofold character. On the one hand, the production of the means of subsistence, of food, clothing and shelter … on the other, the production of human beings themselves, the... more
"The article examines those developments in the field of feminist theory that have dealt with the (disappearance of the) notion of the subject of feminism, both as collective agent and as subject matter. In particular, it aims at... more
Informed by a feminist analysis, the author examines a new development in the legal responses to workplace sexual harassment in Quebec. Sexual harassment has been recognized as a psychological injury, compensable through the province’s... more
In this article, I critique the current debates surrounding autonomous weapons systems, using feminist posthuman theory to make sense of such systems – and the relation between human and machine – in terms of automation and autonomy. The... more
This article examines a series of unarticulated gender dynamics that shaped some of the recent changes to the legal test for discrimination under s. 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Despite the volume of literature that... more
Las feministas tradicionalmente han criticado el derecho como un instrumento de opresión de las mujeres y han cuestionado fuertemente al sujeto supuestamente universal y neutral del derecho que ha dejado fuera las demandas y protección de... more
Este trabajo explora el caso "Erica Borda" resuelto por la Cámara Nacional de Apelaciones del Trabajo, sobre discriminación hacia las mujeres en el acceso al mercado laboral del transporte público en el área metropolitana. Nuestro... more
It is hard to imagine rewriting a 20 year old text. So much of it was predicated on the events of the time, as well as our respective theoretical perspectives at that time. In Subversive Sites, we argued that law was a complex and... more
A Lei do Feminicídio brasileira (Lei 13.104/2015) reacendeu o debate criminológico, feminista, penal, processual penal e de política criminal sobre a conveniência, necessidade e efetividade da criminalização da violência de gênero contra... more
This is a chapter in Elizabeth Brake and Lucinda Ferguson (eds), Philosophical Foundations of Children's and Family Law (OUP 2018). This chapter's argument stems from the premise that legal language should speak for itself. The... more
While both men and women can, and do, use violence against each other, men's violence against women is far more common, less justified, and more destructive than women's violence against men. One of the reasons for this asymmetry is that... more