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« Le voeu d'obéissance a été émis pour vivre ''selon les Constitutions''. Si celles-ci deviennent lettre morte en matière importante, le voeu garde t-il sa rigueur pre-mière ? […] Souffrir en silence des désagrégations que l'on ressent... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical ScienceHistory of Roman CatholicismProtest Movements
The study of human behaviour holds a prominent role in organizational behavior literature. For almost 45 years, the exit, voice, loyalty and neglect typology has attracted scholars’ interest and has been linked to employee responses... more
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      Organizational BehaviorOrganizational TheoryOrganizational ChangeHuman Resource Management
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine how frequency of change (FC) in organizations and impact of change (IC) influence the employee behaviors, i.e. exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect (EVLN) through psychological contract... more
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      Organizational ChangeSensemaking (Organizational Behavior)Social Exchange TheoryEmployee Relations
This article analyzes the contributions of Albert O. Hirschman to the field of political economy and his issues with public choice. Although he was not explicitly affiliated to any school of thought, Hirschman worked with both disciplines... more
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      Political EconomyPublic ChoicePolitical EconomicsCitizenship
Organizational silence is a state of affairs in which employees refrain from voicing problematic issues at work. It often results from the dilemma between considering the short term interests of the leader, who might perceive voicing... more
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      Organizational IdentificationOrganizational SilenceAuthentic LeadershipExit, Voice and Loyalty
Στο παρόν άρθρο αναλύω θεωρητικά τις αντιδράσεις των ισχυρών προς τους δυσαρεστημένους ανίσχυρους και παρουσιάζω, χρησιμοποιώντας το μοντέλο Exit Voice and Loyalty (Έξοδος/Φυγή -- Φωνή/Διαμαρτηρία -- Υπακοή/Αφοσίωση) του Albert O.... more
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      Albert O. HirschmanExit, Voice and LoyaltyΜειονότητες
[in German] This paper reviews research on contemporary rural protests in China which are categorized as "Rightful Resistance". It applies Albert Hirschman's concept of "Exit, Voice and Loyalty" to make sense of this phenomenom from a... more
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      Comparative PoliticsLegitimacy and AuthorityPeasant StudiesProtest
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      Migration StudiesHistory of Socialism, Contemporary History of Eastern Europe, esp. CzechoslovakiaFemale Labor MigrationPlanned Economy
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      Institutional EconomicsTransition EconomiesAlbert O. HirschmanAlbert Hirschman
Africa consists of the single largest group of member states to the International Criminal Court (ICC). This membership was stronger during the negotiations leading up to the adoption of the Rome Statute in 1998 that paved the way to the... more
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      Game TheoryInternational RelationsHuman RightsInternational Criminal Court
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      Ottoman HistoryIranian StudiesQajar PersiaBoycott Movements
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      EntrepreneurshipTrust ManagementAutomotive IndustryPurchasing and Supply Management
A dolgozat a politikatudomány és közgazdaság-tudomány határán álló kivonulás-tiltakozás-hűség modell lényegét járja körbe. Az Albert O. Hirschman által felépített gondolati keret szemléleti frissessége és sajátos megközelítési módja... more
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      EconomicsHistory of Economic ThoughtAlbert O. HirschmanAlbert Hirschman
La vague de contestation qui frappe les institutions catholiques après Mai 68 est connue. Le catholicisme se décompose alors en de multiples factions ouvertement concurrentes pour définir le christianisme légitime. Le clergé est au coeur... more
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      Political SociologySociology of ReligionHistory of Roman CatholicismProtest and resistance