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The needs of breastfeeding women who work away from home differ from those of other women, particularly those who breastfeed exclusively. Sixty-nine factory workers were interviewed in Sao Paulo, both during pregnancy and when they... more
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      NursingHealth CareBrazilUrban Health
Background: Timely initiation of breastfeeding is putting the newborn to the breast within 1 h of birth. Its practice can prevent neonatal and under-5 mortality. This study aims to assess the prevalence and factors associated with timely... more
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    • Exclusive Breastfeeding
Vegetarian diets are associated with lower risk of several chronic health conditions including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and some cancers, compared to western diets. However, vegetarians, especially vegans, are at a high... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsNutritionPublic Health NutritionFood and Nutrition
This study aimed to document whether food insecurity was associated with beliefs and attitudes towards exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) among urban Kenyan women. We conducted structured interviews with 75 human immunodeficiency virus... more
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      HIV/AIDSPublic HealthKenyaUrban
Despite its many advantages, the benefits of breast milk have been widely unknown to mothers. In many of the world’s developing countries, water, and other liquids are added to the baby’s diet in the first months of life-risking infection... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)StudentsExclusive Breastfeeding
Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF)—giving infants only breast-milk for the first 6 months of life—is a component of optimal breastfeeding practices effective in preventing child morbidity and mortality. EBF practices are known to vary by... more
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      GeographyAfrican StudiesEpidemiologyInfectious disease epidemiology
Women and children are the main victims of malnutrition in Pakistan where two out of three households cannot afford nutritious diet with their current expenditure. Chronic malnutrition in children under five is categorized as very high... more
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      PakistanSindhBreastfeedingExclusive Breastfeeding
Dapatkan informasi menarik terkait pentingnya asi ekslusif, cara menyusui bayi yang benar, perlekatan yang benar, makanan pelancar asi, tips cara melancarkan asi, dan manajemen asi perah. Download sekarang! Tag : asi booster terbaik,... more
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      LactationBreastfeedingBreastfeeding ExperiencesExclusive Breastfeeding
ALMA MATER STUDIORUM – UNIVERSITÀ DI BOLOGNA SCUOLA DI MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA Corso di Laurea in Ostetricia CONOSCERE IL D-MER: un’esperienza di gruppi di riflessione con studentesse e ostetriche Relatore: Claudia... more
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      Anxiety DisordersHuman Pregnancy, Birth And BreastfeedingPost-Partum DepressionBreastfeeding
Pemberian ASI eksklusif di Indonesia saat ini masih kurang menggembirakan, terlihat ada penurunan dari 42,4 % menjadi 39,5% (SDKI 1997 dan SDKI 2002). Cakupan pemberian ASI eksklusif dari data rutin DKK Brebes tahun 2008-2010 sebesar 36%,... more
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    • Exclusive Breastfeeding
ABSTRAK Kertas kerja ini bertujuan untuk menghuraikan isu berkaitan penyusuan anak angkat melalui proses cetusan laktasi (induced lactation) dalam kalangan wanita yang tidak pernah melahirkan atau menyusukan bayi. Kajian berbentuk... more
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      Human Pregnancy, Birth And BreastfeedingExclusive BreastfeedingNutrition - Pediatric nutrition - Preterm babies nutrition - Pregnant or breastfeeding women nutrition
Background: Breast feeding is having great importance for children, their mental and physical growth, if mothers are not aware about WHO standard, so definitely they will not practice these standards. It is very important that mother... more
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      Public Health NutritionPublic HealthMother and Child HealthInfant weaning
Abstrak Penyusuan cetusan adalah satu inovasi dalam sains teknologi yang merupakan kaedah yang ditemui bagi merangsang penghasilan susu ibu. Kaedah ini telah menghasilkan beberapa penemuan baru dalam bidang penyusuan susu ibu. Kaedah... more
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      BreastfeedingBreastfeeding ExperiencesExclusive BreastfeedingInfant and young child feeding
Background: Despite the demonstrated benefits of breast milk, the prevalence of breastfeeding, in-particular exclusive breastfeeding (EBF), in many developing countries including Ethiopia is lower than the international recommendation of... more
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      Public HealthEthiopiaMaternal and Child HealthDeveloping Country
Background: Exclusive breastfeeding is important for child health and growth, but its practice is low in many developing countries. This study aimed at determining the breastfeeding practices and examining the sociodemographic... more
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      EpidemiologyGhanaPublic HealthBreastfeeding
Background-Exclusive breastfeeding is the optimal feeding practice to achieve infants' growth and development. Most mothers breastfeed their children but malnutrition is still prevalent in Ethiopia. Factors affecting exclusive... more
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      Public HealthEthiopiaExclusive BreastfeedingMaternal and Child Health and Nutrition
Moderate alcohol use by breastfeeding women appears to be relatively common. Alcohol concentrates in breast milk at levels slightly higher than in maternal blood, peaking at 30-60 minutes after consumption. Most studies find no link with... more
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      Beer (Alcohol Studies)BreastfeedingOxytocinAlcohol
Background: In Ghana, periodic national surveys report the practice of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) in the general population to be over 50 %. However, little is known about EBF among professional working mothers, particularly its... more
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      GhanaPublic HealthExclusive Breastfeeding
"A Breastfeeding practice among lactating mothers’ is an attractive and important area of research among the students of medical science as well as social sciences. Breastfeeding practices not only depend on the lactating productivity of... more
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      Health PsychologyHealth SciencesAnthropologyMedical Anthropology
Background: In India, though breastfeeding is universally practiced, exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) rates in urban informal settlements are low; and health programs face several challenges in promoting EBF. In this study, ensconced in one... more
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      Qualitative ResearchExclusive Breastfeeding
This is a letter to the editor in response to an excellent article by Michael Golden entitled Proposed recommended nutrient densities for moderately malnourished children. It presents and explains two theories of mine: 1. The... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsExclusive BreastfeedingStuntingVitamin D Deficiency
Is infant feeding with formula much worse than breastfeeding? It's complicated, so this essay explores the evidence and ways to think about it. There is a clear global consensus that in any population, feeding with infant formula is not... more
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      BreastfeedingInfant feedingExclusive BreastfeedingInfant Formula
PREVALENCE OF RESPIRATORY INFECTION AND FEEDING CHARACTERISTICS OF CHILDREN UNTIL THE SIXTH MONTH OF LIFE IN RIO GRANDE/RS In developing countries, the respiratory infections are responsible for a third of the deaths and for the half of... more
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      Health SciencesNutrition and DieteticsEpidemiologyInfectious disease epidemiology
Breastfeeding has benefits for mother and important determinant for infant normal growth and development. This study identified and recommends evidence-based practice intervention aimed at overcoming BF constrain to increase continuation... more
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      NursingExclusive Breastfeeding
Resumen “Mamar: mythos y lógos sobre lactancia humana” constituye un número especial o monográfico interdisciplinar sobre amamantamiento humano, convocado desde las ciencias humanas y sociales. Cuenta con diecisiete artículos producidos... more
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      Human Pregnancy, Birth And BreastfeedingLactationBreastfeedingLactate
Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF)—giving infants only breast-milk for the first 6 months of life—is a component of optimal breastfeeding practices effective in preventing child morbidity and mortality. EBF practices are known to vary by... more
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      GeographyAfrican StudiesEpidemiologyInfectious disease epidemiology
Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF)—giving infants only breast-milk for the first 6 months of life—is a component of optimal breastfeeding practices effective in preventing child morbidity and mortality. EBF practices are known to vary by... more
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      GeographyAfrican StudiesEpidemiologyInfectious disease epidemiology
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      RwandaPMTCTInfant feedingBottle Feeding
Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF)—giving infants only breast-milk for the first 6 months of life—is a component of optimal breastfeeding practices effective in preventing child morbidity and mortality. EBF practices are known to vary by... more
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      GeographyAfrican StudiesEpidemiologyInfectious disease epidemiology
Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF)—giving infants only breast-milk for the first 6 months of life—is a component of optimal breastfeeding practices effective in preventing child morbidity and mortality. EBF practices are known to vary by... more
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      GeographyAfrican StudiesEpidemiologyInfectious disease epidemiology
Jual Tank Top Menyusui, Jual Tanktop Menyusui Murah, Jual Tanktop Menyusui di Bandung, Harga Tanktop Menyusui, Jual Tank Top Ibu Menyusui, Singlet Menyusui, Singlet Menyusu, Baju Menyusui Tank Top
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      Human Pregnancy, Birth And BreastfeedingLactationBreastfeedingBreastfeeding Experiences
Breastfeeding is an essential key factor for reducing child mortality and the risk of disease. Therefore, to ensure health and wellbeing for all (Sustainable Development Goal 03), and to reduce inequalities in child health status (SDG... more
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      Biological AnthropologyEpidemiologySocial epidemiologySexual and Reproductive Health
Breast milk is rich in nutrients and anti-bodies and contains the right quantities of sugar, water, fat and protein that promotes not only growth and development of infants but also important for theirsurvive. Exclusive breastfeeding is... more
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    • Exclusive Breastfeeding
Objective To investigate mothers’ infant feeding experiences (breastfeeding/formula milk feeding) with the aim of understanding how women experience cessation of exclusive breastfeeding. Design Multimethod, qualitative study;... more
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      Human Pregnancy, Birth And BreastfeedingPublic HealthFathersBreastfeeding
ABSTRACT Objectives To estimate the prevalence of cessation of exclusive breast feeding at each month up to 6 months and document key factors and cumulative risks associated with exclusive breastfeeding cessation for children aged from 0... more
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      SociologyPublic Health NutritionObesityPublic Health
Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF)—giving infants only breast-milk for the first 6 months of life—is a component of optimal breastfeeding practices effective in preventing child morbidity and mortality. EBF practices are known to vary by... more
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      GeographyAfrican StudiesEpidemiologyInfectious disease epidemiology
This article explores the relationship between discourse and experiences of ill health. Drawing on narratives, it shows how a mother who is experiencing difficulties with breastfeeding embodies sentiments of shame over what she perceives... more
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      Medical AnthropologyHealth CommunicationLinguistic AnthropologyGovernmentality
La lactancia humana fue declarada derecho humano por el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU en 2016, por su condición universal, y es definida como una de las inversiones sociales con índice de costo-beneficio más alto, según la Agenda... more
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      BreastfeedingFeminismoBreastfeeding ExperiencesExclusive Breastfeeding
Introduction: Optimum infant feeding practices, during the first 1000 days of life, are essential for children's health and development. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends putting the infant to the breast within the first hour... more
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      Public Health NutritionFeeding Practices of MothersExclusive BreastfeedingIYCF
Introduction: Exclusive breastfeeding is the practice of exclusively breastfeeding the newborn from the early hours of life to six months. This practice is encouraged to improve health of baby and also bonding. However, how widely... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesPublic Health PolicyPublic HealthEarly Childhood
Background: Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) is a simple and cost-effective intervention to improve child health and survival. Effective EBF has been estimated to avert 13% -15% of under-five mortality and contribute to reduce mother to... more
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      Human Pregnancy, Birth And BreastfeedingBreastfeedingExclusive Breastfeeding
The Breastfeeding and Feminism International Conference (BFIC) is the only global conference that focuses on the sociocultural, economic, health, and political impacts on and of women's infant feeding decisions. We seek to engage a... more
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      Applied EthicsFeminismIntersectionalityRacial & Ethnic Disparities in Healthcare Access
Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF)—giving infants only breast-milk for the first 6 months of life—is a component of optimal breastfeeding practices effective in preventing child morbidity and mortality. EBF practices are known to vary by... more
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      GeographyAfrican StudiesEpidemiologyInfectious disease epidemiology
Tanktop Menyusui Murah, Tanktop Menyusui, Tanktop Menyusui Surabaya, Tanktop Menyusui Facebook, Jual Tanktop Menyusui, Grosir Tanktop Menyusui, Tanktop Ibu Menyusui, Tanktop Untuk Menyusui, Tank Top Tali Menyusui, Jual Tanktop Menyusui... more
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      Human Pregnancy, Birth And BreastfeedingLactationBreastfeedingBreastfeeding Experiences
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      LactationBreastfeedingExclusive BreastfeedingBreastfeeding, lactation, and reproductive health
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In rural Bangladesh, most births take place at home. There is little evidence regarding the influence of traditional birth attendants (TBAs) or community volunteers (CVs) on early infant feeding practices. We conducted a pragmatic cluster... more
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      BangladeshBreastfeedingRandomized Controlled TrialsTraditional Midwifery, Birth Attendants, Maternal Health, Childbirth
This video talks about how women with IBD cope with young children within the early years of motherhood. If you want to find out more about planning for a baby with IBD click here: For... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyPositive PsychologySocial Psychology
To investigate and examine the factors associated with initiation of, and exclusive breastfeeding at hospital discharge of, late preterm (34 0/7 -36 6/7 weeks) compared to 37 week gestation (37 0/7 -37 6/7 week) mother and baby pairs.
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      EpidemiologyPublic Health NutritionMidwiferyInfants/ Babies
This study was designed to investigate the relation of breast-feeding and weaning practices with the duration of lactational amenorrhea among breast-feeding mothers in the United Arab Emirates. A total of 593 mothers were interviewed in... more
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      EthicsEpidemiologyUnited Arab EmiratesExclusive Breastfeeding