Recent papers in Euroskepticism
This chapter offers the first in-depth study of both structural and agential factors behind the emergence and electoral breakthrough of a new radical left party in Slovenia, the Left. It defines the party's ideological profile and it... more
On 1 December 2013, Croatia voted in a referendum on the constitutional definition of marriage. Whilst recent scholarship highlighted the symbolism nature of the referendum in domestic politics, its European dimension has not been... more
The upward land grabbing trend in Eastern Europe has remained understudied, as well as its strong interlinkages with political narratives - more specifically with the ones proposed by Euroskepticism and populism. The current paper looks... more
The outcome of the Brexit referendum is the apex of a long history of Euro-British relationships characterised by two opposing but coexisting stereotypes. On the one hand, England appears as the freedom-seeking nation resisting... more
Today, when Croatia already became a member of the EU, there is a variety of issues that have to be considered in the context of what Croatian accession to EU means to the EU and vice versa, i.e. what and how EU and Croatia contribute to... more
Il saggio analizza prima i motivi di perdita di competitività della produzione italiana e poi le azioni previste dalla LS 2014 per contrastarla. Successivamente guarda alle speranze deluse a questo riguardo da parte del governo Letta a... more
(co-authored with Eugenio Salvati) Over the years, Eurosceptic parties have grown in both number and electoral support, together with the politicisation of European Union (EU) integration cleavage within European national polities. The... more
İsviçre’de yaşayan Müslüman azınlığa “içerdeki düşman” muamelesi yapılarak, minarelerin şeriat simgesi olarak adlandırılıp yasaklanması Euroskeptizm ve Euroabia kavramlarının en çarpıcı örneklerinden olagelmiştir.
This chapter suggests a novel interpretation of Eurocynicism through the lenses of controversial political theorist Carl Schmitt. Instead of attributing the popular unease with the European Union to a problem of communication (putting the... more
Bu metinde dinsel bir siyasal hareketin ulusüstüleşmeye karşı tepkisi incelenmiştir. Bu çerçevede Milli Görüş hareketinin Avrupa Birliği’ne (AB) bakış açısı ele alınmıştır. Milli Görüş hareketi Türkiye’deki siyasal İslam’ı temsil eden bir... more
The Italian Five Star Movement (FSM) is one of the most interesting political phenomena in contemporary Europe. On one hand, this populist anti-establishment party has expressed a critical, albeit ambiguous, position on the European Union... more
The European Union sees the inclusion of many Eastern European states –enlargement – as a natural progression in the process of building an ‘ever closer union’. For the European Commission in particular, the process of enlargement... more
ZusammenfassungEntgegen weitverbreiteter bisheriger Annahmen über die Kausalrichtung zwischen nationaler und europäischer Ebene wird in diesem Beitrag argumentiert, dass die Finanzkrise in Verbindung mit der Rolle europäischer Akteure... more
ZusammenfassungEntgegen weitverbreiteter bisheriger Annahmen über die Kausalrichtung zwischen nationaler und europäischer Ebene wird in diesem Beitrag argumentiert, dass die Finanzkrise in Verbindung mit der Rolle europäischer Akteure... more
Neither populism, nor Euroscepticism constitute new phenomena in the history of the EU. On the contrary, as several studies have shown, both have been persistent symptoms across each step of European integration, redistributive conflict... more
ZusammenfassungEntgegen weitverbreiteter bisheriger Annahmen über die Kausalrichtung zwischen nationaler und europäischer Ebene wird in diesem Beitrag argumentiert, dass die Finanzkrise in Verbindung mit der Rolle europäischer Akteure... more
ZusammenfassungEntgegen weitverbreiteter bisheriger Annahmen über die Kausalrichtung zwischen nationaler und europäischer Ebene wird in diesem Beitrag argumentiert, dass die Finanzkrise in Verbindung mit der Rolle europäischer Akteure... more
The purpose of this paper is to identify discursive nodal points (DNP) within Eurosceptic discourse about the EU Global Strategy (EUGS) that was presented by Federica Mogherini at the end of June 2016. These DNPs have been identified by... more
On June 23, 2016, eurosceptic group won a British referendum on…
The upward land grabbing trend in Eastern Europe has remained understudied, as well as its strong interlinkages with political narratives - more specifically with the ones proposed by Euroskepticism and populism. The current paper looks... more
„The concept of euro-scepticism as an example of the use of conceptual power.“ The present article thematises the concept of euro-scepticism as an example of the use of so called conceptual power. It indroduces the term conceptual power,... more
The different elections held in Catalonia in recent years - with or without the blessing of Madrid - have done nothing to resolve the political and identity crisis in this turbulent region of 7.5 million inhabitants. Spanish prime... more
Juraj Marušiak, politológ | 11.11.2012 07:00 Kam smeruje Maďarsko 56 rokov po krvavom potlačení povstania proti stalinskej diktatúre? Hoci sa krajina stala samozrejmou súčasťou EÚ, politika súčasného premiéra nebezpečne balansuje na hrane... more