Koen Slootmaeckers
Koen Slootmaeckers is Reader in International Politics at the Department of International Politics at City, University of London. He has a background in sociology (BSc and MSc from Ghent University (Belgium)), and received his PhD in Political Science from Queen Mary University of London. Koen is also affiliated with Leuven International and European Studies (LINES) at the KU Leuven (Belgium).
His research deals with the EU enlargement process and sexual politics in candidate countries. More specifically, Koen has studied the EU accession of Serbia and how this process affects LGBT politics and activism. More generally, Koen’s research interest is the ‘(international) political sociology of the Other’, a topic which he approaches from different perspectives, including European studies, nationalism and conflict studies, neo-colonialism, gender and sexuality studies, with a specific interest for topics dealing with masculinities and LGBT issues.
His work has been widely published, including a (co-)edited volume ‘EU Enlargement and Gay Politics’ (Palgrave 2016; with Heleen Touquet and Peter Vermeersch), and articles in, amongst others, East European Politics, Sociologos, Politics, Contemporary Southeastern Europe, Journal of Homosexuality, and Europe-Asia Studies.
Phone: +447918640906
Address: Queen Mary, University of London
School for Politics and International Relations
Mile End Road
London E1 4NS
United Kingdom
His research deals with the EU enlargement process and sexual politics in candidate countries. More specifically, Koen has studied the EU accession of Serbia and how this process affects LGBT politics and activism. More generally, Koen’s research interest is the ‘(international) political sociology of the Other’, a topic which he approaches from different perspectives, including European studies, nationalism and conflict studies, neo-colonialism, gender and sexuality studies, with a specific interest for topics dealing with masculinities and LGBT issues.
His work has been widely published, including a (co-)edited volume ‘EU Enlargement and Gay Politics’ (Palgrave 2016; with Heleen Touquet and Peter Vermeersch), and articles in, amongst others, East European Politics, Sociologos, Politics, Contemporary Southeastern Europe, Journal of Homosexuality, and Europe-Asia Studies.
Phone: +447918640906
Address: Queen Mary, University of London
School for Politics and International Relations
Mile End Road
London E1 4NS
United Kingdom
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Books by Koen Slootmaeckers
Edited Books by Koen Slootmaeckers
Papers by Koen Slootmaeckers
die op verschillende wijze samenhangt met structurele kenmerken en attitudes. Traditionele genderopvattingen, bijvoorbeeld, hebben tegelijkertijd een ver- sterkend effect op homonegativiteit en een temperende invloed op islamofobie. Gevoelens van relatieve deprivatie zijn dan weer sterker gerelateerd met islamo- fobie dan met andere vormen van vooroordeel en hebben helemaal geen impact op homonegativiteit. Religiositeit speelt een meer beslissende rol in de formatie van antisemitisme en homonegativiteit dan het geval is bij andere vooroordelen. Anti-immigrantenattitudes, ten slotte, vertonen een klassegradiënt die afwezig is bij de overige vooroordelen. Deze resultaten tonen aan dat de vooroordelen te- genover speci eke uitgroepen niet begrepen kunnen worden zonder aandacht te besteden aan contextuele factoren, zoals sociale posities, de aard van intergroeps- relaties, machtsevenwichten en elitediscoursen.
Book Chapters by Koen Slootmaeckers
die op verschillende wijze samenhangt met structurele kenmerken en attitudes. Traditionele genderopvattingen, bijvoorbeeld, hebben tegelijkertijd een ver- sterkend effect op homonegativiteit en een temperende invloed op islamofobie. Gevoelens van relatieve deprivatie zijn dan weer sterker gerelateerd met islamo- fobie dan met andere vormen van vooroordeel en hebben helemaal geen impact op homonegativiteit. Religiositeit speelt een meer beslissende rol in de formatie van antisemitisme en homonegativiteit dan het geval is bij andere vooroordelen. Anti-immigrantenattitudes, ten slotte, vertonen een klassegradiënt die afwezig is bij de overige vooroordelen. Deze resultaten tonen aan dat de vooroordelen te- genover speci eke uitgroepen niet begrepen kunnen worden zonder aandacht te besteden aan contextuele factoren, zoals sociale posities, de aard van intergroeps- relaties, machtsevenwichten en elitediscoursen.
How these tensions are negotiated is empirically studied in the context of the European integration process of Serbia (2001– 2015). Using process tracing, which draws on 89 semi-structured interviews, document analysis and participant observation, this thesis analyses the promotion of and resistance to LGBT-inclusive anti-discrimination legislation and the organisation of LGBT Pride Parades in Belgrade. Overall, the thesis introduces the concept of ‘Tactical Europeanisation’ to highlight that the EU accession process is better thought of as a process of negotiated transformation in which EU policies and norms are (re)defined, negotiated and transformed with both sides making compromised to further the political integration. It calls for a more critical analysis of the civilizational politics embedded in the EU enlargement process that goes beyond institutional changes to include an analysis of transnational configurations of politics and the complex (negotiated) outcomes they produce.