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Purpose-The murders of Black people at the hands of police in 2020 have led to global protests that have called on public officials to defund or abolish the police. What has been drowned out in these conversations, however, is the... more
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      Criminal JusticeMental HealthSociology of Mental Health & IllnessMental Illness
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesViolenceMigrationConflict Transformation
The purpose of the study is to identify the effects of manipulation on students' memories of socially significant events. The article contains theoretical substantiation of the problem of collective memory that serves the current... more
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      EducationCollective MemoryCommemorationCollective Trauma
Incidents that have a fatal impact on civilians have historically had a long-lasting impact on the psyche of those who witnessed it. The politicized September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States has been the most significant... more
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      Critical Thinking9/11 Cultural ProductionPost-9/11 discourse and cultural productionReligious Fundamentalism
а Виктория Мусвик Фотография как теория и теория фотографии в России 2000х: возвращение рефлексии. опубл. в сб. "Пути России. Новые языки социального описания", Москва: НЛО, 2014, С. 461-477 (страницы в тексте) На протяжении XX в мировой... more
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      Photography TheoryHistory of photographySoviet PhotographyCollective Trauma
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      Military HistoryPolitical SociologySocial MovementsPsychology
"אי אבדה הדרך הברוכה / אי אבדה הדרך אל הכפר / הדרך בה רציתי לשוב בחזרה" (יורם טהרלב) "Where is the lost blessed road / Where is the road to the village / The road of my return" (Yoram Teharlev) In 2007, an Israeli... more
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      Israel/PalestineGroup AnalysisNakbaCollective Trauma
טראומה היא אירוע מכונן בחייו של אדם. פרויד, ובעקבותיו חוקרים מובילים, טוענים כי אפשר להתייחס לטראומה ברמת הקבוצה כמו לטראומה ברמת הפרט. במאמר זה אני מבקר גישה זו בהתייחסי למאפיינים שונים בחוויה הטראומטית. אני מציע כאן מודל של טראומה... more
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      Trauma StudiesJacques LacanSigmund FreudFreud and Lacan
This doctoral thesis takes the form of a social therapeutic session, that deals with a problem ailing Mexican identities. Drawing on multiple academic and therapeutic resources, it creates a template for healing social identities through... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocial PsychologyIndigenous StudiesParticipatory Action Research
Trauma has become a catchword of our time and a central category in contemporary theory and criticism. In this illuminating and accessible volume, Lucy Bond and Stef Craps: - provide an account of the history of the concept of trauma... more
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      Critical TheoryLiterary CriticismHistory and MemoryTrauma Studies
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      PsychologyPsychoanalysisArchitectureCollective Memory
Resumen: En los últimos decenios, el debate acerca de las relaciones entre la historiografía y la memoria histórica – como dos formas totalmente diferentes de acceder al pasado por parte de un grupo humano – es cada vez más candente. Esta... more
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      Philosophy of HistoryTheory of HistoryHolocaust StudiesCollective Memory
Abstract: Could a cultural memory and identity constructed around traumatic events in the historical past interpreted as the result of pollution of the sacred center give a group an evolutionary advantage under the right conditions? The... more
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      ReligionSocial TheorySociology of CultureSociology of Religion
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      Trauma StudiesLiterature and TraumaCollective Trauma
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      ViolenceIndigenous PeoplesEarly ChildhoodFirst Nations of Canada
This chapter aims to focus on three key moments in the history of viral dances: the Saint Vitus’ dancing plagues in 16th Century France, 1990’s HIV+ performers dancing, and TikTok viral dances during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Each of... more
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      Dance StudiesFrench StudiesDance/Movement TherapyHIV/AIDS
Magical realism is highly appropriate for portraying collective trauma and also for healing historical wounds. This is due to the fact that by means of the magical element, the painful, silenced or distorted memories of past traumas can... more
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      ShamanismGhostsMagical RealismKorean Literature and Culture
The "Creating Healthy Communities through Cross-sector Collaboration" white paper presents the views of more than 250 thought leaders from the public health, arts and culture, and community development sectors who were convened in working... more
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      Health PromotionMental HealthRace and RacismPublic Art
Since the 1990‘s Lithuanian society undergoes a devastating epidemiological situation of suicide. Lithuania has been the leader of suicide in the World since 1996. Before the Second World War the majority of our population was living in a... more
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      Medical AnthropologyEthnopsychiatryAnthropology of SuicideCollective Trauma
The western biomedical and psychological models of mental health and trauma response to massive trauma and political violence are being debated by the international community and in the United States. An alternate perspective, the... more
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      Disaster ResponseCollective Trauma
If we think of the current fragile contexts and protracted violent conflicts, one feature is very striking: We are often confronted by vicious circles of never-ending structural, direct and cultural violence. A huge part of humanity is... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesConflict TransformationTraumaTransgenerational Trauma
In this paper an interpretation regarding the relations between collective memory and the writing of history along the XXth will be developed. Far from assuming an historical gap within those two ways of relating and depicting the past,... more
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      HistoryTrauma StudiesCollective MemoryTrauma
This article presents an analysis of the mural titled Memoria Visual de una Nación (Visual Memory of a Nation) with a focus on its panel Los Conflictos (The Conflicts) , by renowned Chilean artist Mario Toral. The representation of... more
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      Discourse AnalysisTrauma StudiesCollective MemoryIdeology and Discourse Theory
En las siguientes páginas realizaré un análisis sobre las condiciones de la aplicación del concepto de trauma a la evolución de los grupos humanos. Emprenderé una lectura crítica de las teorías contemporáneas del trauma colectivo de Cathy... more
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      PsychoanalysisTrauma StudiesPhilosophy of HistoryTheory of History
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      Social PsychologyNarrative PsychologySocial representations (Psychology)Emotions (Social Psychology)
The study focuses on the relationship between minority literature and collective trauma. Drawing on the theory of trauma, psychoanalysis, memory studies, and literary representations of memory, we argue that the trauma resulting from the... more
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      Memory StudiesCollective MemorySocial MemoryLiterature and Trauma
The aim of this article is to address to what extent some institutional form of remembering the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) as a collective trauma could be considered an instance of Jeffrey Alexander and Neil Smelzer´s notion of... more
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      Cultural StudiesViolenceCollective MemorySpanish Civil War
Reflecting on the concept of collective trauma for understanding protracted violent conflicts Taking up some of the resistance against the term of collective trauma, Cordula Reimann & Ursula König discuss why collective and... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesSocial and Collective MemoryLoss and TraumaPost traumatic stress disorder
The Khoi-San, the First-Nations’ people of South Africa, were dispossessed of their lands and subjected to a cultural genocide, first by colonialism and then by Apartheid. Labeled ‘colored’ during the Apartheid era, the Khoi-San were... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreDesignEnvironmental LawPerformance Studies
Since 9/11 at the latest, the idea that entire collectives or societies can be traumatized by shattering historical events has witnessed a significant upsurge. Theoretical concepts of collective or societal trauma are surprisingly scarce... more
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      Critical PsychologyTrauma StudiesCritical Social PsychologyCollective Memory
Closing a gap in conflict transformation: Understanding collective and transgenerational trauma 2 Contacts Dr. Cordula Reimann works as mediator, facilitator, trainer, consultant, and lecturer in the areas of conflict sensitivity,... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesViolenceMigrationConflict Transformation
Incidents that have a fatal impact on civilians have historically had a long-lasting impact on the psyche of those who witnessed it. The politicized September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States has been the most significant... more
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      Critical ThinkingPost-9/11 discourse and cultural productionReligious FundamentalismCultural Production
For English below ----------------------------- Авторът въвежда понятието “историческа травма” в полето на социалните науки в България. Текстът представя основните характеристики на концепцията, изследванията по няколко случая, някои... more
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      Community PsychologyPeace and Conflict StudiesPeace PsychologyArmenian Genocide
Here I present a variety of new plays from contemporary Turkey dealing with the ongoing civil war from a variety of sides. Through the characters presented in these plays, it is possible to see a nuanced reflection of an on-going civil... more
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      Theatre StudiesPerformance StudiesCollective MemoryKurdish Question in Turkey
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      South KoreaCapitalismCollective Trauma
Nicht zufällig kennzeichnet viele der neuen widerständigen Bewegungen, dass sie mit dem ausdrücklichen Formulieren der eigenen Angst beginnen 1 und so das Tabu der "Angst vor der Angst" durchbrechen. Das kann eine haltbare Grundlage sein,... more
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      Resistance (Social)Post-FordismCollective Trauma
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      ViolenceIndigenous PeoplesEarly ChildhoodFirst Nations of Canada
Elsa Fernandez hat mit "Fragmente über das Überleben" ein Buch aus romani Perspektive geschrieben. In diesem thematisiert sie die Gewalt der Unsichtbarmachung von romani Geschichte/n, den anhaltenden Gadje-Rassismus-also Rassismus, der... more
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      Race and RacismRomani StudiesHolocaust StudiesCommunity
Collective traumas may often lead to deep societal divides and internal conflicts. In this article, we propose that conspiracy theories emerging in response to victimizing events may play a key role in the breakdown of social cohesion. We... more
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      Conspiracy TheoriesSocial distanceVictimhoodCollective Trauma
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      HolocaustEast European ArtEastern European Contemporary artEastern European Post-war Art
Problems of collective memory and forgetting after state terror are explored through psychoanalytic theory.
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      Collective MemoryScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural HeritageCollective TraumaCultural Amnesia
In this paper, I discuss the idea of psychoanalysis as a successful healing process from the standpoint of a broader understanding of the politics of care for the other. On this basis, and following Maria Acosta’s concept of “grammars of... more
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      PsychoanalysisMultidisciplinaryCollective Traumarepetition compulsion
One of ten cross-sector field scans commissioned by ArtPlace America, published in partnership with University of Florida Center for Arts in Medicine.
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      Research MethodologyMental HealthRace and RacismCommunity Development
The paper, based on the data of a qualitative sociological research, reveals the basic social characteristics of family memory of the peasant’s expropriation and political reprisals of the first half of the XX century among social groups... more
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      Trauma StudiesMemory StudiesCollective TraumaPolitical Repressions In the USSR
Twentieth century has witnessed several cases of mass traumatization when groups as wholes were ostracized even threated with annihilation. From the perspectives of identity trauma, when harms are afflicted to a group of people by other... more
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      Social PsychologyNarrative PsychologySocial representations (Psychology)Emotions (Social Psychology)
The present paper focuses on some of the tensions that have been recurrent in the concept of psychic trauma since the late nineteenth century. It further argues that these tensions have been introduced into the concepts of collective... more
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      Critical TheoryTheodor AdornoPosttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Trauma Studies
In this article, we draw on feminist trauma studies with the aim of deconstructing the theoretical and methodological binary between individual and collective trauma. Based on first-hand interviews with Bosnian survivors of rape, we... more
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      Trauma StudiesWar and violenceTraumaBosnia and Herzegovina
The paper presents the guidelines for teaching minority literature in the Trieste area, namely at the Slovenian and Italian high schools in Trieste. The teaching method proposed was created as a result of the need for new approaches in... more
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      DidacticsCollective MemoryItalyTrieste
Scholarship on Nehruvian non-alignment often assumes an artificial continuity between Jawaharlal Nehru's pre-independence thinking and post-independence decision, as India's prime minister, to pursue a policy of rejecting any... more
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      International HistoryJawaharlal NehruCollective Trauma
In order to understand the driving forces behind current developments of globalization and the obviously extreme difficulties of alternative action, I begin by putting the topic into an historical perspective and casting a look... more
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      Economic HistoryGlobalizationGlobalizationHistory of the Work Society