Recent papers in Ethnocracy
טיעונינו העיקריים מתמקדים בשתי תכונות מרכזיות, שלא הובלטו עד היום בניתוח הזהות והתרבות הישראלית: ראשית, גמישות גיאוגרפית יוצאת דופן העולה מדימויי הזמר העברי בתיאורי ה”ארץ” וה”מולדת”. גמישות זו מרחיבה ומסיגה את גבולותיה של המולדת על–פי... more
Andrzej Kozicki - książka "Instytucjonalizacja symboliczna w Izraelu" (2019). Ściana Płaczu, Jad wa-Szem, gwiazda Dawida czy wzięte z Biblii hebrajskie nazwy - to wszystko symbole, które organizują współczesny Izrael. To książka o... more
Rather than looking into the demand for internal autonomy by minority groups, Manipur government has been trying to achieve instrumental ends.
This is the 2nd in a series of 3 comprehensive papers for the PhD Program in Environmental Studies, York University
This chapter examines the dynamics of ethnopolitics in Manipur particularly how the state fallsinto 'ethnocracy trap' and thus perpetuate ethnocratic regimes. Rather than looking into thedemand for internal autonomy within the... more
Israel has a unique place for the field of constitutional law. Since the founding of the State of Israel, the constitution-making process is still continuing. It can be easily observed that the religion occupies a significant and... more
The present study examines the contemporary Bangladesh–India relationship analyzing the dynamics of geopolitics centring the National Register of Citizens (NRC) and the Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA)-2019 in Assam, India. On the basis... more
המאמר בוחן את השפעתו של היסוד האתני-הדתי על תפיסת הטריטוריה הריבונית ועל עיצובה, במשטר המנכס את 'המולדת' לאומת הרוב. היסוד הדתי המגויס ללאומיות אתנית של הקבוצה הדומיננטית תוך ביצור הדדי בין דת לבין המדינה בעתות משבר, נוטה למופע... more
This study aims to analyse the nature of the power struggles in the modern political history of Burundi and the connection of those struggles with the factor of ethnicity. The disruption of traditional systematics of relationships between... more
Translation is a form of resistance, but also "the original mother tongue of humankind". With a broad interpretation of the concept of translation, Rada Iveković looks at the principles, concepts and symbolic values of borders and... more
This paper aims to demystify the multi-ethnic model of the democratic form of government, which has been strongly promoted in the international political discourse toward Third World countries. In political science, this concept is... more
تتناول هذه الدراسة طبيعة إسرائيل بوصفها دولة نشأت عن مشروع استعمار استيطاني، وتبيّن أن هذه النشأة ليست مسألة تاريخية فقط، بل هي أيضًا مكوّن رئيس في بنية الدولة وطبيعة المواطنة فيها. وتوضح أيضًا أن إسرائيل تختلف عن الدول الأخرى التي نشأت... more
Individual political rights and civic national identity lie at the core of American democracy, and spreading democracy is a crucial component of American grand strategy. However, American policymakers have often supported the construction... more
Настоящая справка раскрывает историю преступления против человечности, совершенном членами латышской национал-радикальной части правящей элиты в отношении русского населения Латвийской Республики. Справка часть иска, поданного 14.06 2017... more
The relationship between religion itself and planning has been explored, but not extensively. Therefore the aim of this study is to illustrate and analyse the role and power of planning in a society divided by religion, using... more
Individual political rights and civic national identity lie at the core of American democracy, and spreading democracy is a crucial component of American grand strategy. However, American policymakers have often supported the construction... more
Radziecki internacjonalizm jako forma realizacji komunistycznego projektu imperialnego na Ukrainie W książce znanego ukraińskiego dysydenta Iwana Dziuby Internacjonalizm czy rusykacja po raz pierwszy poddano kompleksowej analizie zjawisko... more
On April 30, 2021 during the biggest pilgrimage in Israel no less than 45 people were crushed to death and hundreds were wounded. This catastrophe found me while I am working on a book on the politics of the sacred and part of a research... more
Öz Bu çalışmanın amacı İsrail'de uygulanmakta olan mevcut demokrasi modelini demokrasinin tarihsel süreç içerisinde geçirdiği evreler ışığında çözümlemek, bu demokrasi uygulamalarının neden olduğu toplumsal sonuçları tespit ve tahlil... more
With its independence in 1948, Sri Lanka enshrined the sole human rights protection in its first post-colonial constitution. Art. 29.2 aimed to safeguard minority rights in this multi-religious and multi-cultural country. This approach,... more
The existence and role of the Palestinian parties in Israel highlight the contradictions of the Israeli political system. These contradictions have been accentuated after seventy years of state experience and with the non-resolution of... more
יישוב הנגב לאחר הקמת המדינה התבסס בעיקרו על הגירות כפויות. האחת, העברת הבדווים שנותרו ברחבי הנגב לאזור הסייג, שבין דימונה, באר שבע וערד. - . השנייה, אכלוס ערי הפיתוח ביהודים מצפון אפריקה, שהיגרו לישראל בשנות ה 00 מאמר זה מבקש לטעון, כי... more
This article questions the notion of 'consociational democracy'. It argues that it rests on shaky ground, empirically and conceptually. As an empirical matter, a consociation is inherently unstable because it tends either to collapse into... more
Автор рассматривает институциональные процессы формирования региональных этнократий и предлагает использовать современные институциональные технологии и методы социальной вакцинации для дерадикализации социально-политических процессов на... more
This is an abstract for a paper that will be presented at the RC 21 conference 'Ideal City' on August, 2015 in Urbino, Italy. The presentation will discuss specific aspects of a local housing crisis in Israel - its definition and... more
With its independence in 1948, Sri Lanka enshrined the sole human rights protection in its first post-colonial constitution. Art. 29.2 aimed to safeguard minority rights in this multi-religious and multi-cultural country. This approach,... more
Экономический кризис обострил межпартийные противоречия и ослабил общественную поддержку проводимого внутриполитического и внешнеполитического курсов в странах Балтии (Литве, Латвии, Эстонии). Наиболее значимым вопросом в сфере внешней... more