Papers by Ali Reza Payandeh

Ocean Modeling, 2019
The wave characteristics and wave–current interaction in the six tidal inlets connecting the Bara... more The wave characteristics and wave–current interaction in the six tidal inlets connecting the Barataria Basin and the northern Gulf of Mexico are investigated during spring-summer time period when both cold front passage and persistent southeast wind events exist. A fully-coupled unstructured-grid, three-dimensional, FVCOM-SWAVE model is employed and validated against observational data during April–June 2010. Model simulation results indicate that waves in the shelf side of the inlets are mainly wind seas and swells from the Gulf of Mexico that are modified by ocean currents in the Louisiana Bight. These currents include Mississippi River plume, buoyancy- and wind-driven alongshore current, as well as the tidal jet in the Barataria Pass. The bay side of the inlets, similar to the interior of the Barataria Basin, is dominated by locally generated waves. In the middle of the inlets, both wind seas and swells are presented at times, though different inlets behave differently in terms of contribution from each component. The contribution of local wind seas enhances during cold front passage. Contrastingly, the influence of swells from continental shelf is more pronounced during persistent southeast wind event. FVCOM-SWAVE predicts a decrease in significant wave height inside the Louisiana Bight due to current-induced refraction and wave stretching effect caused by clockwise gyre from Mississippi plume. The modulation of significant wave height at Barataria Pass due to partial wave blocking for the opposing current, and wave stretching for the following current can be up to 20%. The effect of depth-induced breaking and bottom friction overshadows the one from wave–current interaction at other shallower inlets.

Journal of Geophysical Research, Oceans, 2019
Subtidal water level and current variability in Barataria Bay—a microtidal bar‐built estuary with... more Subtidal water level and current variability in Barataria Bay—a microtidal bar‐built estuary within the Mississippi Delta—and its relation to local and remote wind forcings were analyzed using three different methods: (1) statistical analysis of in situ observations, (2) an analytical model with idealized wind field, and (3) a barotropic numerical model. Remote wind effects (i.e., the coastal water levels imposed by Ekman transport) are dominant at forcing currents at the bay mouth and thus control estuary‐shelf exchanges. In contrast, subtidal water level variability, which ranges from 0.35 m at the bay mouth to 0.55 m at the bay head, is mainly associated with local wind effects, especially at the head of the bay. This occurs because the local wind‐induced water level tilting within the bay is larger than the coastal sea level pumping, i.e., the spatially uniform variations in water levels forced by remote winds. This result contrasts with (1) most coastal plain, fjord, and tectonic estuaries and (2) with other bar‐built estuaries in the region, in which remote wind effects dominate water level variability within the estuary. These differences are due to geomorphological features unique to Barataria Bay, such as its limited estuarine‐shelf connectivity and its orientation relative to local shoreline.

Khur-e-Musa is a predominantly tide-driven marine creek located in the northwestern part of the P... more Khur-e-Musa is a predominantly tide-driven marine creek located in the northwestern part of the Persian Gulf. The port city of Mahshahr and several important industrial enterprises are located in the vicinity of this marine creek. Therefore, marine pollution due to discharge from regional industries into this water body has been a matter of interest for environmental studies. In this paper, nutrient assimilative capacity of the Khur-e-Musa during the summer time was studied. In order to perform any engineering project or marine environment study related to Khur-e-Musa, the prediction of currents is an essential task. Therefore, MIKE 3-FM hydrodynamic and quality model was used to simulate nutrients and chlorophyll a concentrations. OECD open boundary index was used to determine the trophic status probabilities. Different scenarios were defined and simulated to find the minimum nutrient load that causes eutrophication in all parts of Khur-e-Musa simultaneously. The results showed assimilative capacity of 7,180 kg/day TN and 1,305 kg/day TP for Khur-e-Musa

Tsunami inundation mapping is the first step in the development of effective
evacuation plans for... more Tsunami inundation mapping is the first step in the development of effective
evacuation plans for communities at risk. These maps also provide bases for land use
planners in communities to reduce risk by locating critical facilities out of the potential
tsunami flood plain. The Makran subduction zone, located off the Indian Ocean coasts of
Iran and Pakistan, is an important tsunamigenic zone for the region. On the 27th
November, 1945, it was the site of a major earthquake with a moment magnitude of 8.1 and
killed about 4,000 people. This event is a proof that Makran coastal areas are unsafe since
the tsunami is quite probable. The objective of this study was providing tsunami inundation
and hazard maps in Chabahar bay which is located in South East of Iran and the northern
coast of Oman Sea. Three different source magnitude scenarios along Makran subduction
zone are considered and for each scenario, numerical modeling of tsunami propagation is
performed using MIKE 21 FM numerical software. Because the Makran subduction zone is
very close to the Chabahar bay, unstructured triangular mesh with a higher level of
refinement closer to the area of interest was used so that the tsunami was not numerically
dissipated. After analyzing the data obtained from the results, inundation maps were
produced, and by combining these maps, tsunami hazard map was provided for the bay.
Tsunami wave amplification has been observed mainly in the outer coasts of the bay where
the uplifted rocky shore experience up to 18 m wave height. Chabahar bay omega form and
two eastern and western headlands cause a considerable depreciation in tsunami wave.
Longer distance of coasts within the bay is another reason of tsunami depreciation inside
the bay. Based on the generated inundation and hazard maps, two flood zones are specified.
The first zone associated with no inundation or low inundation on cliffy shores, and the
second zone would experience extensive inundation on the coast of kenarak areas, areas
with sandy beaches and gentle slope.

Musa estuary is a predominantly tide-driven
embayment located in the northwestern part of the Per... more Musa estuary is a predominantly tide-driven
embayment located in the northwestern part of the Persian
Gulf. This estuary is bordered by dense population and
industrial development that add significantly to the water’s
pollution load. The eastern part of the estuary opens into
the small estuaries which are not similar in terms of pollutant
load accumulation. The present study investigates
the relationships between pollutant load accumulation and
some physical and hydrodynamic characteristics of the
Musa estuary. Tidal regime, bottom topography, persistency
of currents and pollutant sources were analyzed
numerically in relation to pollutant load accumulation.
Residence time was calculated using the MIKE 3 model
and this concept was used as a metric of pollutant load
accumulation. It was found that the assimilative capacity of
Musa estuary is not the same during the month so that the
capacity to absorb pollution in spring tide is more than at
any other time. Based on the results, the present study
suggests that in all estuarine ecosystems, the persistency of
currents can be used as an indicator of areas which are
faced with pollutant load accumulation.
In this study, three different source magnitude scenarios along Makran subduction zone are consid... more In this study, three different source magnitude scenarios along Makran subduction zone are considered, and for each scenario, numerical modeling of tsunami propagation is performed by MIKE 21 FM numerical software and the inundation and hazard maps at Chabahar bay are calculated.
Based on the generated inundation and hazard maps, two flood zones are specified. The first zone associated with no inundation or low inundation on cliffy shores, and the second zone would experience extensive inundation on the coast of Kenarak areas, areas with sandy beaches and gentle slope. Based on this classification, most of the Chabahar city parts are located in low tsunami hazard zone and would damage in the case of strong earthquakes (above 8 Mw), while all parts of Kenarak city would be located in high tsunami hazard zone and would be damaged by tsunamis generated by weaker earthquakes
Papers by Ali Reza Payandeh
evacuation plans for communities at risk. These maps also provide bases for land use
planners in communities to reduce risk by locating critical facilities out of the potential
tsunami flood plain. The Makran subduction zone, located off the Indian Ocean coasts of
Iran and Pakistan, is an important tsunamigenic zone for the region. On the 27th
November, 1945, it was the site of a major earthquake with a moment magnitude of 8.1 and
killed about 4,000 people. This event is a proof that Makran coastal areas are unsafe since
the tsunami is quite probable. The objective of this study was providing tsunami inundation
and hazard maps in Chabahar bay which is located in South East of Iran and the northern
coast of Oman Sea. Three different source magnitude scenarios along Makran subduction
zone are considered and for each scenario, numerical modeling of tsunami propagation is
performed using MIKE 21 FM numerical software. Because the Makran subduction zone is
very close to the Chabahar bay, unstructured triangular mesh with a higher level of
refinement closer to the area of interest was used so that the tsunami was not numerically
dissipated. After analyzing the data obtained from the results, inundation maps were
produced, and by combining these maps, tsunami hazard map was provided for the bay.
Tsunami wave amplification has been observed mainly in the outer coasts of the bay where
the uplifted rocky shore experience up to 18 m wave height. Chabahar bay omega form and
two eastern and western headlands cause a considerable depreciation in tsunami wave.
Longer distance of coasts within the bay is another reason of tsunami depreciation inside
the bay. Based on the generated inundation and hazard maps, two flood zones are specified.
The first zone associated with no inundation or low inundation on cliffy shores, and the
second zone would experience extensive inundation on the coast of kenarak areas, areas
with sandy beaches and gentle slope.
embayment located in the northwestern part of the Persian
Gulf. This estuary is bordered by dense population and
industrial development that add significantly to the water’s
pollution load. The eastern part of the estuary opens into
the small estuaries which are not similar in terms of pollutant
load accumulation. The present study investigates
the relationships between pollutant load accumulation and
some physical and hydrodynamic characteristics of the
Musa estuary. Tidal regime, bottom topography, persistency
of currents and pollutant sources were analyzed
numerically in relation to pollutant load accumulation.
Residence time was calculated using the MIKE 3 model
and this concept was used as a metric of pollutant load
accumulation. It was found that the assimilative capacity of
Musa estuary is not the same during the month so that the
capacity to absorb pollution in spring tide is more than at
any other time. Based on the results, the present study
suggests that in all estuarine ecosystems, the persistency of
currents can be used as an indicator of areas which are
faced with pollutant load accumulation.
Based on the generated inundation and hazard maps, two flood zones are specified. The first zone associated with no inundation or low inundation on cliffy shores, and the second zone would experience extensive inundation on the coast of Kenarak areas, areas with sandy beaches and gentle slope. Based on this classification, most of the Chabahar city parts are located in low tsunami hazard zone and would damage in the case of strong earthquakes (above 8 Mw), while all parts of Kenarak city would be located in high tsunami hazard zone and would be damaged by tsunamis generated by weaker earthquakes
evacuation plans for communities at risk. These maps also provide bases for land use
planners in communities to reduce risk by locating critical facilities out of the potential
tsunami flood plain. The Makran subduction zone, located off the Indian Ocean coasts of
Iran and Pakistan, is an important tsunamigenic zone for the region. On the 27th
November, 1945, it was the site of a major earthquake with a moment magnitude of 8.1 and
killed about 4,000 people. This event is a proof that Makran coastal areas are unsafe since
the tsunami is quite probable. The objective of this study was providing tsunami inundation
and hazard maps in Chabahar bay which is located in South East of Iran and the northern
coast of Oman Sea. Three different source magnitude scenarios along Makran subduction
zone are considered and for each scenario, numerical modeling of tsunami propagation is
performed using MIKE 21 FM numerical software. Because the Makran subduction zone is
very close to the Chabahar bay, unstructured triangular mesh with a higher level of
refinement closer to the area of interest was used so that the tsunami was not numerically
dissipated. After analyzing the data obtained from the results, inundation maps were
produced, and by combining these maps, tsunami hazard map was provided for the bay.
Tsunami wave amplification has been observed mainly in the outer coasts of the bay where
the uplifted rocky shore experience up to 18 m wave height. Chabahar bay omega form and
two eastern and western headlands cause a considerable depreciation in tsunami wave.
Longer distance of coasts within the bay is another reason of tsunami depreciation inside
the bay. Based on the generated inundation and hazard maps, two flood zones are specified.
The first zone associated with no inundation or low inundation on cliffy shores, and the
second zone would experience extensive inundation on the coast of kenarak areas, areas
with sandy beaches and gentle slope.
embayment located in the northwestern part of the Persian
Gulf. This estuary is bordered by dense population and
industrial development that add significantly to the water’s
pollution load. The eastern part of the estuary opens into
the small estuaries which are not similar in terms of pollutant
load accumulation. The present study investigates
the relationships between pollutant load accumulation and
some physical and hydrodynamic characteristics of the
Musa estuary. Tidal regime, bottom topography, persistency
of currents and pollutant sources were analyzed
numerically in relation to pollutant load accumulation.
Residence time was calculated using the MIKE 3 model
and this concept was used as a metric of pollutant load
accumulation. It was found that the assimilative capacity of
Musa estuary is not the same during the month so that the
capacity to absorb pollution in spring tide is more than at
any other time. Based on the results, the present study
suggests that in all estuarine ecosystems, the persistency of
currents can be used as an indicator of areas which are
faced with pollutant load accumulation.
Based on the generated inundation and hazard maps, two flood zones are specified. The first zone associated with no inundation or low inundation on cliffy shores, and the second zone would experience extensive inundation on the coast of Kenarak areas, areas with sandy beaches and gentle slope. Based on this classification, most of the Chabahar city parts are located in low tsunami hazard zone and would damage in the case of strong earthquakes (above 8 Mw), while all parts of Kenarak city would be located in high tsunami hazard zone and would be damaged by tsunamis generated by weaker earthquakes