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      Indigenous StudiesApplied TheatreApplied Drama/TheatreTheatre and Eco-criticism
Interaction and participation in performance have a significant historical precedent – one which is often missed in contemporary analysis. Although current practices can be traced through a lineage dating back at least until the 1960s,... more
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      Theatre StudiesInteractive TheatreDramaTheatre
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      HappeningsRichard SchechnerEnvironmental TheaterEnvironmental Theatre
The co-authored (with Jess Allen), editorial from the special-themed issues, two volume edition of 'Performing Ethos' journal titled: 'Performing Ecos' (Vol. 4.2 and Vol. 5.1&5.2)
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      Performance StudiesApplied TheatreApplied Drama/TheatrePostcolonial Theatre
Verdant grass fills a shopping cart pushed down a residential street. A leashed box of cacti is taken out for a walk. Moss in a glass dome rests on a human head. These images, conceived by contemporary performance and installation artist... more
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      Performance StudiesContemporary ArtEcocriticismSite-Specific Art
Article on contemporary British theatre, environmentalism and climate change for the i newspaper. Online version here:
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      Climate ChangeContemporary British TheatreCaryl ChurchillEcocriticism
Il libro documenta e racconta la parte conclusiva della tournée internazionale di uno degli spettacoli più innovativi e festivi della ricerca teatrale italiana: l’Orlando Furioso di Lodovico Ariosto nella riduzione di Edoardo Sanguineti... more
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      Directing for the stageEdoardo SanguinetiOrlando furiosoDetournement
A piece features the slow and growing activist gestures of the trans-national collaborative project: The Trans-Plantable Living Room -- an outdoor, edible performance venue -- which served as a platform to examine local gardening as a... more
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      Community EcologyApplied Drama/TheatreSite-Specific ArtSite-Specific Art and Performance
Looking deep through the history of theatre, we will see, many Ritual performative events such as celebrations, religious rites, and annual festivals were held in the outdoor found environment - in the street, private houses, or taverns.... more
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      Space and PlaceSense of PlacePhenomenology of Space and PlaceCommunity theatre
Paper at the conference “RS and PS – Richard Schechner and Performance Studies”, University of Haifa, Israel, December 2010.
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      Performance StudiesInteractive TheatrePerformanceEnvironmental Theater