Looking deep through the history of theatre, we will see, many Ritual performative events such as celebrations, religious rites, and annual festivals were held in the outdoor found environment - in the street, private houses, or taverns....
moreLooking deep through the history of theatre, we will see, many Ritual performative events such as celebrations, religious rites, and annual festivals were held in the outdoor found environment - in the street, private houses, or taverns. What is now called environmental theatre was once part of a long tradition that had its roots in the European medieval theatre and numerous examples of non-western, eastern theatres such as Persian passion theatre. Study on this non-theatrical environment and its connection with ritual and death ceremony in Persian Passion theatre is the main direction in this research paper.
In This study, all the second hand existed data and information about the research keywords had been gathered and analysed In the main body of discussion to answer these questions:
What are the origins of Persian Passion Theatre (Taaziyeh)? Is it coming from a funeral ceremony? What are the origins of space for this kind of ritual ceremony? Do these events have anything to do with rituals? What is the role of the environment in Persian Passion Theatre? Are there any cultural and social relationships between the space and people who are watching Taaziyeh every year?
Taaziyeh for the Iranian audience is part of ritual mourning where its audience standing in a circle of exchanging dynamic energy with performance. The effects of the environment to build up the cultural and social relationship between performance and audience in this ritual performance, have been discussed in the main body of this paper.
The case study for this research is Taaziyeh. This ritual traditional environmental theatre which has been performed for more than 1000 years is a good example to emphasise the relationship of ritual, environment, and performance.
In Taaziyeh, spectators explore the environment of performance as a social space. This found environment is part of their social environment. It could be in the street, in the street corner, or front of a mosque. The space of performance in Taaziyeh is defined originally by the action of performers and spectators. This natural environment is the very place where the social and cultural relationship between audience and performance is shaped.
This paper concludes by this fact that environmental theatre, receives its essence from a ritual ceremony that has been happened more than 1000 years ago in natural spaces.
Key words: Environmental theatre, Ritual, Death, Persian Passion Theatre