Environmental Crisis + Anthropocentrism
Recent papers in Environmental Crisis + Anthropocentrism
This chapter explores terms that are central to this study: religion, spirituality, nature religion, green religion, and dark green religion. Although this sort of linguistic labor may seem most pertinent to those with backgrounds in... more
This paper applied an ecocritical perspective on street art to expand on the notion that street art can have an impact on how we relate to urban public space. In doing so, it argued that street art is particularly well positioned to... more
This is the Draft Table of Contents for my forthcoming book (Lexington--hopefully December 2016): Eco-Nihilism: The Philosophical Geopolitics of the Climate Change Apocalypse. I post it here to give my readers--for whom I'm tremendously... more
This chapter presents an ecocritical reading of street artworks by Spanish artist Isaac Cordal. The chapter is part of a larger project that focuses on environmental street art. The project will culminate with the publication of a... more
The authors of this edition propose a novel and inspiring research approach to the subject of plants, which – being a form of life that is different, yet akin to us – is a constant source of nourishment and metaphors, decoration and... more
This article accounts for an environmental standpoint to be part of the post-human approach by accessing the post-human as a post-humanism, a post-anthropocentrism and a post-dual-ism. The main goal of this paper is to call for a... more
Finalist, 2022 Ecocriticism Book Prize awarded by the Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment. How do literature and other cultural forms shape how we imagine the planet, for better or worse? This book argues that... more
The technology of need: technology of sustainability? Hyper competitiveness accelerates the pace of innovation and generates an impressive increase in the number of products that are introduced in the market daily (Harvey and Griffith... more
Anthropocentrism, which includes assumptions like 'man has the right to dominion over the earth', 'humans are superior to animals', reality is divided into a de-spiriting animate/inanimate binary, etc., can clearly be attributed to the... more
For nearly 150 years, the view of wild animals as ‘renewable natural resources’ and ‘property’ to be managed, controlled and used has dominated wildlife management and conservation in the US. The North American Wildlife Conservation Model... more
St. Ephrem the Syrian, Severian of Gabala and St. John of Damascus testify to the exegetical tradition according to which animals were not allowed to stay in the primordial Paradise. To explain this unusual statement, the article analyses... more
Nos sociétés ont validé le credo cartésien selon lequel l’homme doit se comporter comme le maître et possesseur de la nature. Nos conceptions dualistes et anthropocentriques sont au cœur de la crise écologique actuelle. Le droit de... more
Em diversas áreas do conhecimento se constata hoje uma exaustão de um modelo epistemológico pautado sobre uma cisão interno-externo no que tange ao dualismo Natureza/Cultura, ou physis e nomos. É possível empreender a tarefa de observação... more
The aim of this paper is to sketch the ethical background of the idea of sustainable development. The author explains the anthropocentric character of the discussed principle and clarifies moral rules necessary for its realization (e.g.... more
Review of CREATION AND THE CROSS: THE MERCY OF GOD FOR A PLANET IN PERIL, in which Sister Elizabeth A. Johnson invites human beings to understand themselves as members of the whole "community of creation," whose suffering is their (our)... more
This is the PDF-PowerPoint I used for the Webinar "On different interpretations of Theology And their consequences for nature and society", which was part of the series of webinars "From Discomfort to Hope in Pandemic Situations"... more
This brief power point presentation was supposed to be presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology in Albuquerque in March 2020. Unfortunately the conference was canceled. Nevertheless, I want to publish this good news here for... more
Two aspects of history have made Brazilians who we are today. First, for three quarters of our history since the Portuguese explorer Pedro Álvares Cabral landed at Porto Seguro in Bahia in 1500, Brazilian society comprised slaves and... more
The felicities of nature are bountiful but the basket of man is rather constricted, owing to the profiteering mindset of mankind. Essentially humans are inclined towards loving but when we tend to humanize nature there theeruption of... more
From time immemorial the affinity between man and nature was inextricable. Man and nature protected and nurtured each other to safeguard and nourish mankind. The ecological and the cultural dominance the Whites had over the third world... more
George R.R. Martin’s saga A Song of Ice and Fire immerses its readers into an exciting fantasy world taking place on the continents named Westeros and Essos, which are about to face a huge environmental catastrophe – winter and the ice... more
We herein explore the connections between the current condition of ecology concerning to sustainable development and the statement of Rutherford regarding the importance of physics to understand sustainability and biological conservation.... more
My paper aims to sketch the Paradox of Omni-responsibility, namely the ethical paradox that emerges from the so-called Anthropocene considered as our current epochal framework. The main outcome of this paradox is the overcoming of Hans... more
Antropocentryzm wydaje się być podstawowym pojęciem dotyczącym relacji człowiek-przyroda. Postawa antropocentryczna w dużej mierze ma być główną przyczyną kryzysu ekologicznego. Można wyróżnić co najmniej kilka etapów procesu, które... more
One of the main objectives of this article is to clarify how – taking into account that mapping (un)common worlds into one (un)common space is not an axiologically neutral process – one can avoid the pitfalls of thinking by adopting... more
Nos societes ont valide le credo cartesien selon lequel l’homme doit se comporter comme le maitre et possesseur de la nature. Nos conceptions dualistes et anthropocentriques sont au cœur de la crise ecologique actuelle. Le droit de... more
Over the last few decades, we have witnessed a significant change in human mentality and attitudes towards the natural environment and its protection. This change is accompanied by different axiological principles within which we can... more
This study focuses on the foundations of Slovak critical environmentalism laid by work of Juraj Kučírek, who is also the author of the first ever monograph focused on the philosophical reflection of the causes and possible consequences of... more
Lilongwe University of Agriculture & Natural Resources Lilongwe, Malawi, July 2019 Living on the verge of the 6th planetary extinction demands rethinking the position of humans vis-à-vis other-than-humans, as well as building... more
HADL, Gabriele, 2017, "Growing up with Animals (on screens),” in Tema Milstein et al. (eds), Environmental Communication Pedagogy and Practice, London: Routledge, p.263-268. Detailed description of an EcoMedia workshop. Can be used as... more