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Many information measures are suggested in the literature. Among these measures are the Shannon H(n, b) and the Awad A(n, b) entropy measures. In this work we suggest a new entropy measure, B(n, b, estimated b) , which is based on the... more
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      Maximum Likelihood EstimationApproximationsEntropy Measures
License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 ( A little collection of inequality measures and a Python script which implements some formulas from Amartya Sen's and James E. Foster's "On Economic... more
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      EconometricsWelfare EconomicsInequality (Economics)Amartya Sen
When applying progressive Type-II right censoring in life-testing experiments, the selection of an optimal censoring scheme is an important issue. In the literature there are several optimality criteria. This paper concentrates on... more
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      Optimality TheoryEntropy MeasuresProgressive type II censoring
This paper deals with the loss of information due to summarizing data. This loss is measured by entropy measures. It suggests the concept of alpha-sufficient partition of the sample space of the random model together with the concept of... more
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    • Entropy Measures
Segmentation of color images is important for various image analysis problems and is somewhat more involved than the segmentation of gray scale images. Preserving the original colors in different segments of the original image is one of... more
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      Color Image SegmentationNon Shannon EntropyEntropy Measures
This paper gives a review of the basic entropy measures, The centroid method is used to cluster 82 entropy measures according to their standardized values obtained from binomial distributions with m=5(5)30 and p=0.1(0.1)0.9. It is... more
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      ClusteringBinomial DistributionEntropy Measures
The paper drives the optimal two-stage progressive type-II censoring scheme based on a sample from exponential life-time test.
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      Entropy MeasuresProgressive type II censoring
Censored sampling arises in life-testing experiments whenever the experimenter does not observe the failure times of all units placed on a life-test. There are several censoring schemes that have been discussed in literature. In this... more
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      Optimality TheoryEntropy MeasuresProgressive type II censoring
The relationship between cryptographic measures and chaotic dynamical complexity measures is studied in this paper, including linear complexity and measure entropy, nonlinear complexity and source entropy. Moreover, a method is presented... more
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      Chaos-based cryptographyEntropy Measures
License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 ( „Common sense“ is a dangerous beast. But sometimes it is right. Common sense gives us the feeling, that the inequal distribution of ressources is fair, as... more
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      EconometricsWelfare EconomicsAmartya SenIncome Distribution
License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 ( Computes inequality indices from quantile data. The data can be added in the URL or in a form. English example for data in the URL:... more
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      Welfare EconomicsApplied EconometricsSpatial econometricsInequality (Economics)