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      International RelationsMulticulturalismInternational LawHuman Rights
"This book took around a decade to write. Three of us, coming from different locations and contexts, coming from different histories, experiences and lived lives, coming from different intellectual traditions, shared some initial... more
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      Labor EconomicsGlobalizationMarxismRural Development
The capability approach is one of the most recent paradigms that responds quite a number of questions which has not been satisfactorily dealt with in various fields of social sciences such as development economics, poverty, social choice... more
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      Social JusticeCapability ApproachAmartya SenGender inequality
Çağdaş siyaset teorisinde John Rawls'ın idealize ettiği adalet fikrinin yarattığı eleştirel ortam çok geniş ve takibi zor bir literatürün önünü açmıştır. Adalet kavramını merkezine alan çalışmaların işgal ettiği alan ve bu tartışmalardaki... more
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      Political TheorySocial JusticeRecognitionCapability Approach
Il paper inquadra il pensiero di Amartya Sen all'interno della millenaria evoluzione del concetto di povertà dalle economie palatine al liberalismo ottocentesco. L'idea dell'economista indiano ne emerge dotata di straordinaria capacità di... more
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      History of Economic ThoughtPovertyAmartya Sen
Meneer de Rector Magnificus, beste collega's en studenten, familie en vrienden, Mensen hebben, overal ter wereld en door de geschiedenis heen, risico's genomen en offers gebracht om sociale onrechtvaardigheden aan te kaak te stellen en te... more
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      Amartya SenFilosofieRechtvaardigheidEthiek
RESUMO: O trabalho tem como temática a promoção do desenvolvimento humano em face do Direito em sua matriz transnacional/global. A problemática central do presente artigo é: A utilização de indicadores transnacionais/globais no processo... more
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      Amartya SenTransnational lawDireito transnacional
For the advocates of basic income as instrument to guarantee real freedom, the capabilities approach constitutes an important challenge. It seems that a universal and in-cache policy, such as basic income, would not play any role in a... more
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      Political PhilosophyWelfare StateBasic IncomeCapability Approach
A number of thinkers have pointed to radical hope as both an appropriate affective state to motivate action in a time of radical change and perhaps the only appropriate reaction to the uncertainties expected in the Anthropocene. As... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationAmartya SenClimate change ethics
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsIndian studiesChina
El presente trabajo constituye una aproximacion a las teorias acerca del desarrollo economico y el subdesarrollo. Hemos, no obstante, analizado algunas de las principales teorias acerca del Desarrollo, haciendo especial hincapie en el... more
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      PhilosophyAmartya SenDesarrollo LocalEconomia
There is no need to belabor that most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic are the poor. Despite the overused statement "the virus is our real enemy", it cannot be denied that the pandemic is, in many ways, a political and economic issue.... more
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      Development StudiesPolitical TheoryPovertySocial Justice
This survey article (in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) offers an introduction to the field of social choice theory. It covers: (i) the history of social choice theory; (ii) three formal arguments for majority rule (procedural,... more
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      Mathematical EconomicsMicroeconomicsWelfare EconomicsDecision Making
Il Decimo Rapporto annuale di "Sos Impresa", pubblicato il 22 ottobre 2007 in occasione dell'assemblea nazionale dell'associazione antiracket dall'eloquente sottotitolo "le mani della criminalità sulle imprese", pone per l'ennesima volta... more
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      EconomicsSociology of Crime and DevianceGovernanceLaw and Economics
Ancient history is a very vibrant academic topic whose recent evolution we may tentatively resume as follows: in the aftermath ofWWII, economie and social issues were at the centre of the agenda throughout aIl historical studies. The type... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
Amartya Sen's capability approach is, on the one hand, in line with universalism such as exhibited in Martha Nussbaum's capabilities approach and Len Doyal and Ian Gough's human need theory. On the other hand, his approach puts priority... more
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      Capability ApproachSocial Constructionism/ ConstructivismAmartya Sen
196 G. Haber, Nierówności społeczne jako problem globalny w XXI wieku, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem państw peryferyjnych w światowym systemie społeczno-ekonomicznym, w: M.W. Solarz (red.), Polska geografia polityczna wobec problemów i... more
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      GlobalizationGeopoliticsAmartya SenGlobal Ethics
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      Human DevelopmentCapability ApproachAmartya SenAndean studies
No livro A ideia de justiça, Amartya Sen reflete sobre os desafios decorrentes do fato de existirem "razões de justiça plurais e concorrentes, todas com pretensão de imparcialidade, ainda que diferentes -e rivais -umas das outras" (p.... more
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    • Amartya Sen
"Etyka" nr 34/2001
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      Welfare EconomicsSocial JusticeAmartya SenInequality
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      TheologyPovertyContemporary SpiritualityHistory of Political Economic Thought
El libro Primero la gente. Una mirada desde la ética del desarrollo a los principales problemas del mundo globalizado (2007), compila un variado conjunto de artículos de dos de los más influyentes intelectuales de la visión ética del... more
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      Development EconomicsAmartya SenEconomíaDesarrollo Económico
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    • Amartya Sen
In this paper, I wanted to analyze Martha C. Nussbaum's capabilities approach by first of all contextualizing her project via her own philosophical framework. Next to that, I have added some of my own philosophical, feminist philosophical... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryFeminist Philosophy
L'economista d'alto livello deve avere una rara combinazio ne di doti. Deve attingere un livello elevato in più direzioni diver se, combinare capacità che non si trovano spesso assieme. Deve essere, in certo modo, matematico, storico,... more
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    • Amartya Sen
Desde la aparición de las sociedades humanas hace, aproximadamente, diez mil años en Mesopotamia, la actividad comercial se desarrolló casi paralelamente al del crecimiento de la cultura. Las rutas comerciales permitieron que los Estados... more
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      Political PhilosophyQuality of lifeAmartya SenMartha Nussbaum
Neste artigo, pretendo demonstrar que, de fato, Mill está alinhado com Adam Smith ao descrever a ideia do “mercado de ideias” e que a descrição de um mecanismo de uma “mão invisível” regulamentando as ideias mais ou menos adequadas... more
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      Amartya SenJohn Stuart MillLiberalismoLiberdade De Expressão
Mengapa pemikiran Amartya Sen -peraih Nobel Ekonomi 1998 -khususnya gagasannya mengenai keadilan menjadi menarik untuk didiskusikan? Ide mendiskusikannya muncul setelah terbitnya buku Amartya Sen paling mutakhir, yakni The Idea of Justice... more
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      Political PhilosophySocial JusticeAmartya Sen
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      DireitoAmartya SenÉticaJustiça
Why should we think beyond Sen and move beyond capitalism? Published on Public Seminar hosted by The New School for Social Research.
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      Political EconomyAmartya Sen
In unserem Beitrag möchten wir uns mit einigen Problemen auseinandersetzen, welche mit dem Thema der kulturellen Identität der Individuen verbunden sind. Eine Interpretation der kulturellen Identität, welche die Identität als etwas... more
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      Social IdentityIdentity (Culture)National IdentityCitizenship and Identity
The task of studying the impact of social class on physical and mental health involves, among other things, the use of a conceptual toolbox that defines what social class is, establishes how to measure it, and sets criteria that help... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesMedical Sociology
Resumen: La racionalidad económica se ha desarrollado tradicionalmente sobre los presupuestos antropológicos de un ser humano egoísta y maximizador de utilidades cuya única pretensión para establecer relaciones con los demás agentes es... more
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      Amartya SenÉtica EmpresarialTeoria de JuegosResponsabilidad Social
Drawing on Paul Streeten’s ‘Basic Needs’ and Amartya Sen’s ‘Development as Freedom’, as a critical assessment of the leading theoretical conceptualisations of development, this essay makes an attempt to compare ‘meanings’ of development.... more
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      Social ChangeDevelopment StudiesSocial SciencesInternational Development
En el centro del debate sobre liderazgo ético y transparencia se encuentra un asunto medular, la riqueza de las naciones no se basa más en sus materias primas, capacidad de producción instalada, espíritu y visión empresarial, sino el... more
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      LeadershipCoaching (Education)Amartya SenTransparency
The Capability approach (also known as the capabilities approach) is a theoretical and normative framework concerned with well-being, the just design of institutional & social arrangements, poverty and human development.
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      Political EconomyPolitical TheoryCapability ApproachAmartya Sen
Coming from the notions of AmartyaSen and Robert Chambers, on poverty as "capability deprivation" and "absence of well-being", this study seeks to portray a "political face" of the poor's condition. Beyond the usual depiction of the poor... more
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      Social ChangeLatin American StudiesDevelopment EconomicsPolitical Economy
Reseña del libro "Identidad y violencia" de Amartya Sen, Buenos Aires: Katz, 2007, 270 pp
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      Amartya SenIdentidadIdentidadeIdentidades
Corso di Laurea in Lingue e comunicazione interculturale in area euro-mediterranea TESI DI LAUREA MAGISTRALE in ETICA INTERCULTURALE L'identità europea. Chi siamo, da dove veniamo, dove ci dirigiamo? Relatrice Prof.ssa Bonito Oliva... more
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      European StudiesPolitical ScienceIdentity (Culture)Enlightenment
Amartya Sen, Identità e violenza tr. it., Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2006 Grazie al nuovo saggio di Sen assistiamo ad una magistrale lezione compositiva, in cui i vari livelli semantici del testo sono ricondotti al problema di cui il libro pone... more
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      HistorySociologyInternational RelationsMulticulturalism
In questo saggio confronterò alcuni aspetti della teoria della giustizia come equità di John Rawls con la teoria delle capacità di Amartya K. Sen. In particolare, tenterò di presentare un'analisi del concetto di "bene principale"... more
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      Capability ApproachAmartya SenJohn Rawls's theory of justiceTheory of Justice
Conceptul de „dreptate socială” este, fără îndoială, unul dintre conceptele cheie ale filosofiei politice. În orice caz, el este unul dintre cele mai utilizate concepte de către filosofii politici recenţi. Bănuiala mea este că... more
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      Social JusticeEgalitarianismJohn RawlsG. A. Cohen
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      Economic HistoryDevelopment EconomicsHistory of Economic ThoughtHuman Development
Mead referred to behaviorism as the science that describes human activity in terms of conduct, highlighting its importance for understanding human psychological processes. However, Mead also specified that the observation of behavior is... more
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      PsychologyEconomicsPhilosophy Of EconomicsGeorge Herbert Mead
The book addresses the crucial question of identity, its relation to violence and how to move ahead to a more humane and peaceful world. It is a collection of a series of lectures delivered by Amartya Sen at various universities around... more
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      Political Violence and TerrorismIdentity politicsAmartya Sen
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      Amartya SenPoverty and InequalityThe Philosophy of Amartya Sen
The subtitle of the book Bengal Famine is phrased in the following words: ‘As revealed in a Survey of the Destitutes in Calcutta’. It is true that the book is the result of a survey undertaken by a team of anthropologists during 1943-44... more
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      HistorySociologySocial DemographyDemography
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      Identity politicsAmartya SenSamuel P Huntington - Clash of Civilizations theory
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      Development EconomicsAmartya SenEntitlement ApproachHeriot-Watt University Research Park