Papers by Dr. Kamlesh Lakhwani

Abstract: Content Based Image Retrieval system was developed long back, a technique using visual ... more Abstract: Content Based Image Retrieval system was developed long back, a technique using visual content according to the interests of the users', to search images from large scale image databases. Since then various methods and techniques are being applied for generating better results. Growing interest and inspiration from biological immune system i.e. the concept of Artificial Immune System (AIS) immersed, on the other hand, is a new computational paradigm for pattern Recognition. In this paper, a new CBIR system is being implemented using the Negative Selection Algorithm (NSA) of AIS. MATrix LABoratory functionalities is being used to develop a novel CBIR system. It has reduced complexity and an efficiency of retrieval is increasing in percentage depending upon the image type. This is the first ever system to use NSA during image comparison. This new method has been paved in my mind so as it can be helpful in various applications like medical image databases, art collection...

The rapid development of location based services i.e. Navigation has enabled tracking of user mor... more The rapid development of location based services i.e. Navigation has enabled tracking of user more accurately than ever before and the tracking has increased. These technologies provide the services based on the geographical location of the current user. However, the personal location information generated by such technologies is at risk of being misused unless protection capabilities are built into the design of such technology. These concerns may ultimately prevent society from achieving the benefits from these technologies available to customer. The assumption of the increasing location-based industry is that corporations will own and control location and other information about individual customer. Tracking technology is continuously expanding and providing the services based on the social needs. In this paper, we have designed and implemented an approach oach for protecting privacy in the use of location-based based services that anonymized the Data Set of the trajectories with...

Data structures play an important role to reduce the cost of memory access. First array was intro... more Data structures play an important role to reduce the cost of memory access. First array was introduced which gives fast cache-access, access, as elements are stored in consecutive places. But it has disadvantage also, like, wastage of memory, don’t allow insertion at run-time, time, and most important takes large number of shifting operations to insert or delete an item at any other position excluding last position. After that Linked-List was introduced d to overcome disadvantages of array. It has advantages of quick insertions and incremental growth. At run-time time new data can be inserted and avoid wastage of memory. But it also has some disadvantages, like requirement of extra memory space to store references. nces. For N elements N references are assigned, one for each element. Special type of Linked-List List is introduced which combines the cache advantages of an array but the quick insertions and incremental growth of a linked list. This is Unrolled Linked-List. Actually da...

In a little more than a decade since the inception of the Java language, the Java ecosystem has e... more In a little more than a decade since the inception of the Java language, the Java ecosystem has evolved into one that businesses around the world look to for secure, ro robust, and manageable web-based based applications that serve the enterprise. Java was created to be exploited in highly distributed environments. The portability of the language meant that security had to be incorporated in the very first steps of Java application on development. This way, application users could be assured that the code they obtained was secure and had not been tampered with during transmission. This paper explains how to achieve that security. This paper explores the integrated Java platform security ity that results from the synergy of these two world world-class class environments. Java security as implemented by the JVM operates above the operating system security services, meaning that Java Security is actually implemented in the JVM run-time environment. The privileges to be given at the hos...

2020 5th IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE), 2020
When a human body unable to respond to the insulin properly and/or unable to produce the required... more When a human body unable to respond to the insulin properly and/or unable to produce the required amount of insulin to regulate glucose, it means that the human body is suffering from Diabetes. Diabetes increases the risk of developing another disease like heart disease, kidney disease, and damage to blood vessels, nerve damage, and blindness. The diagnosis of diabetes using proper analysis of diabetes data is a significant problem. In this paper, an automatic diagnosis system is introduced and analyzed. For this purpose, a Three-Layered Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Pima Indians Diabetes dataset are used. In this ANN based prediction model, a logistic-activation-function for activation of neurons, and the Quasi Newton method is used as the algorithm for the training. As a result cumulative gain plot and as a measure of the quality of this model the maximum gain score is used.
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2018
Encryption of data is done by every organization to provide security. It also provides confidenti... more Encryption of data is done by every organization to provide security. It also provides confidentiality, integrity and authenticity to the data. Encryption along with data hiding techniques can provide maximum security to the data. The paper aims to put forward different algorithms for data hiding and data encryption, which in combination can ensure maximum security to data. This paper discuss several algorithm on data hiding and encryption having minimum data loss during its transmission over internet. Main focus of the paper is reversible data hiding in an image that is encrypted.

2020 5th IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE), 2020
Numerous coronaviruses are capable of transmitting interspecies. In recent years, transmission of... more Numerous coronaviruses are capable of transmitting interspecies. In recent years, transmission of coronavirus created a panic situation in the whole world. Therefore it is very important to infer the potential host of coro- navirus. In this research work nineteen parameters computed from the spike genes of coronavirus has been analysed to infer the potential host of coron- avirus. An enhanced multilayer neural network approach is proposed to analyse the data. The proposed model is compared with the other exiting statistical predictors like decision tree predictor, Support vector machine predictor and PNN predictor. All the model shown the higher accuracy such as 82.051 % by SVM predictor, 85.256% by PNN predictor,94.872% by decision tree predictor, and the highest accuracy 95.% is shown by proposed Multilayer Perceptron Predictor.

2018 International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON), 2018
Dependency on images in different types of communication media is increasing. For effective and s... more Dependency on images in different types of communication media is increasing. For effective and simple communication images are preferred rather than text. Imagining makes things more comprehensible and easy. During data (image) transfer over internet for communication, sometimes images gets blurred and unidentifiable. This happens because of involvement of some additional unwanted component within the original image pixels; called noise. It is necessary to filter or remove noise from images for better visualization and improved readability. In this research paper, Discrete Wavelet Transform and Thresholding technique is used to remove Gaussian noise from digital images. This technique is designed to enhance the quality of digital images. Quality of filtered image is measured by calculating Mean Square Error, Peak Signal Noise Ratio and Universal Image Quality Index Parameters. After applying this technique on noisy images, result is compared with other three filters Average filter,...
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2012
In this research work three spatial domain filters Average filter, Median filter and Winner filte... more In this research work three spatial domain filters Average filter, Median filter and Winner filter are studied and a new filter of transform domain named as KVL filter is designed after the name initials of its founder ―Kamlesh Vasudev Lakhwani‖. KVL filter works on the basis of DWT transform compression property and pass filtering concepts. This research works gives a comparative study between all these filters.
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2013
The paper focuses on the development of the optimization of real time object system which uses a ... more The paper focuses on the development of the optimization of real time object system which uses a static camera to capture the video frames and track an object. The work proceeds as: Matching of the histograms created for the frame, Absolute frame subtraction to bu ild an optimized automated object tracking system. As the location of the object is detected, it is tracked by using discrete Kalman Filter Technique. Identifying the object entering the viewing range of the camera, this is done by histogram matching algorithm. To recognize the object OTSU segmentation is used. Since the frame occurrence rate is increased it can be used in automatic licensed number plate system recognition.
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2013
Edge detection is one of the most important techniques in image processing. In spite of 20 years ... more Edge detection is one of the most important techniques in image processing. In spite of 20 years of research, the need for general edge detector is still felt. The key uncertainty in the edge detection algorithm is Threshold decision. To deal with uncertainty of information, soft computing approach is a good mathematical framework. In this work, we used fuzzy logic for Automatic Thresholding and generated threshold is used with different methods for edge detection. The results obtained from the proposed method are found to be comparable to those from many well known edge detector. However, the values of the input parameters providing the appreciable results in the proposed detector.

The rapid development of location based services i. e. Navigation has enabled tracking of user mo... more The rapid development of location based services i. e. Navigation has enabled tracking of user more ever before and the tracking has increased. These t echnologies provide the services based on the geogr aphical location of the current user. However, the personal location information generated by such technologie s is at risk of d unless protection capabilities are built into the design of such technology. These concerns may ultimately prevent society from achieving the benef its from these technologies available to customer. The -based industry is that corporations will own and control location and other information about individual customer. Tracking tec hnology is continuously expanding and providing the services based on the social needs. In this paper, we have d esigned and implemented an appr oach for protecting privacy in based services that anonymized the Data Set of the trajectories with k anonymization. After k anonymization, each possible location sample of eac h trajecto...

The opinions of people and others are one of the main influencers of human behaviour and activiti... more The opinions of people and others are one of the main influencers of human behaviour and activities. Therefore, individuals and organizations often consult with others to understand their opinions or attitudes towards a certain topic, before making decisions. Also, for telecommunication enterprises to survive, they need to be attentive to their customers’ opinions. Sentiment analysis is a technique that is often used by organizations to categorize and understand the underlying attitude of a person towards an entity, product, topic, etc. Though it has been traditionally performed using text-based sources, it has been suggested that other modalities should be explored. One such alternative to text-based sources is video recordings of people using or reviewing content. Videos can contain multiple modals including text, voice, and facial expressions, which can be used to detect a person’s attitude towards a topic. An approach to performing sentiment analysis using affective computing fo...

Agriculture contributes majorly in the Indian economy being the most important aspect of it. Ofte... more Agriculture contributes majorly in the Indian economy being the most important aspect of it. Often the plants suffer from many diseases which may be dependent on climatic conditions and pests which further degrades the quality of the crop. Early and accurate detection of disease in plants is very crucial step in depicting the overall yield of the crop, as this can increase the yield and productivity of the crop by a great margin. In the current climatic conditions, to obtain the superior quality crop is getting difficult day by day as the plants suffer from different diseases. To solve the problem of early and accurate detection image processing has come up with various techniques to find best and suitable ways. This paper presents a review to examine the power of these techniques in detection for plant diseases and add in the agriculture advancement. This survey enfolds larger scope of deep learning in the future research while detecting plant diseases along with improvised perform...

Three-dimensional image construction and reconstruction play an important role in various applica... more Three-dimensional image construction and reconstruction play an important role in various applications of the real world in the field of computer vision. In the last three decades, researchers are continually working in this area because construction and reconstruction is an important approach in medical imaging. Reconstruction of the 3D image allows us to find the lesion information of the patients which could offer a new and accurate approach for the diagnosis of the disease and it adds a clinical value. Considering this, we proposed novel approaches for the construction and reconstruction of the image. First, the novel construction algorithm is used to extract the features from an image using syntactic pattern recognition. The proposed algorithm is able to extract in-depth features in all possible directions and planes and also able to represent the 3D image into a textual form. These features vector is nothing but a string that consists of direction and length information in syn...
Segmentation of color images is important for various image analysis problems and is somewhat mor... more Segmentation of color images is important for various image analysis problems and is somewhat more involved than the segmentation of gray scale images. Preserving the original colors in different segments of the original image is one of the main problems in color image segmentation. Here in this paper, presents an approach for color image segmentation, which almost preserves the colors in different segments of input color image. In this projected approach, threshold selection in each of the three component (RGB) images is done on the basis of different entropy measures such as the Shannon, Renyi, Havrda-Charvat, Kapur and Vajda entropy measures. Simulation results for all above mentioned entropy measures are also presented and it is observed that Havrda Charvat and Shannon entropy measures are better than other measures for color image segmentation problems.

Content Based Image Retrieval system was developed back in 1994 by Forrest et al., a technique us... more Content Based Image Retrieval system was developed back in 1994 by Forrest et al., a technique using visual content according to the interests of the users', to search images from large scale image databases. Since then various methods and techniques are being applied for generating better results. Growing interest and inspiration from biological immune system i.e. the concept of Artificial Immune System (AIS) immersed, on the other hand, is a new computational paradigm for pattern Recognition. In this paper, a new CBIR system is being implemented using the Negative Selection Algorithm (NSA) of AIS. MATrix LABoratory functionalities is being used to develop a novel CBIR system. It has reduced complexity and an efficiency of retrieval is increasing in percentage depending upon the image type. This is the first ever system to use NSA during image comparison. This new method has been paved in my mind so as it can be helpful in various applications like medical image databases, art ...
Visibility restoration of smoggy images plays a significant role in various computer vision appli... more Visibility restoration of smoggy images plays a significant role in various computer vision applications. However, designing an efficient desmogging technique is still a challenging issue. The majority of existing researchers have designed restoration model for rainy, dusty, foggy, hazy, etc., images only. Therefore, these approaches perform poorly for smoggy images. In this paper, a novel illumination channel prior is proposed to restore smoggy images in a significant way. A gradient magnitude-based filter is also utilized to refine the transmission map. The proposed desmogging approach is compared with the existing visibility restoration approaches over ten real-time smoggy images. The subjective and quantitative analysis reveals that the proposed desmogging approach outperforms others.
Papers by Dr. Kamlesh Lakhwani