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The conception and implementation of microgrids are contributing to the transition from centralized generation, to mitigate carbon emissions and to rely on overall society to meet global energy needs. The aim of this paper is to provide... more
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      Renewable EnergyInfrastructure PlanningSustainable Water Resources ManagementEnergy Storage (in Engineering)
A study into the large scale deployment of Airborne Wind Energy Systems in rural Mongolia in conjunction with the deployment of microgrids.
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      Renewable EnergyWind EnergySustainable DevelopmentEnergy and Environment
Acea Distribuzione è una delle utility più importanti a livello nazionale nella distribuzione di elettricità (seconda per numero di utenze connesse); gestisce il servizio di distribuzione dell'energia elettrica ad alta, media e bassa... more
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      Power SystemDistributed GenerationSmart GridElectric Power Systems
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      ProductionPower Plant EngineeringElectrical Power Distribution and Renewable Energy
The accelerated growth of the energy economy is still highly dependent on finite fossil fuel reserves. Modern power systems could not exist without the many forms of electricity storage that can be integrated at different levels of the... more
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    • Electrical Power Distribution and Renewable Energy
Importance of Electrical Energy— Generation of Electrical Energy— Sources of Energy—Comparison of Energy Sources—Units of Energy— Relationship among Energy Units— Efficiency—Calorific value of Fuels— Advantages of Liquid Fuels Over Solid... more
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      Electrical Power Distribution and Renewable EnergyElectrical Power Distribution
Electrical energy is the most convenient form of energy since it can be converted to almost all other forms of energy in the cheapest and most efficient way. Electrical power must be delivered to consumers in a safe, efficient, economical... more
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      Electrical Power Distribution and Renewable EnergyElectrical Machines, Electrical Drives, Power Electronicselectrical Power Systems
Electricity is a vital input for social and economic development. As a result of this fact, the demand for stable electrical energy has increased remarkably, especially in emergent countries of the world. One of the key components in a... more
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      Optimization techniquesSmart GridElectrical Power Distribution and Renewable EnergyRenewable and Sustainable Energy Systems
Centralized communication-based control is one of the main methods that can be implemented to achieve autonomous advanced energy management capabilities in DC microgrids. However, its major limitation is the fact that communication... more
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      Renewable EnergyMarine Renewable EnergyRenewable Energy PoliciesIntegrated Renewable Energy System
Electric power is the bedrock of our modern way of life. In Nigeria, power supply availability, sufficiency and reliability are major operational challenges. At the generation and transmission level, effort is made to ensure status... more
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      Power SystemFault DetectionPower System ProtectionPower System Protection Engineering
In this study, the authors carried out a detailed analysis of the technologies required for successful implementation of a sustainable renewable energy household power supply in Papua New Guinea or PNG (PNG is a Pacific Island nation,... more
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      Renewable EnergyClimate Change Adaptation And Mitigation StrategiesPapua New GuineaEnvironmental Security
Today energy needs are increasing multifold with the progress rate observed and the sources of energy as most being non-renewable are depleting fast and the renewable sources are yet in the making for better efficiency and cost economics.... more
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      Electrical Power Distribution and Renewable EnergyAlternate Energy
Un problema en el Ecuador años atrás era la dependencia de energías fósiles no renovables como el petróleo, recurso que es agotable y su costo varía según la Organización de Países Exportadores de Petróleo (OPEP). Con el cambio de la... more
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      Antennas & Radio Wave PropagationEcuadorElectrical Power Distribution and Renewable EnergyGeneración de energía electrica
El análisis del consumo de energía eléctrica residencial y su relación con otras variables socioeconómicas es un elemento clave en el estudio de la industria eléctrica. Los resultados de la investigación muestran que los hogares que... more
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      EnergyDominican RepublicElectrical Power Distribution and Renewable EnergyENERGIA
The importance of distribution transformer noload loss on the operation of modern electrical grids is often underestimated. Internationally, distribution transformer no load loss constitutes nearly 25% of the transmission and... more
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      Finite Element MethodsFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)Finite Elements methodsFinite element method
Este trabalho descreve a metodologia definida pela ANEEL, o orgão regulador do sistema elétrico brasileiro, para o cálculo dos custos marginais de fornecimento de potência e das tarifas de uso dos sistemas de distribuição. São também... more
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      Electrical EngineeringEconomicsEnergy EconomicsMicroeconomics
This paper provides a review of the research conducted on complex network analysis (CNA) in electric power systems. Moreover, a new approach is presented to find optimal locations for microgrids (MGs) in electric distribution systems... more
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      Electrical EngineeringComplex Systems ScienceGraphs TheoryGraph Theory
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      Climate Change Adaptation And Mitigation StrategiesElectrical Power Distribution and Renewable Energy
Las fuentes no convencionales de energía renovable (FNCER) son fuentes de energía consideradas como una alternativa limpia para el suministro de electricidad frente a generación eléctrica a base de combustible fósiles. Además, son un... more
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      Electrical EngineeringRenewable EnergyColombiaRenewable energy resources
This study aims to examine the potential substitute natural gas (SNG) production by integrating black liquor gasification (BLG) island with a small wheat straw-based non-wood pulp mills (NPM), which do not employ the black liquor recovery... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceEnergy Economics
This document, updated annually, tracks global CO2 emissions from fossil fuels. The current dataset covers the years 1751 through 2015. The specific anthropogenic activities captured include carbon emissions from gas, liquid and solid... more
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      Climate ChangeRenewable EnergyMarine Renewable EnergyClimate Change Adaptation
Nowadays renewable energy is important and environmentally friendly, as it does not pollute and costs little. Solar energy is one of the main photovoltaic system types of energy. For those with no access to the main network due to... more
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      Control Systems EngineeringPower ElectronicsHybrid SystemsFPGA
iii AGRADECIMENTOS Primeiro gostaria de agradecer a DEUS por estar onde estou, aos meus pais pela dedicação e apoio que me motivaram a seguir sempre em frente, a minha esposa Cida pela paciência e compreensão, a todos os professores do... more
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      Computer ScienceEvolutionary ComputationFacility LocationElectrical Power Distribution and Renewable Energy
This study looks into the resource assessment, technology economics and modeling of different energy alternatives and proposes a rechargeable battery storage-based large-scale wind/photovoltaic hybrid power system to meet an average... more
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      Environmental SciencePower ElectronicsVehicle-to-GridScientific publishing
The European energy policy has a significant influence on the way in which environmental and energy policies are framed and implemented, not only in member states but globally. One of the important challenges of the European energy policy... more
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      European StudiesEnvironmental ScienceEnergy EconomicsEuropean Law
The main dimension of the electricity quality is the supply continuity. It is evaluated by indices SAIDI (System Average Interruption Duration Index) and SAIFI (System Average Interruption Frequency Index). This paper presents a new... more
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      Electrical EngineeringEnergy EconomicsQuality ManagementData Analysis (Engineering)
La mayoría de las empresas se ven obligadas a mantener una dualidad de fuentes de suministro eléctrico, dualidad compuesta por la energía proveniente de las distribuidoras y por la de las plantas de autogeneración que funcionan en sus... more
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      EnergyDominican RepublicElectrical Power Distribution and Renewable EnergyRepublica Dominicana
Fuel cells generate electricity and heat during electrochemical reaction which happens between the oxygen and hydrogen to form the water. Fuel cell technology is a promising way to provide energy for rural areas where there is no access... more
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      Agricultural EngineeringEnergy EconomicsTechnologyRenewable Energy
Remarkable penetration of renewable energy in electric networks, despite its valuable opportunities, such as power loss reduction and loadability improvements, has raised concerns for system operators. Such huge penetration can lead to a... more
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      EngineeringComputer SciencePhysicsPhotovoltaics
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringComplex Systems ScienceGraphs Theory
The article employs qualitative methods in contextualizing and conceptualizing the hybrid renewable energy support policy. It claims that hybrid policies may combine distinct mechanisms to drive desirable objectives better than... more
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      EconomicsEnvironmental EconomicsEnvironmental LawEnvironmental Studies
This paper investigates the adaptive chaos control and synchronization of Liu's four-wing chaotic system with cubic nonlinearity (Liu, 2009) and unknown parameters. First, we design adaptive control laws to stabilize the Liu's four-wing... more
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      Computer ScienceRobotics (Computer Science)Computer Science EducationSpecies Distribution Models
Optimization is very important in all the fields of the economy . It is also very critical in manufacturing for using the resources effectively . There are many factors that must be taken into consideration by the producer , and the only... more
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      Operations ResearchRenewable EnergyWind EnergyEnergy
In recent years several studies regarding optimal operation of distribution networks in presence of Distributed Generation (DG) were proposed. This paper describes an algorithm developed by RSE (DISCoVER) to increase the hosting capacity... more
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      Power SystemDistributed GenerationSmart GridElectric Power Systems
The article employs qualitative methods in contextualizing and conceptualizing the hybrid renewable energy support policy. It claims that hybrid policies may combine distinct mechanisms to drive desirable objectives better than... more
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      Environmental EconomicsEnvironmental LawInternational LawRenewable Energy
Recent trends in the management of water supply have increased the need for modelling techniques that can provide reliable, efficient, and accurate representation of the complex, non-linear dynamics of water quality within water... more
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    • Electrical Power Distribution and Renewable Energy
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      Computer ScienceGreen EnergyGreen Architecture and Environmental DesignElectrical Power Distribution and Renewable Energy
This paper deals with the optimal operation method for the mal-function of protective devices at primary feeder in distribution systems when new energy sources like photovoltaic (PV) systems are interconnected, based on the symmetrical... more
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      Electrical Power Distribution and Renewable EnergyElectrical Protection
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      Environmental EngineeringAerospace EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceAviation
This paper wishes to discuss about the possibilities of implementing PV based micro-generation in Bangladesh. Power crisis is a major problem for the countries like Bangladesh to develop her industrial, economic and social condition, as... more
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    • Electrical Power Distribution and Renewable Energy
Scope International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IJEEE) is a Quarterly peer-reviewed and refereed open access journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of the Electrical and... more
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      Power ElectronicsFuzzy LogicFuzzy Logic ControlElectric Energy Storage
Rajasthan and Karnataka for wind power and Gujarat, Jharkhand and peninsular in India for Biomass power. The process of data collection over Renewable energy production in India, to assess the data collected and to interpret and compare... more
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    • Electrical Power Distribution and Renewable Energy
This paper analyses wind speed and electricity demand correlation to determine the ability of wind turbine generators to meet electricity demand in the Australian National Electricity Market (NEM) without the aid of energy storage. With... more
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      Climate ChangeRenewable EnergyWind EnergyClimate Change Adaptation
In order to develop a valued decision-support system for climate alteration policy and planning, recognizing the regionally-specific features of the climate change, energy-water nexus, and the history of the current and possible future... more
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      Climate ChangeHydrologyClimate Change AdaptationAdaptation to Climate Change
The paper dwells on the issues of energy and power on the continent of Africa, it examines the critical process of how the continent can be connected with electricity, provide financial banking from financiers for the improvement of... more
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    • Electrical Power Distribution and Renewable Energy
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      Power SystemDistributed GenerationSmart GridElectric Power Systems
— Remarkable penetration of renewable energy in electric networks, despite its valuable opportunities, such as power loss reduction and loadability improvements, has raised concerns for system operators. Such huge penetration can lead to... more
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      PhotovoltaicsDistributed GenerationElectrical Power Distribution and Renewable EnergyElectrical Power Distribution
The most common solution for remote monitoring and control of the protection relays used in modern electrical energy distribution systems is based on GSM/GPRS communication. In practice, however, the emergency situations in energy... more
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      Condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of electric machineryElectrical Power Distribution and Renewable EnergyRouting Protocols in WSNWireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)