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The purpose of this paper is to assess the effectiveness of anti-money laundering (AML) reporting system in India in terms of Suspicious Transaction Reports (STRs) and its impact on countering money laundering through the conviction and... more
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    • Economic Crime, Money Laundering, Corruption
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      TerrorismOrganized CrimeFinancial Risk ManagementMoney Laundering
Illicit financial flow by means of money laundering in the Nigerian context can be linked to illegal oil bunkering, government corruption, the illegal arms trade, drug trafficking and corporate corruption. All these in turn have a... more
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      Economic Crime, Money Laundering, CorruptionIllicit trade
L’analyse économique de la corruption dans le cadre des marchés publics est assez peu développée. Le phénomène de la corruption est le plus souvent envisagé par les économistes soit de manière globale, soit en relation avec les... more
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyPolitical CorruptionShadow Economy
LA ALBOLAFIA: REVISTA DE HUMANIDADES Y CULTURA 2020 © La Albolafia: Asociación de Humanidades y Cultura No se permite la reproducción total o parcial del contenido de la revista, así como su transformación, distribución o comunicación... more
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      Arts and Heritage MarketingArt MarketEconomic Crime, Money Laundering, Corruption
Cette étude a pour objectif de présenter la fonction des banques islamiques au travers des mesures de prévention et de gestion du risque. Les banques peuvent, sans faire appel au droit pénal, prévenir les risques pénaux et non-pénaux... more
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      Islamic Banking And FinanceFinancial CrimesEconomic Crime, Money Laundering, Corruption
É com inconteste satisfação que descortino à apreciação da comunidade jurídica o livro “Lavagem de Dinheiro e Crime Organizado: diálogos entre Brasil e Portugal”, da autoria dos Professores Fillipe Azevedo Rodrigues e Liliana Bastos... more
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      Organized CrimeMoney LaunderingTransnational Organized CrimeOrganised Crime
This study examines the implementation and effects of the inclusion of financial services in existing EU free trade and association agreements (FTAs) and, in particular, their impact on money laundering, tax evasion and avoidance. The... more
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      European StudiesLatin American StudiesInternational TradeColombia
Corruption has fierce impacts on economic and societal development and is subject to a vast range of institutional, jurisdictional, societal, and economic conditions. It is this paper's aim to provide a reassessment and a comprehensive... more
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      Fighting and Preventing Corruption through LawCorruption (Corruption)Political CorruptionEconomics of Corruption
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      CriminologyCritical CriminologyPolitical CorruptionCrimes of the Powerful
Anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing measures - Uganda - Mark SEMAKULA
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      Mobile TechnologyAnti-money launderingEconomics of RemittancesMobile Computing
This research work was submitted to the United Nations Interregional Crimes Research Institute (UNICRI) in conjunction with University of Turin (UNITO) in fulfillment of long essay required for the award of Masters of Laws Degree (LL.M)... more
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      International LawUnited NationsAnti-money launderingCorruption, Anti-Money Laundering, Criminal Organizations
Purpose: The main objective of this research paper is to look at Pakistan's legal, administrative, and judicial framework in terms of countering money laundering and tax evasion. Money laundering and tax evasion are two financial crimes... more
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      Money LaunderingAnti-money launderingTax EvasionAnti money laundering and Terrorist Financing
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      Criminal LawCriminal JusticeInternational RelationsInternational Law
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      Criminal LawEuropean Criminal LawEconomic Crime, Money Laundering, Corruption
A definition of what constitutes the offence of money laundering under Bangladesh law is set out in Section 2 (Tha) of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act 2002 (Act No. 7 of 2002) which is reads as follows: “Money Laundering means -... more
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      Money LaunderingAnti-money launderingCorruptionAnti money laundering and Terrorist Financing
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    •   5  
      Criminal prosecutionCorruptionEconomic Crime, Money Laundering, CorruptionCrime Prevention and Control
El estudio se ubica en el campo del conocimiento de la administración del riesgo. El propósito es identificar determinantes o variables estratégicas de control para la prevención del riesgo para el lavado de activos y financiación del... more
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      ManagementAccountingFinancial AccountingMoney Laundering
In this module, you will learn what is money laundering. The different sources of dirty money, and the various stages of money laundering. Now, let's see what is money laundering? Money laundering is the process whereby criminals attempt... more
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    •   6  
      Money LaunderingAnti-money launderingCorruption, Anti-Money Laundering, Criminal OrganizationsAnti money laundering and Terrorist Financing
L'economia invisibile costituisce una pesante zavorra per il sistema produttivo siciliano. Meccanismi distorsivi della concorrenza accrescono costi e prezzi; la bassa legalità provoca un effetto scoraggiamento nei confronti degli... more
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      CrimeEconomic Crime, Money Laundering, Corruption
The Jean Monnet Chair of the NUP, with the support and funding of the European Union, welcomes contributions by young and senior scholars for the online publication series "NUP Jean Monnet Working Papers" We accept manuscripts on topics... more
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      The economics of crimeMoney LaunderingAnti-money launderingCorruption
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      BusinessMarketingBusiness AdministrationBusiness Ethics
La loi anti-blanchiment oblige toutes les entités assujetties à la loi anti-blanchiment à déclarer les transactions (financières) atypiques à la Cellule de traitement des Informations Financières (CFI) dans le cadre de la lutte contre le... more
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      TerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismCyber TerrorismAnti-money laundering
The present study will address the global issues and challenges, introduce Brazil’s food economics, politics and strategy, the diversity and dimension of fisheries and aquaculture in Brazil, as well as its resources and vast potential,... more
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      Fighting and Preventing Corruption through LawCorruption (Corruption)Political CorruptionEconomics of Corruption
he state of Pakistan has, unfortunately, been at the vortex of various forms of terrorism and insurgent activities for several decades. he country is internally crippled by terrorism and the vast lows of funds to violent extremist groups... more
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      FinanceReligionSociologyCultural Studies
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      CriminologyOrganized CrimeShadow EconomyEconomic Crime, Money Laundering, Corruption
Corruption goes along with the meaning of dishonesty, treachery and untruthfulness. However, the exact meaning is difficult to arrive at as it varies depending on the various perspectives. For the West, it is more associated wit the... more
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      Sociology of LawSocial and Cultural AnthropologySouth Asian StudiesLegal Anthropology
Documento faccimilar de la denuncia de hechos que, el 11 de agosto de 2020, presentó a la Fiscalía General de la República (México), Emilio Lozoya. Aparece en público el 20 de agosto de 2020. Lozoya fue director general de la... more
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      Fighting and Preventing Corruption through LawCorruption (Corruption)Political CorruptionEconomics of Corruption
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyse those obligations to share information and deliver assistance which flow from the legislation intended to prevent the money laundering as contained in the Law 19/2003 of the 4 July, which... more
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      Anti-money launderingProceeds of crimeEconomic Crime, Money Laundering, Corruption
De anti-witwaswet, verplicht alle meldingsplichtigen, inzonderheid ook de cijferberoepen, om atypische (financiële) transacties te rapporteren aan de Cel voor Financiële Informatieverwerking (CFI) in de strijd tegen het witwassen van geld... more
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      TerrorismInternational TerrorismMoney LaunderingCyber crime
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      Criminal LawEconomic and white collar crimeEconomic Crime, Money Laundering, CorruptionCrimes Against Public Administration
This paper discusses the most relevant alterations regarding criminal law at the new statute of Brazilian antitrust system. It focuses mainly on the provisions regarding cartel crimes and the increasing rigidness of the law.
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      Antitrust (Law)CartelsEconomic Crime, Money Laundering, CorruptionCADE
Το οικονομικό έγκλημα είναι μια σοβαρή πληγή στη σύγχρονη κοινωνία, ένα πρόβλημα με οικονομικές, κοινωνικές και ψυχολογικές επιπτώσεις. Το παρόν σύγγραμμα εξετάζει το οικονομικό έγκλημα σε σχέση με τους θύτες και τα θύματα και αναλύει... more
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    • Economic Crime, Money Laundering, Corruption
Description and explanation of the relationship between economic downturn and crime have to date been limited by the narrow scope of criminal activity characteristically selected as a focus by pertinent criminological scholarship. Efforts... more
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      Critical TheoryHistorySociologyCriminology
Власть и воровство:  сакральный корень их единства.

Power and theft: the sacral root of their unity.
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      CriminologyPsychologyCognitive PsychologySocial Psychology
Corruption is widely conceived as producing negative effects for the society. However, there are still many controversial issues surrounding this phenomenon which may be seen critically. Some consider them the “positive” aspect of... more
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      Fighting and Preventing Corruption through LawCorruption (Corruption)Anti-CorruptionEconomic Development: Tax Havens, Tax Evasion and Corruption
Власть и воровство:  сакральный корень их единства.

Power and theft: the sacral root of their unity.
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsPhilosophy Of LanguagePolitical Philosophy
Autori se u radu bave problematikom krivičnog dela pranja novca analizirajući ulogu sektora računovodstva, kao jedne od ključnih poluga kriminalnih struktura u pojedinim slučajevima pranja novca, sa jedne strane, kao i jedne od ključnih... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal JusticeEconomicsThe economics of crime
Edited by: Colin King and Clive Walker Adopting a multi-disciplinary and comparative approach, this book focuses on the emerging and innovative aspects of attempts to target the accumulated assets of those engaged in criminal and... more
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      SociologyCriminologyCriminal LawCriminal Procedure
Corruption and Organized Crime are negative phenomena which by their influence create decomposition of society, slow down the economic growth and increase the level of poverty. In addition, their influence undermines the rule of law and... more
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      Business EthicsEconomic Crime, Money Laundering, CorruptionInternal Controls and corporate governance
Germany has been discussing the introduction of a ceiling for cash payments in an effort to combat money laundering. In the face of public resistance against such a measure and amid rumours that cash would be abolished altogether, here... more
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      German StudiesFighting and Preventing Corruption through LawMoney LaunderingMoney and Banking
It has become convention in recent years to treat the building of institutions as the centerpiece of successful economic reform. The case of Estonia challenges this view. Although effective economic institutions eventually arose, Estonia... more
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      Property RightsPolitical CorruptionRule of LawInstitutions (Political Science)
Anti Money Laundering to the Rescue, AML
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      American LiteratureBusinessBusiness AdministrationBusiness Ethics
This article includes personal commentary on the opportunities and challenges pertaining to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies (via email interview) after observing several Senate of Canada hearings on digital currencies in Winter 2015 in... more
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      Information TechnologyCriminal LawTerrorismSecurities Law
Önsöz Bir kitabın yazılması en zevkli bölümlerinden birisi de önsözüdür. Zira çalışma bitmiş, eğer bir akademik tez ise kabul edilmiş, resmi aşamalar gerçekleşmiş ve akademik unvan alınmış, hatta yayınevi ile anlaşılmış ve çalışma kitap... more
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      Money LaunderingAnti-money launderingCorruption, Anti-Money Laundering, Criminal OrganizationsAnti money laundering and Terrorist Financing
1 US $ laundered money lebih disukai para kriminal dari pada 1 US $ dirty money. Jika tidak di laundry, maka dia akan mudah tertangkap, sehingga tidak bisa menikmati hasil kriminalitas. Money Laundering pada dasarnya adalah segala cara... more
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      Money LaunderingEconomic Crime, Money Laundering, Corruption
Sumario: I. Antecedentes. II. Concepto III. Sobre el bien jurídico protegido y los sujetos del delito IV. La tipicidad en el lavado de activos V. Conclusiones Resumen: En el trabajo presente pretendemos señalar los fundamentos básicos del... more
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      Anti-money launderingDerecho Penal EconómicoEconomic Crime, Money Laundering, CorruptionDerecho penal y procesal penal
— The Panama Papers is a collection of 11.5 million leaked records that contain information for more than 214,488 offshore entities. This collection is growing rapidly as more leaked records become available online. In this paper, we... more
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      CorruptionForensic Accounting and Transnational Organised Financial CrimeEconomic Crime, Money Laundering, CorruptionString Matching
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      Fighting and Preventing Corruption through LawGovernanceCrisis ManagementTurnaround Management