AD-Minister (Journal)
AD-minister seeks to disseminate research on local and international developments in business administration, International Business, Accounting, Marketing and Organizational Psychology.
AD-minister is a biannual publication and manuscripts may be submitted at any time. Manuscripts for publication in AD-minister must be submitted in accordance with the guidelines set out in this document. They must be of an appropriate standard in terms of their form (writing and presentation) and their content (the academic rigor of the positions they take and their supporting arguments).
AD-minister aims at continuously improving its receipt, review, editorial and publication process for scientific papers. As a result, the journal adheres to COPE and Elsevier guidelines on publication ethics in order to avoid misconduct in publishing, to adopt streamlined procedures for correction and retraction, all of which ensure readers that each published paper has met all quality criteria.
The opinions of the authors are theirs alone. They do not necessarily reflect those of the University, the Business School or the Editorial Committee.
Interested in submitting to this journal? We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies, as well as the Author Guidelines ( Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process.
AD-minister is a biannual publication and manuscripts may be submitted at any time. Manuscripts for publication in AD-minister must be submitted in accordance with the guidelines set out in this document. They must be of an appropriate standard in terms of their form (writing and presentation) and their content (the academic rigor of the positions they take and their supporting arguments).
AD-minister aims at continuously improving its receipt, review, editorial and publication process for scientific papers. As a result, the journal adheres to COPE and Elsevier guidelines on publication ethics in order to avoid misconduct in publishing, to adopt streamlined procedures for correction and retraction, all of which ensure readers that each published paper has met all quality criteria.
The opinions of the authors are theirs alone. They do not necessarily reflect those of the University, the Business School or the Editorial Committee.
Interested in submitting to this journal? We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies, as well as the Author Guidelines ( Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process.
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AD-minister Num: 30 by AD-Minister (Journal)
of understanding on the topic but attempts to develop a more comprehensive and comprehendible framework for start up (new venture) creation. To do so it uses the frameworks proposed by Whetten, and March and Smith to develop 11 propositions. The resultant model suggests that the creation of a start up involves the identification of an idea or opportunity by an entrepreneur who subsequently organizes a series of activities, mobilizes resources and creates competence using his/her networks in an environment in order to create value. It sheds light on the start-up (new venture) creation process and has relevance for entrepreneurs, policy makers and researchers.
AD-minister Num: 29 by AD-Minister (Journal)
AD-minister Num: 28 by AD-Minister (Journal)
of understanding on the topic but attempts to develop a more comprehensive and comprehendible framework for start up (new venture) creation. To do so it uses the frameworks proposed by Whetten, and March and Smith to develop 11 propositions. The resultant model suggests that the creation of a start up involves the identification of an idea or opportunity by an entrepreneur who subsequently organizes a series of activities, mobilizes resources and creates competence using his/her networks in an environment in order to create value. It sheds light on the start-up (new venture) creation process and has relevance for entrepreneurs, policy makers and researchers.
JEL: O30, L66, Y10
Palabras clave: Innovación, Industria Alimenticia, Análisis Bibliométrico
JEL: O31, M15, M31, L89
Palabras clave: Gestión de innovación, capacidades de innovación tecnológicas, desarrollo de nuevos productos, economías emergentes
JEL: M300, M310 Y M370
Palabras clave:
Personalidad de Marca, Escuelas de Negocios, Modelo Teórico, Rasgos de Personalidad, Chile.
JEL: L83, H25
tourism investment; tax incentives; economic growth; tourism.
JEL: M53, M54
JEL: M14, Q01
JEL: M00, M1
JEL: M31, L62
JEL: M1, D8
JEL: M150, L8, L86
JEL: M1, M54
JEL: M10, M12
JEL: J28, M12, M54
JEL: M41, M42
JEL: F13, O34.
JEL: F29; F23; M16.
JEL: F10, F59
JEL: L62, M31
JEL: D83, L67, M11, J24.
JEL: D12, F23, L26
JEL: F23, P3.
JEL: D83, L15, M10
JEL: G33
JEL: C35, G10, G30
JEL: M51, O15.
JEL: F1, F13, L6, N76
JEL: F02, F21, F23, M10
JEL: F14, F23, Q17
JEL: L86, M31, R12, M16
JEL: L2, M10, M16
JEL: E23, C73.
JEL: G11, C61
JEL: L31, M10
JEL: D83, J24
JEL: D21, L31, O13, Q12
JEL: D83, L15
JEL: M16, L25, L26
JEL: F23
JEL: G1, G12, M31, O34
como un fenómeno de gran valor que acerca a los estudiantes a ambientes de aprendizaje
en el mundo real (Hsieh, Jang, Hwang, & Chen, 2011). Por su parte, el entorno de hoy
exige a las instituciones educativas dedicadas a la formación profesional en pregrado y
posgrado, una rápida evolución de sus modelos de enseñanza a fin de ajustarlos a la misma
velocidad con la que se transforman todos los campos relacionados con el conocimiento.
Este documento analiza la inclusión de virtual teams en los modelos educativos de
nivel superior, entendiendo dicha incorporación como una opción aplicable a todas las
instituciones educativas, y sobre todo, a sus estructuras tradicionales de aprendizaje.
En ese sentido, el documento incluye análisis de publicaciones académicas relevantes y
datos recopilados a través de entrevistas en profundidad, realizadas a seis profesores de
educación superior, quienes trabajan en esquemas de virtual teams a nivel global.
primaria la hemeroteca de la Sala de Patrimonio Documental de la Universidad EAFIT, específicamente noticias del periódico El Diario de abril de 1932. De acuerdo con las preguntas orientadoras, recolecté 41 noticias en total, de las cuales 18 pertenecen a la categoría “Dificultades”, 17 sobre “Oportunidades”, tres relacionadas con “Innovación” y tres referidas a las “Iniciativas”. Con base en ellas, intentaré dar respuesta a la pregunta: ¿Qué dificultades debieron sortear los empresarios de 1932?, pues la mayoría de fichas permiten un panorama muy completo acerca de este tema, ya que encontré obstáculos geográficos, sociales, económicos y, especialmente, políticos. La base del escrito son las noticias recolectadas y algunas de las lecturas trabajadas en clase.
sectores de producción (Agroindustria, Manufactura y Textil-confección) y de servicios (Turismo, TIC, Salud y Transporte) en Boyacá, particularmente de las ciudades de Tunja, Paipa, Duitama y Sogamoso; examen hecho a partir de la autoevaluación de los
empresarios sobre innovación en productos o servicios, procesos, gestión y mercado. Los resultados muestran que el grupo de PYMES considerado, está en su mayoría en una etapa de despegue o desarrollo, con brechas importantes en los cuatro tipos de innovación.
sociotécnico complejo, deciden y operan a través de mapas mentales con los que “leen” la realidad. El alineamiento de esos mapas mentales, basado en la comunicación convergente orientada a reducir la dispersión cognitiva de esos agentes, es la clave de la ejecución de
la estrategia y del aprendizaje organizacional.
Teniendo en cuenta el dinamismo de esta relación, ha sido útil el uso de un enfoque que combina aspectos históricos y contemporáneos para una lectura de la crisis que provee una tesis en la que se armonizan variables que modifican (según el contexto) la incidencia de estas empresas. Dichas variables se resumen en el empleo, el impacto en el PIB, la movilidad y el acceso al mercado internacional de capitales; que aparecen, entonces, como las principales fuentes de apalancamiento de las CMN en sus procesos de negociación con los Estados.
Por último se hace una revisión del capitalismo estatal como fenómeno que es preciso no dejar de lado, al valorar el rol que ocupa en las economías actuales, y se presentan -aunque en otra medida- las relaciones existentes entre varios casos específicos y su correcto desempeño.
proveedores. El examen se realizó sobre el producto “laminado doblecapa de polipropileno biorientado (PPBO) metalizado, para empaque de alimentos”. El procedimiento que se aplicó constituye un ejemplo que puede repetirse, mutatis mutandis, para el caso de cualquier producto/servicio.
The study suggests that most responders present positive attitudes towards organic cotton fashion. There is no evidence among the responders of a direct relation between consuming organic produce and the willingness to purchase organic clothing. However, interviewees with a higher degree of organic food consumption do exhibit higher knowledge about organic clothing, higher aspirations to enhance their quality of life and a stronger desire for hazardous chemical residue-free materials; they, as well, place a lower importance on the organic clothing premium price. The interest in environmental protection is also a characteristic of these potential customers; nevertheless, it is not necessarily related to higher organic food intakes. As with organic food, motivations for buying organic clothing are mainly related to specific characteristics of the product that directly benefit the consumer.
Results have to be interpreted in light of what other studies, such as that by Carrigan et al. (2001), have revealed regarding purchase behaviour, which often remains unaffected by ethical concerns even though consumers may express willingness to purchase ethically.
This research can be useful for marketers who want to better understand consumers with higher willingness to buy organic clothing. No studies existed at the time of the study that related the value that consumers give to the attributes of organic cotton clothing and their
organic food intake.
La investigación que se expone tuvo como objetivo central determinar cómo las pyme exportadoras de Antioquia, Colombia, han estructurado los procesos de planeación y gestión financiera, dada la importancia de éstos para proporcionar bases solidas al crecimiento empresarial. Se realizó un estudio empírico en 39 empresas de la región. Sus resultados permiten concluir que las organizaciones analizadas siguen caracterizándose por su debilidad en la forma como se planean las decisiones financieras correspondientes a la inversión, financiación y reparto de utilidades.
Emerging Markets
International Business
Human Resources
People at work
Knowledge Management
Inclusive Markets
Only complete papers with original and previously unpublished material are permitted.
Manuscripts for publication in AD-minister must be submitted in accordance with the Author Guidelines. They must be of an appropriate standard in terms of their form (writing and presentation) and their content (scientific rigour and supporting arguments).
You must submit the paper before: October 30th, 2015
Deadline for final versions: November 30th, 2015
Submissions are made electronically through the Open Journal System. Please see the website for instructions: