East Java
Recent papers in East Java
Rakyat Indonesia, sebagai sumber suara bagi kontestasi pemilihan elektoral, harus memiliki pengetahuan dan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang para kandidat serta kepentingan-kepentingan para pendukung mereka, baik pada Pilkada Kabupaten... more
Efektivitas Kepemimpinan Lokal Dalam Optimalisasi Titen dan Kentongan
Sebagai Upaya Mitigasi Bencana Gunung Slamet Di Desa Kemutug Lor Kabupaten Banyumas
Sebagai Upaya Mitigasi Bencana Gunung Slamet Di Desa Kemutug Lor Kabupaten Banyumas
INTISARI Daerah Tambakrejo dianggap menarik untuk dilakukan penelitian, karena permasalahan geologi daerah tersebut cukup kompleks dan sebagai seorang mahasiswa jurusan Teknik Geologi dituntut dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan geologi... more
Berdasarkan Undang-Undang No. 26 Tahun 2007 tentang Penataan Ruang dalam pelaksanaan penataan ruang diwujudkan dalam bentuk perencanaan tata ruang. Perencanaan tata ruang secara hierarki dilakukan untuk menghasilkan rencana umum tata... more
The research area is located in kendeng fold-thrust belt in the estimated form at Plio-Pleistocene deformation in Java. Wherein Kendeng Zone it self is the foreland basin which deposited of deepwater sediment. The provenance of Kendeng... more
East Java Province has high diversity of local banana cultivars with various local names and diverse morphological characteristics. The genome identification of those banana cultivars are needed to provide valid identity of the banana... more
Zhuang, Wubin. "Di Luar Fokus: Fotografi Independen di Jawa Timur". "Visual Arts", January 2012, 56-61.
A Bahasa Indonesia article introducing the works of photographers and artists from Malang and Surabaya, East Java
A Bahasa Indonesia article introducing the works of photographers and artists from Malang and Surabaya, East Java
East Java (JATIM), the second largest province in Indonesia in terms of population and GDP contribution had experienced 50 percent of export growth from 2007 to 2013. The changes were not only in value but in composition and destination,... more
Jawa Timur merupakan provinsi terluas di pulau jawa dengan luasan 4.796.300 hektar. Merujuk pada data BPS Provinsi Jawa Timur pada tahun 2017, luasan lahan yang dimanfaatkan sebagai area pertanian terutama untuk tegal/kebun sebesar... more
What personalities and processes need to be present for religious traditions to successfully establish new constituencies? In Aceh, for example, did recently arrived Arabs from Aden play key roles in the processes of "Islamisation?" While... more
The subsurface temperature has many impacts on geological phenomena such as hydrocarbon generation , geothermal energy, mineralization, and geological hazards. The Northeast Java Basin has various interesting phenomena, such as many oil... more
Background: Indonesia is the third highest contributor to leprosy in the world. The prevalence of Pausi Basiler (PB) type leprosy in East Java has increased from 2015-2017, but the success rate of treatment is more common in PB leprosy... more
The research area is located in kendeng fold-thrust beld in the estimated form at Plio-pleistocene deformation in java. Wherein kendeng zone it self is the foreland basin which deposite of deepwater sediment. The provenance of kendeng... more
We successfully revealed the refined seismicity near Mt. Pandan which occurred on February 2016 adopting waveform cross-correlation technique. Mt. Pandan seismic sequence is very interested since there were some earthquakes occurred in... more
Development Area Unit IV East Java Province is one of the provinces on the island of Java which consists of three regencies, namely Jember Regency, Bondowoso Regency and Situbondo Regency. The area has great potential for ecotourism such... more
This paper studied the influence of asset sustainable livelihood either direct or indirect due to development ofagriculture city. Location of study was at Batu city as one of central agriculture city, East Java Province of Indonesia. Batu... more
Financial inclusion is an effort intended to eliminate price and non-price barriers toward public access to formal financial institutions. The aim of that is income equalization of the societies affecting increasing economic growth,... more
We successfully revealed the refined seismicity near Mt. Pandan which occurred on February 2016 adopting waveform cross-correlation technique. Mt. Pandan seismic sequence is very interested since there were some earthquakes occurred in... more