Early Medieval Horn and Bone Combs
Recent papers in Early Medieval Horn and Bone Combs
Sko, kammer og klær. En nedenfra-studie av bergensernes økonomiske evne på 1100-tallet Shoes, combs and clothes. A bottom-up study of the economic capacity of 12th century townspeople in Bergen, western Norway According to earlier... more
The subject of the article are interesting combs discovered in the stronghold in Pasym, NE Poland. For the older phases of the early Middle Ages, combs are unique finds, especially in the area of the West Balts. Results of the analysis... more
Hair combs of bone and antler were commonly used personal items during the Viking Age (AD 800-1000). However, many specifics regarding their production and distribution are still unclear, and the discussion of local production or... more
This thesis explores the significance of the deposition of bone and antler combs in mortuary contexts across early medieval England from the 5th to 7th centuries AD. In order to understand their function in the creation of Anglo-‐Saxon... more
Bone and antler combs are one of the most commonly recovered artefacts in burials from the late Roman to later medieval period in Britain. They are one of very few objects to be associated with individuals of both sexes, all ages and... more
Most of the all too uncommon studies of prehistoric bone industries appears as simple, formal descriptions of materials, sometimes as catalogues, with little emphasis on technical, functional aspects and ultimately social. The aim of... more
A 37-es számú főút bővítése kapcsán Onga település mellett feltárt lelőhelyen 163 régészeti jelenség került elő, melyek nagy része egy kora népvándorlás kori településhez tartozott. A kisebb, sekély gödrök mellett 5 félig földbe... more
The Lundströms Square in the western part of Jönköping is today one of the most frequented junctions of the region. Here, on the Västra Storgatan (Western Main Street) city buses as well as long-distance communications have their... more