Dragon Age
Recent papers in Dragon Age
Dragon Age creates a finely-layered and complex system of religion that not only enhances the narrative of gameplay, but also makes the player re-examine the impacts of religion, the archetypes of faith, and how both affect modern Western... more
Maj outlines the main concepts of post-classical (cognitive and trans-medial) narrative theory (especially storyworld) in order to reintegrate the category of fiction and the fictional world into video game research. This integration of... more
Abstract Representation in media can and does affect society's perception on various issues and subjects. Depending on how it is handled in media, a subject or a group of people can be seen positively or negatively. Not only does media... more
遊戲模組相關的研究方興未艾,但不論是何種模組,相關討論大多聚焦在物 理層面,而忽略情感模組所能帶給玩家的滿足。作為一個經典 AAA 級電子遊戲, 《闇龍紀元》系列在玩家與其他角色戀愛關係的循路文本設計原就相當開放,刺 激許多遊戲模組在此基礎之上萌發而出,形成多性別認同、多 P 的豐富情慾世 界。然而,情感相關的模組從首部作品《序章》到第三部《異端審判》數量大幅 下滑五倍,其間的差距如何直接或間接反映出遊戲開發者吸納並轉化這些玩家參 與內容創作的過程?玩家與 NPC... more
A structural (dramaturgical) comparison of _BioShock_ and _Dragon Age_ using two pillars of theatrical aesthetic theory.
O artigo analisa as cenas de sexo apresentadas nas trilogias Dragon Age (2009 – 2014) e Mass Effect (2008 – 2012), ambas são séries desenvolvidas pelo estúdio Bioware. O texto discute como as cenas de sexo são apresentadas ao jogador, os... more
Apesar da grande quantidade de jogos lançados todos os anos ainda existem poucos games que possuem personagens e protagonistas LGBT. A trilogia Dragon Age se destaca por ser um RPG de ação que aborda esse tipo de temática. O trabalho tem... more
Texto publicado no blog do grupo de pesquisa CSGames (PUC-SP), em que é feita uma análise da série de games Dragon Age por meio da relação do Imaterial, a realidade e o inconsciente.
Paper presented at the Middle Ages in Modern Games 2022 Twitter Conference.
This is a response article to a character ranking of Dragon Age and Mass Effect characters.
Paper presented at the American Indian Workshop (Ghent, 2018).