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      Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchitectureMedieval Architecture, CastlesDonjon
Celem tego tekstu jest próba analizy architektoniczno-funkcjonalnej wież typu – Bergfried w założeniach obronnych na obszarze zachodniej Małopolski. Autor niniejszej pracy rozważa, również na temat różnic architektoniczno-funkcjonalnych,... more
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      ArchaeologyMedieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyCastles
Edizioni all'Insegna del Giglio -vietata la riproduzione e qualsiasi utilizzo a scopo commerciale -1 DONJON E PALATIUM A MONTELLA: DINAMICA DI UNA RESIDENZA TRA XII E XVI SECOLO di MARCELLO ROTILI, CARLO EBANISTA I. IL DONJON 1. Il donjon... more
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      Medieval castlesMontellaDonjon
L’intensificarsi della ricerca archeologica sul territorio calabrese nell’ultimo decennio ha consentito di acquisire nuovi dati su differenti siti della regione, contribuendo notevolmente ad arricchire le nostre conoscenze sul sistema... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyArcheologia medievaleCalabriaCastelli E Incastellamento
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      Archeologia BizantinaBattisteroSilosDonjon
The castle of Tripoli, known also as Saint-Gilles castle, is a medieval stronghold built by crusaders for the siege of the Fatimid city of Tripoli. Its strategic location gave the castle a prestigious place and continuous importance over... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesCrusadesLebanon
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      Architectural HistoryCastlesCastle StudiesMedieval Architecture, Castles
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      ProvenceArchéologie du bâtiDonjonArchitecture Médiévale
Il volume illustra attraverso alcuni saggi la storia del "Castello Normanno"  (edificio  medievale che ospita il Museo) e dei restauri che lo hanno interessato negli ultimi anni
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      Art HistoryMuseum StudiesCastelli E IncastellamentoDonjon
Cleaning, excavation, temporary protection and strengthening works were carried out in the Seleucia Castle excavation works of the year 2016 - 2017. Excavations began in 2016 following the stone clearing in the area and excavation... more
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Armand Baeriswyl, Das Schloss Thun und der grosse Turm – vom zähringischen „Donjon“ zum bernischen Kornhaus. Zum Stand der Erkenntnisse nach zwanzig Jahren Forschung, in: Mittelalter- Moyen Age - Medioevo - Temp medieval 21/1, 2016, 1-11.... more
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      CastlesMedieval castlesBurgenforschungMedieval Castles and Fortresses
The author reviews all available sources, literature and archaeological findings in order to evaluate the defensive capabilities and circumstances of Rašpor Castle in Istria. Through personal survey and digital reconstruction, Ian Tataj... more
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      ArchaeologyArchitectureDigital reconstruction (Archaeology)Republic of Venice
En réponse à un projet d'étude archéologique portant sur quatre sites fortifiés (San Colombanu (Rogliano, Haute-Corse), Castellu di Motti (Luri, Haute-Corse), Castellu di Serravalle (Prato-di-Giovellina, Haute-Corse) et le Palazzu de... more
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      ArchaeologyArchitectureMediterranean StudiesMedieval Archaeology
This contribution conveys the possible interpretations and heritage presentation of the remains of a circular plan tower of the donjon type in the centre of Žilina. The discovery has reopened the discussion about the Žilina castle and its... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyCastlesDonjon
Le journal des nouvelles anciennes et périmées du Giussani.
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval TheologyMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval Europe
intervento come borsista dal titolo "Consolidare il potere: i donjons nei contesti insediativi e fortificati della Campania interna appenninica fra XII e XIII secolo alla luce delle nuove indagini archeologiche"
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      Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval LandscapesMedieval castlesNormans in Southern Italy
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      Art HistoryArchitectureMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
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      Archéologie médiévaleArchéologie PréventiveDonjonArchéologie Du Bâti Médiéval