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      BurnoutDoctor of medicine
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    • Doctor of medicine
Abstract Throughout history, Cyprus has hosted many civilizations and states due to its strategic location in the Mediterranean. One of them is the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans conquered the island in 1571 and maintained their rule until... more
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      Ottoman HistoryCourtsCyprus StudiesEpilepsy
Purpose-Drawing from the work-home resources model and the conservation of resources theory, this study examines the potential of family incivility in instigating burnout and reduced job satisfaction. Design/methodology/approach-This... more
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      PsychologyApplied PsychologyPositive PsychologyJob Satisfaction
Hypospadias is a relatively common genital condition in which the urethral opening forms on the underside of the penis, as opposed to at the tip of the glans. Patients with hypospadias are typically referred for surgery during infancy or... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryPathologySociology
Background: Mental ill-health in health professionals, including doctors, is a global and growing concern. The existing literature on interventions that offer support, advice and/or treatment to sick doctors has not yet been synthesised... more
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      BurnoutDoctor of medicine
Medicine intake, as prescribed by physicians and health care providers, is important not only for minimizing the risk of relapse but also to treating conditions and improving one's overall well-being. However, adherence to a medication... more
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      Medical Device DesignMedication AdherenceMedicineMicrocontrollers
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      Medical EducationMedicineRecruitment and SelectionDoctor
Purpose: The objectives of the study are to analyze the factors which influence patients to go to private hospitals against public hospitals of Oman and to analyze the expectations of patients from the integrated public hospitals in Oman.... more
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      ServicesFacilities ManagementMedicineHospitals
This study was planned to evaluate the protective role of curcumin (Cur) against maternal and fetal oxidative stress and cerebral damage induced by lead (Pb) during pregnancy. In this study, positively pregnant female rats were divided... more
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      NeurosciencePathologyMilitary MedicineSpeech Language Pathology
Health care associated infections (HAIs) are known worldwide primarily due to poor hand hygiene practices. It is imperative for family nurse practitioners (FNPs) to be role models in the workplace exemplifying proper hand hygiene... more
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      MedicineHerbal MedicineInternal MedicineClinical Medicine
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      NeuroscienceNursingCardiologyBiomedical Engineering
This unique compendium of case studies on patient safety – told from the perspective of the patient and family – illustrates 24 stories of preventable health care errors that led to irreparable patient harm. The reader is guided through... more
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      Information SystemsNursingNarrativeLeadership
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      Veterinary MedicineMedicineInternal MedicineClinical Medicine
Number of active smokers in Malaysia is increasing despite availability of stop smoking clinics and smoking cessation medications. Thus, the practice of the healthcare professionals involved in providing smoking cessation intervention... more
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      Pharmacy PracticeKnowledgeSmoking CessationSmoking
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      Health SciencesHealth EconomicsOccupational Health & SafetyPublic Health Policy
Manhattan Periodontics & Implant Dentistry
121 East 60th St, Ste 6C1
New York, NY 10065
+1  212-644-4477
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      HealthPeriodontistDoctor of medicine
NYC Dental Implants Center
121 East 60th St, Ste 6C2,
New York, NY 10065
(60th St. btw Park Ave / Lex Ave)
(212) 256-0000
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      HealthDentalDoctor of medicine
The liver is almost unique in its capacity for regeneration after hepatectomy but the exact mechanisms are not yet fully clarified. Antioxidants have been shown to promote liver regeneration after major hepatectomy. The present study... more
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      Human Anatomy (Biology)Evolutionary BiologyMarine BiologyPathology
Expert peer review at Medicine® Journal Hesham N. Mustafa Presented April 8, 2018 (Wolters Kluwer)
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      Comparative AnatomyHuman Anatomy (Biology)Evolutionary BiologyMarine Biology
According to Brian Morris (2013), “Science supports infant circumcision” and “so should skeptics.” It would be more accurate to say that ‘Brian Morris supports infant circumcision,’ and that skeptics can think for themselves. In this... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionHistoryAmerican History
This study is prepared for the determination of the attitudes of doctors’ towards medical secretaries that are working in health institutions in Ankara. In this context, a survey has been prepared as a means of data collection and applied... more
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      Doctor of medicineMedical SecretariesMedical Officers