Papers by hasan samani
Journal of History Culture and Art Research
This study aims to investigate commercial activity in Cyprus, an Ottoman island since 1571, durin... more This study aims to investigate commercial activity in Cyprus, an Ottoman island since 1571, during the Tanzimat reform Period. The Tanzimat period that this paper focuses is not only a period in which many new institutions were established to provide a centralized and efficient administration but also it is a period that witnessed a steady increase in trade relations with European countries. Therefore, Tanzimat as the reformation of the Ottoman administration also consisted in new establishments and regulations to organize and regulate commercial activities. The influence of the period could also be seen in Cyprus as one of the most vital ports for Eastern Mediterranean trade. In this context, this study aims to clarify the commodities in island's trade and to investigate the countries in the region and the foreign countries as leaders in export. Local merchant that are actively engaged in Cyprus trade and the reformations to increase trade in Cyprus are the other topics of the study. The Bâb-ı Âli (Sublime Porte) documents in the Ottoman archive of Prime Minister's Office and literature provided the basis of this study. As a conclusion it could be seen that the volume of trade in Cyprus had been increased during this period. Wine, locust bean and cotton became vital commodities in island's export. The export of some commodity was under inspection. The merchants active in trade of the island were from non-Muslim community whereas the Muslim merchants were to provide goods for foreign and non-Muslim merchants within the island. It is seen that the establishment of a Tribunal of Commerce in Tuzla (Larnaca), the construction of highway between Nicosia and Larnaca, reopening of Nicosia fair after a hundred years, were the most important reformations to stimulate trade in Cyprus.
Quality & Quantity, 2017
The nineteenth century is a century of reform for the Ottoman state. The Tanzimat reforms hold a ... more The nineteenth century is a century of reform for the Ottoman state. The Tanzimat reforms hold a unique place in the Ottoman history of modernization. During the Tanzimat period (1839-1878), the state underwent a restructuring process in almost all of its institutions to establish a centralized modern state and many new institutions were established. The Ottomans paid special attention to education to train the new generation required for the continuity of modernization and the centralized bureaucratic structure. While they opened modern high schools and higher education institutions, they attempted to reform the existing sıbyan schools, which were the primary education institutions. This process of restructuring education was also carried out in Cyprus, which had been an Ottoman island since 1571. These attempts remained restricted to efforts to increase the number of sıbyan schools in Cyprus. There was a failure to replace the religious education given at schools with a secular program, curriculum or modern education system based on education management. This situation also adversely affected the quality of education at the Rüştiye School in Nicosia, the first and only modern secondary school of the period and which was opened in Nicosia in 1864.
Belleten (Turk Tarih Kurumu), Aug 1, 2018
Bu çalışma, Osmanlı yenileşme tarihinde özgün bir yer işgal eden Tanzimat döneminde Kıbrıs'ta mod... more Bu çalışma, Osmanlı yenileşme tarihinde özgün bir yer işgal eden Tanzimat döneminde Kıbrıs'ta modern belediye idarelerinin kuruluş şartlarını ve Osmanlı idaresinin adadaki son yıllarında Lefkoşa Belediyesi'ni konu edinmektedir. Osmanlı devletinde genel olarak modern belediyeciliğin başlangıcına ilişkin literatüre bakıldığında, geleneksel ihtisab kurumunun yerini alan modern belediye idarelerinin kuruluş sürecini, bu süreci başlatıp sürükleyen sosyal, ekonomik ve diğer etkenlerle birlikte ele alan çalışmaların yapıldığı görülmektedir 1. Bunlara, Osmanlı belediyeciliğinin kuruluş ve gelişimiyle ilintili mevzuâta (nizamnâme, talimatnâme, yasa) yer veren çalışmalar da eklenebilir. 2 Ancak bu çalışmalarda Kıbrıs'ta *
Belleten, 2020
Throughout history, Cyprus has hosted many civilizations and states due to its strategic location... more Throughout history, Cyprus has hosted many civilizations and states due to its strategic location in the Mediterranean. One of them is the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans conquered the island in 1571 and maintained their rule until 1878. The scholarly attempt to grasp the Ottoman Empire with its all institutional, political, social, economic and cultural aspects has been one of the fields of interest for world historiography. It is obvious that local history studies in the countries experienced the Ottoman rule, would help and contribute to draw a general picture of the Ottoman Empire. In this context, the current work, mainly relying on the religious court records, aims to identify the diseases except the contagious ones such as cholera, plague and malaria. The other aim is to investigate and analyse the doctor-patient relations within social, economic and juridical contexts in Ottoman Cyprus. The results reveal that the overwhelming majority of the doctors operating in Cyprus were in...
Journal of History Culture and Art Research, Sep 30, 2017
During the Tanzimat (reform) period, which was a unique period in the history of Ottoman modernis... more During the Tanzimat (reform) period, which was a unique period in the history of Ottoman modernisation, many new institutions were established. The Tanzimat reforms also affected Cyprus, which had been an Ottoman island since 1571. One of the institutions was the Zaptiyeh (police) organization, formed to provide domestic security services.The Cyprus Zaptiyeh organization was established through various regulations implemented during the period between 1846-1871. At the beginning of process, the establishment of a Zaptiyeh squad was initiated. By 1870, a Zaptiyeh battalion composed of four squadrons, and attached to Cezâir-i Bahr-i Sefid (Mediterranean Islands) Province Regiment, was established in Cyprus. Throughout the Tanzimat period, the Cyprus Zaptiyeh organisation failed to meet the island's domestic security services requirements. Therefore, the local authorities of Cyprus consistently sought to strenghten the organisation. In this context, the present study aims to investigate the process of the establishment of the Zaptiyeh organization based on the specific challenges in Cyprus.
Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, May 27, 2021
Osmanlı yenileşme tarihinde özgün bir yere sahip Tanzimat döneminde birçok yeni kurum oluşturulmu... more Osmanlı yenileşme tarihinde özgün bir yere sahip Tanzimat döneminde birçok yeni kurum oluşturulmuştur. 1571'den bu yana bir Osmanlı adası olan Kıbrıs'ta da Tanzimatın uygulamalarını görmek mümkündür. Mevcut çalışmada Tanzimat döneminde Osmanlı ordu teşkilatı ve askeralma usulü olarak uygulamaya konulan kura sistemi çerçevesinde askerlik hizmetlerinin yeniden düzenlenmesine yönelik ıslahatın Kıbrıs'ta uygulanması incelenmiştir. Kıbrıslı Hıristiyanların askerlik hizmetleri ile ilişkisi çalışmada yer verilen diğer bir konu olmuştur. Sonuç olarak dönem boyunca Kıbrıs'ta konuşlanan askeri birlik, 1874 senesine kadar Tophâne-i Amire'ye, bu tarihten sonra Birinci Ordu'ya bağlı, Akdeniz kalelerinin savunmasından sorumlu bir topçu alayı dairesinde yer almıştır. Kura usulü ve buna bağlı olarak bedelli askerlik hizmetleri adada da uygulanmıştır. Kıbrıslı Müslümanlar 1863-1871 arası dönemde askerliklerini sadece adada yapma ayrıcalıklarını elde etmişlerdir. 1878'de ada idaresinin İngilizlere devredilmesiyle buradaki Osmanlı ordu mevcudiyeti son bulmuştur.
Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2021
Osmanli yenilesme tarihinde ozgun bir yere sahip Tanzimat doneminde bircok yeni kurum olusturulmu... more Osmanli yenilesme tarihinde ozgun bir yere sahip Tanzimat doneminde bircok yeni kurum olusturulmustur. 1571’den bu yana bir Osmanli adasi olan Kibris’ta da Tanzimatin uygulamalarini gormek mumkundur. Mevcut calismada Tanzimat doneminde Osmanli ordu teskilati ve askeralma usulu olarak uygulamaya konulan kura sistemi cercevesinde askerlik hizmetlerinin yeniden duzenlenmesine yonelik islahatin Kibris’ta uygulanmasi incelenmistir. Kibrisli Hiristiyanlarin askerlik hizmetleri ile iliskisi calismada yer verilen diger bir konu olmustur. Sonuc olarak donem boyunca Kibris’ta konuslanan askeri birlik, 1874 senesine kadar Tophâne-i Amire’ye, bu tarihten sonra Birinci Ordu’ya bagli, Akdeniz kalelerinin savunmasindan sorumlu bir topcu alayi dairesinde yer almistir. Kura usulu ve buna bagli olarak bedelli askerlik hizmetleri adada da uygulanmistir. Kibrisli Muslumanlar 1863-1871 arasi donemde askerliklerini sadece adada yapma ayricaliklarini elde etmislerdir. 1878’de ada idaresinin Ingilizlere de...
Throughout history, Cyprus has hosted many civilizations and states due to its strategi... more Abstract
Throughout history, Cyprus has hosted many civilizations and states due to its strategic location in the Mediterranean. One of them is the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans conquered the island in 1571 and maintained their rule until 1878. The scholarly attempt to grasp the Ottoman Empire with its all institutional, political, social, economic and cultural aspects has been one of the fields of interest for world historiography. It is obvious that local history studies in the countries experienced the Ottoman rule, would help and contribute to draw a general picture of the Ottoman Empire. In this context, the current work, mainly relying on the religious court records, aims to identify the diseases except the contagious ones such as cholera, plague and malaria. The other aim is to investigate and analyse the doctor-patient relations within social, economic and juridical contexts in Ottoman Cyprus. The results reveal that the overwhelming majority of the doctors operating in Cyprus were in private practice until the second half of the 19th century when the Ottomans started the centralization and modernization of its institutions including the health services, and thus to view the healthcare services as a public service. Although the state did not take responsibility for public healthcare services for public, it had a certain control mechanism on the doctors and their operations.
Kıbrıs Akdeniz’de bulunduğu özel konumu nedeniyle tarih boyunca birçok uygarlığa ve devlete ev sahipliği yapmıştır. Bunlardan biri de adayı 308 yıl yöneten Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’dur. Kıbrıs’ı 1571 senesinde fetheden Osmanlılar fiilî olarak burayı 1878’e kadar hâkimiyetlerinde tutmuşlardır. Osmanlı Devleti’ni siyasî, kurumsal, sosyal ve kültürel tüm boyutlarıyla anlama çabası dünya tarih yazıcılığının önemli bir meselesidir. Osmanlıların hâkimiyetini tecrübe etmiş coğrafyalarda yapılacak yerel tarih çalışmalarının Osmanlı devletinin genel resminin çizilmesine önemli katkılar koyacağı aşikârdır. Bu bağlamda bu çalışmada, Kıbrıs Şeriye sicillerindeki verilerden hareketle Osmanlı döneminde veba, sıtma, kolera vb. bulaşıcı hastalıkların haricinde Kıbrıs’ta görülen hastalıklar yanında sağlık hizmetlerinin temel aktörü olan doktorların tespiti ve doktor-hasta ilişkilerinin sosyo-ekonomik ve hukukî boyutları -büyük ölçüde Kıbrıs Şeriye sicillerine yansıdığı şekliyle- irdelenerek analiz edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışma nihayette, devletin sağlık hizmetlerini merkezileştirerek bir kamu hizmeti olarak telakki etmeye başladığı 19. yüzyılın ikinci yarısına kadar, Kıbrıs’ta hizmet veren doktorların büyük çoğunluğunun özel olarak çalışan gayrimüslimler olduğunu, başta hekimlik olmak üzere sağlık hizmetlerinin yerine getirilmesinde doğrudan sorumluluk üstlenmese de devletin sağlık faaliyetlerine ilişkin belli bir denetim mekanizmasına sahip olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.
The nineteenth century is a century of reform for the Ottoman state. The Tanzimat reforms hold a ... more The nineteenth century is a century of reform for the Ottoman state. The Tanzimat reforms hold a unique place in the Ottoman history of modernization. During the Tanzimat period (1839–1878), the state underwent a restructuring process in almost all of its institutions to establish a centralized modern state and many new institutions were established. The Ottomans paid special attention to education to train the new generation required for the continuity of modernization and the centralized bureaucratic structure. While they opened modern high schools and higher education institutions, they attempted to reform the existing sıbyan schools, which were the primary education institutions. This process of restructuring education was also carried out in Cyprus, which had been an Ottoman island since 1571. These attempts remained restricted to efforts to increase the number of sıbyan schools in Cyprus. There was a failure to replace the religious education given at schools with a secular program, curriculum or modern education system based on education management. This situation also adversely affected the quality of education at the Rüştiye School in Nicosia, the first and only modern secondary school of the period and which was opened in Nicosia in 1864.
Teaching History, 2012
The Association for Historical Dialogue and Research (AHDR) is a Cyprus-based organization that w... more The Association for Historical Dialogue and Research (AHDR) is a Cyprus-based organization that works to foster dialogue among history teachers and other educators across the divide in Cyprus. In one of their UN-funded projects, AHDR members worked with UK colleagues to shape a lesson sequence and resources on the Ottoman period in Cyprus. Here they explain how they arrived at an enquiry question to shape the pupils' historical thinking. (Contains 13 figures.)
During the Tanzimat (reform) period, which was a unique period in the history of Ottoman modernis... more During the Tanzimat (reform) period, which was a unique period in the history of Ottoman modernisation, many new institutions were established. The Tanzimat reforms also affected Cyprus, which had been an Ottoman island since 1571. One of the institutions was the Zaptiyeh (police) organization, formed to provide domestic security services.The Cyprus Zaptiyeh organization was established through various regulations implemented during the period between 1846-1871. At the beginning of process, the establishment of a Zaptiyeh squad was initiated. By 1870, a Zaptiyeh battalion composed of four squadrons, and attached to Cezâir-i Bahr-i Sefid (Mediterranean Islands) Province Regiment, was established in Cyprus. Throughout the Tanzimat period, the Cyprus Zaptiyeh organisation failed to meet the island's domestic security services requirements. Therefore, the local authorities of Cyprus consistently sought to strenghten the organisation. In this context, the present study aims to investigate the process of the establishment of the Zaptiyeh organization based on the specific challenges in Cyprus.
This study aims to investigate commercial activity in Cyprus, an Ottoman island since 1571, durin... more This study aims to investigate commercial activity in Cyprus, an Ottoman island since 1571, during the Tanzimat reform Period. The Tanzimat period that this paper focuses is not only a period in which many new institutions were established to provide a centralized and efficient administration but also it is a period that witnessed a steady increase in trade relations with European countries. Therefore, Tanzimat as the reformation of the Ottoman administration also consisted in new establishments and regulations to organize and regulate commercial activities. The influence of the period could also be seen in Cyprus as one of the most vital ports for Eastern Mediterranean trade. In this context, this study aims to clarify the commodities in island's trade and to investigate the countries in the region and the foreign countries as leaders in export. Local merchant that are actively engaged in Cyprus trade and the reformations to increase trade in Cyprus are the other topics of the study. The Bâb-ı Âli (Sublime Porte) documents in the Ottoman archive of Prime Minister's Office and literature provided the basis of this study. As a conclusion it could be seen that the volume of trade in Cyprus had been increased during this period. Wine, locust bean and cotton became vital commodities in island's export. The export of some commodity was under inspection. The merchants active in trade of the island were from non-Muslim community whereas the Muslim merchants were to provide goods for foreign and non-Muslim merchants within the island. It is seen that the establishment of a Tribunal of Commerce in Tuzla (Larnaca), the construction of highway between Nicosia and Larnaca, reopening of Nicosia fair after a hundred years, were the most important reformations to stimulate trade in Cyprus.
Teaching Documents by hasan samani
Papers by hasan samani
Throughout history, Cyprus has hosted many civilizations and states due to its strategic location in the Mediterranean. One of them is the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans conquered the island in 1571 and maintained their rule until 1878. The scholarly attempt to grasp the Ottoman Empire with its all institutional, political, social, economic and cultural aspects has been one of the fields of interest for world historiography. It is obvious that local history studies in the countries experienced the Ottoman rule, would help and contribute to draw a general picture of the Ottoman Empire. In this context, the current work, mainly relying on the religious court records, aims to identify the diseases except the contagious ones such as cholera, plague and malaria. The other aim is to investigate and analyse the doctor-patient relations within social, economic and juridical contexts in Ottoman Cyprus. The results reveal that the overwhelming majority of the doctors operating in Cyprus were in private practice until the second half of the 19th century when the Ottomans started the centralization and modernization of its institutions including the health services, and thus to view the healthcare services as a public service. Although the state did not take responsibility for public healthcare services for public, it had a certain control mechanism on the doctors and their operations.
Kıbrıs Akdeniz’de bulunduğu özel konumu nedeniyle tarih boyunca birçok uygarlığa ve devlete ev sahipliği yapmıştır. Bunlardan biri de adayı 308 yıl yöneten Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’dur. Kıbrıs’ı 1571 senesinde fetheden Osmanlılar fiilî olarak burayı 1878’e kadar hâkimiyetlerinde tutmuşlardır. Osmanlı Devleti’ni siyasî, kurumsal, sosyal ve kültürel tüm boyutlarıyla anlama çabası dünya tarih yazıcılığının önemli bir meselesidir. Osmanlıların hâkimiyetini tecrübe etmiş coğrafyalarda yapılacak yerel tarih çalışmalarının Osmanlı devletinin genel resminin çizilmesine önemli katkılar koyacağı aşikârdır. Bu bağlamda bu çalışmada, Kıbrıs Şeriye sicillerindeki verilerden hareketle Osmanlı döneminde veba, sıtma, kolera vb. bulaşıcı hastalıkların haricinde Kıbrıs’ta görülen hastalıklar yanında sağlık hizmetlerinin temel aktörü olan doktorların tespiti ve doktor-hasta ilişkilerinin sosyo-ekonomik ve hukukî boyutları -büyük ölçüde Kıbrıs Şeriye sicillerine yansıdığı şekliyle- irdelenerek analiz edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışma nihayette, devletin sağlık hizmetlerini merkezileştirerek bir kamu hizmeti olarak telakki etmeye başladığı 19. yüzyılın ikinci yarısına kadar, Kıbrıs’ta hizmet veren doktorların büyük çoğunluğunun özel olarak çalışan gayrimüslimler olduğunu, başta hekimlik olmak üzere sağlık hizmetlerinin yerine getirilmesinde doğrudan sorumluluk üstlenmese de devletin sağlık faaliyetlerine ilişkin belli bir denetim mekanizmasına sahip olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.
Teaching Documents by hasan samani
Throughout history, Cyprus has hosted many civilizations and states due to its strategic location in the Mediterranean. One of them is the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans conquered the island in 1571 and maintained their rule until 1878. The scholarly attempt to grasp the Ottoman Empire with its all institutional, political, social, economic and cultural aspects has been one of the fields of interest for world historiography. It is obvious that local history studies in the countries experienced the Ottoman rule, would help and contribute to draw a general picture of the Ottoman Empire. In this context, the current work, mainly relying on the religious court records, aims to identify the diseases except the contagious ones such as cholera, plague and malaria. The other aim is to investigate and analyse the doctor-patient relations within social, economic and juridical contexts in Ottoman Cyprus. The results reveal that the overwhelming majority of the doctors operating in Cyprus were in private practice until the second half of the 19th century when the Ottomans started the centralization and modernization of its institutions including the health services, and thus to view the healthcare services as a public service. Although the state did not take responsibility for public healthcare services for public, it had a certain control mechanism on the doctors and their operations.
Kıbrıs Akdeniz’de bulunduğu özel konumu nedeniyle tarih boyunca birçok uygarlığa ve devlete ev sahipliği yapmıştır. Bunlardan biri de adayı 308 yıl yöneten Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’dur. Kıbrıs’ı 1571 senesinde fetheden Osmanlılar fiilî olarak burayı 1878’e kadar hâkimiyetlerinde tutmuşlardır. Osmanlı Devleti’ni siyasî, kurumsal, sosyal ve kültürel tüm boyutlarıyla anlama çabası dünya tarih yazıcılığının önemli bir meselesidir. Osmanlıların hâkimiyetini tecrübe etmiş coğrafyalarda yapılacak yerel tarih çalışmalarının Osmanlı devletinin genel resminin çizilmesine önemli katkılar koyacağı aşikârdır. Bu bağlamda bu çalışmada, Kıbrıs Şeriye sicillerindeki verilerden hareketle Osmanlı döneminde veba, sıtma, kolera vb. bulaşıcı hastalıkların haricinde Kıbrıs’ta görülen hastalıklar yanında sağlık hizmetlerinin temel aktörü olan doktorların tespiti ve doktor-hasta ilişkilerinin sosyo-ekonomik ve hukukî boyutları -büyük ölçüde Kıbrıs Şeriye sicillerine yansıdığı şekliyle- irdelenerek analiz edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışma nihayette, devletin sağlık hizmetlerini merkezileştirerek bir kamu hizmeti olarak telakki etmeye başladığı 19. yüzyılın ikinci yarısına kadar, Kıbrıs’ta hizmet veren doktorların büyük çoğunluğunun özel olarak çalışan gayrimüslimler olduğunu, başta hekimlik olmak üzere sağlık hizmetlerinin yerine getirilmesinde doğrudan sorumluluk üstlenmese de devletin sağlık faaliyetlerine ilişkin belli bir denetim mekanizmasına sahip olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.