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Open Home Automation Bus ( OpenHAB ), is an Open Source technology-agnostic home automation platform. That which operates as the center of your Smart Home.
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      Jenkins HenryDocker
The purposes of this research were 1) to develop human-computer interaction on internet network system: a study of how to use Docker, and 2) to assess the quality of human-computer interaction on internet network system. In this study, 20... more
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      Human Computer InteractionThe InternetDocker
A complete bundle to learn & master everything about Docker from scratch! With this Docker Masterclass you can Build, Test, Deploy Containers with Docker, Docker Ecosystem, Compose, Docker Swarm and Registry using DevOps. ENROLL NOW and... more
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      Software EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceMachine LearningSoftware Development
ABSTRACTReliability, portability, scalability and availability of applications are essential features of cloud computing in the software architecture of enterprises, that usually makes use of virtual machines (VM’s). The hardware... more
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    • Docker
Usually reservation system involves financial transaction, hence any reservation application has to deal with lot of banking hazards also has to deal with cancellation process. Some of the reservation system may have to deal with bad... more
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      Distributed ComputingNode.JSBlockchainsDocker
Reliably building and maintaining systems across environments is a continuing problem. A project or experiment may run for years. Software and hardware may change as can the operating system. Containerisation is a technology that is used... more
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      Digital CurationContainersLibrary and Information StudiesEdinburgh University Library
Currently cloud service providers have used a variety of operational mechanism to support the company's business processes. Therefore, the services are stored on the company's server, which present in the form of infrastructure, platform,... more
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      Live MigrationContainersDocker
Hadoop é o principal framework usado para processar e gerenciar grandes quantidades de dados. Qualquer pessoa que trabalhe com programação ou ciência de dados deve se familiarizar com a plataforma.
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      HadoopData ScienceMap ReduceBig Data
Atualmente muito se tem comentado sobre bancos de dados não relacionais, também chamados de NoSQL. O conhecimento destes podem abrir várias portas e deve ser considerado um fator de extrema importância para garantir uma boa... more
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      Java ProgrammingNoSQLMongodbDocker
Microservices are the developing application stage: It Microservices design isn't a publicity is the engineering that will fill in as the reason for some applications throughout the following scarcely any years. to abbreviate time to... more
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Docker provide some facilities, which are useful for developers and administrators. It is an open platform can be used for building, distributing, and running applications in a portable, lightweight runtime and packaging tool, known as... more
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      VirtualizationCloud Computing and VirtualizationDocker
Linux containers and Docker are used to change the way of building shipping, deployment and instantiation of applications. Docker accelerate application delivery along with their dependencies. Therefore, the same containerized application... more
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      Distributed SystemCloud ComputingCloud Computing SecurityBig Data / Analytics / Data Mining
Fog computing has been regarded as an ideal platform for distributed and diverse IoT applications. Fog environment consists of a network of fog nodes and IoT applications are composed of containerized microservices communicating with each... more
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      ContainersInternet of Things (IoT)Raspberry PiService Deployment
The network performance of virtual machines plays a critical role in Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), and several technologies have been developed to address hardware-level virtualization shortcomings. Recent advances in operating... more
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      Computer ScienceVirtualizationNFVNetwork Function Virtualization
Docker Developing apps nowadays essential a lot extra than writing code. More than one language, frameworks, architectures, and the discontinuous interface between tools for every lifecycle stage create substantial complexity. Docker... more
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    • Docker
The ecosystem of the Internet of Things is a set of physical devices such as sensors and actuators. It includes a set of servers and gateways that provide connectivity. These devices can be installed at three levels: the edge level, the... more
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      Model Driven EngineeringInternet of Things (IoT)Model Driven ArchitectureMicroservices
About Oracle WebLogic on Docker
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    • Docker
OpenShift adalah sebuah bentuk polyglot platform, disebut demikian karena penggunaan platform yang menggunakan lebih dari satu teknologi platform (sistem yang dibangun di atas platform). Biasanya OpenShift digunakan untuk membangun sebuah... more
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      Information TechnologyLinux system adminstrationCloud Computing and VirtualizationPlatform As a Service
Reliability, portability, scalability and availability of applications are essential features of cloud computing in the software architecture of enterprises, that usually makes use of virtual machines (VM's). The hardware resources of... more
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    • Docker
Docker is an open-source platform that can be used for shipping, developing, and running the applications for quick delivery and easy management of the application. Docker improves the performance and efficiency as it uses a single... more
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      ContainerDockerElastic Search Technology
In traditional network, a developer cannot change the configuration of a router with software programs to control the behavior of the network switches due to closed vendor specific configuration scripts. In order to make the... more
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      SDNSoftware Defined Networks (SDN)MininetDocker
Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a utilização da tecnologia de Containers Docker como parte da estratégia de virtualização da cloud privada baseada em OpenStack do Itaú Unibanco. Trata-se de uma tecnologia disruptiva, baseada no... more
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Docker veio para revolucionDocker veio para revolucionar a forma como é abordado o desenvolvimento e a implantação de aplicativos, de modo bem simples, é uma plataforma para construir e manter ambientes para a execução de sistemas... more
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      Data ScienceDockerContêiner
Scopul lucrării este descrierea conținutului vizual pe terminalele mobile. S-a utilizat o arhitectura scalabila de server client, ce permit folosirea unui model de rețea neuronala ce primește imaginea și generează conținut textual.... more
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      Image ProcessingMachine LearningTransfer LearningMobile Applications and Web Applications development
The goal of this project is to measure the impact of different application architectures and designs on scalability of a simple Node application. We researched about different scalable application architectures. We analyzed the impact of... more
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      Software ArchitectureBenchmarkingLoad BalancingThroughput
Docker is a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers (OpenSource,2017). Containers allow a developer to package up an application with all of the parts it needs, such as libraries and... more
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      Information SecurityClusterCONTAINERISATIONDocker
Jenkins é uma poderosa ferramenta de código aberto destinado a executar Integração Contínua criada com a linguagem Java o que está associada a sua portabilidade para os mais diversos sistemas operacionais. Permite executar uma lista... more
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The ecosystem of the Internet of Things is a set of physical devices such as sensors and actuators. It includes a set of servers and gateways that provide connectivity. These devices can be installed at three levels: the edge level, the... more
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      Model-Driven EngineeringModel-Driven ArchitectureInternet of Things (IoT)Microservices
The network performance of virtual machines plays a critical role in Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), and several technologies have been developed to address hardware-level virtualization shortcomings. Recent advances in operating... more
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      VirtualizationNFVNetwork Function VirtualizationDocker
There has been seismic change on the New York waterfront since World War II. The shipping industry of longshoremen on the rough docks, has given way to mothers with babies in a bucolic landscape. The former condition existed within... more
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      HistoryArchitectureCruising SexUrbanism
Docker provide some facilities, which are useful for developers and administrators. It is an open platform can be used for building, distributing, and running applications in a portable, lightweight runtime and packaging tool, known as... more
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    • Docker
Günümüzde artık bütün şirketler ellerinde bulunan donanımları daha basit ve etkili bir şekilde kullanmak istiyorlar. Donanımların daha basit ve etkili bir şekilde kullanılmasını sağlayan yöntemlerden en önemlisi kuşkusuz sanallaştırmadır.... more
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    • Docker
Recent development of real-time technologies is focusing on the standard of Web Real Time Communication (WebRTC) Application Programming Interface (API) which aim to implement the real-time technologies to the web. The main goal is to... more
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      VirtualizationVirtual MachinesCloud ComputingWebRTC
The interest on conventional technologies is declining with the increasing demand on new technologies. In the virtualization industry, container based technology has become the most powerful technologies in the last couple of years. With... more
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      Cloud ComputingCloud Computing and VirtualizationDocker
Containerization is the concept of packaging the entirety of the runtime of an application or service into an isolated, lightweight, platform-agnostic image which can then be deployed and run across various hardware platforms. It has... more
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      VirtualizationPaas Framewok in Cloud ComputingMicroservicesDocker
In traditional SaaS enterprise applications, microservices are an essential ingredient to deploy machine learning (ML) models successfully. In general, microservices result in efficiencies in software service design, development, and... more
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      Machine LearningMicroservicesDocker
Fog computing has provided a virtualised platform by extending cloud services closer to IoT devices. This virtualised platform includes virtual servers, storage, or data centres by helping to minimise the offloading delay in execution and... more
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      SecurityVirtualizationFog ComputingDocker
Optimizar y racionalizar el uso de los recursos TI, hoy día significa elegir una arquitectura abierta y escalable en nube. Siguiendo los principios establecidos por ITIL, el presente proyecto de intervención plantea una solución práctica... more
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      Content Management Systems (CMS)Docker
Docker provide some facilities, which are useful for developers and administrators. It is an open platform can be used for building, distributing, and running applications in a portable, lightweight runtime and packaging tool, known as... more
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      VirtualizationCloud Computing and VirtualizationDocker
Docker is one of the open source container software, notably represented by LXC. It enables to perform a variety of tasks in the system efficiently without huge performance overheads. With the technology, it also provides unbiased... more
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    • Docker
In traditional SaaS enterprise applications, microservices are an essential ingredient to deploy machine learning (ML) models successfully. In general, microservices result in efficiencies in software service design, development, and... more
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      Machine LearningMicroservicesDocker
Fedora 31 switched to cgroup v2, being the first major Linux distribution to do so. Docker doesn't support cgroup v2 though, so it doesn't work on the latest Fedora release. This article explains your options, and how to install Docker on... more
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NOTA: Esta guía asumen que ya tienes instalado docker 18 o superior. Si tienes alguna consulta sobre docker y estas en la región de SUD/AMERICA y/o Bolivia, puedes hacerlo por correo electrónico. Setup de Postgres Descargar la imagen... more
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    • Docker
The interest on conventional technologies is declining with the increasing demand on new technologies. In the virtualization industry, container based technology has become the most powerful technologies in the last couple of years. With... more
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      Computer ScienceCloud ComputingCloud Computing and VirtualizationDocker
Безсървърните изчисления и функционалното програмиране коренно променят начина, по който изграждаме и разгръщаме приложения. Съвременният свят е просто немислим без използването на разпределени интелигентни системи и платформи, които... more
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      Distributed ComputingSoftware EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceMachine Learning
Proyek ini diharapkan mampu mengimplementasikan pengembangan aplikasi berbasis web menggunakan Docker pada sistem operasi Linux. Aplikasi web menggunakan framework codeigniter dengan database mysql. Setelah aplikasi web berfungsi dan... more
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      Database SystemsCloud ComputingTeknik InformatikaPEMROGRAMAN WEB
Containers are a popular mechanism used among application developers when deploying their systems on cloud platforms. Both developers and cloud providers are constantly looking to simplify container management, provisioning, and... more
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      Operating SystemsLinux KernelMemory ManagementCloud Computing
This paper reports WappenLiteDocker which acts as a filter between a Web browser and a Docker engine. It is used to provide a Web-based programming environments to novices and is intended to run on the client machine. This paper reports... more
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      JavaWebProgrammingProgramming language
Beberapa hari yang lalu saya mendengar podcast dari laracon dimana hostnya adalah Taylor Otwel pada podcast tersebut taylor otwel sempat membahas mengenai SPA dengan Intertia JS. Inertia JS ini memungkinkan kita membangun aplikasi SPA... more
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      Web DevelopmentPHP ProgrammingWeb ProgrammingLaravel
Reliably building and maintaining systems across environments is a continuing problem. A project or experiment may run for years. Software and hardware may change as can the operating system. Containerisation is a technology that is used... more
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      ContainersSoftware PreservationDocker