IDCC17 | Practice Paper
A Framework for the Preservation of a Docker Container
Iain Emsley
David De Roure
Oxford e-Research Centre
Oxford e-Research Centre
Reliably building and maintaining systems across environments is a continuing
problem. A project or experiment may run for years. Software and hardware may
change as can the operating system. Containerisation is a technology that is used in a
variety of companies, such as Google, Amazon and IBM, and scientific projects to
rapidly deploy a set of services repeatably. Using Dockerfiles to ensure that a container
is built repeatably, to allow conformance and easy updating when changes take place
are becoming common within projects. Its seen as part of sustainable software
development. Containerisation technology occupies a dual space: it is both a repository
of software and software itself. In considering Docker in this fashion, we should verify
that the Dockerfile can be reproduced. Using a subset of the Dockerfile specification, a
domain specific language is created to ensure that Docker files can be reused at a later
stage to recreate the original environment. We provide a simple framework to address
the question of the preservation of containers and its environment. We present
experiments on an existing Dockerfile and conclude with a discussion of future work.
Taking our work, a pipeline was implemented to check that a defined Dockerfile
conforms to our desired model, extracts the Docker and operating system details. This
will help the reproducibility of results by creating the machine environment and
package versions. It also helps development and testing through ensuring that the
system is repeatably built and that any changes in the software environment can be
equally shared in the Dockerfile. This work supports not only the citation process it also
the open scientific one by providing environmental details of the work. As a part of the
pipeline to create the container, we capture the processes used and put them into the
W3C PROV ontology. This provides the potential for providing it with a persistent
identifier and traceability of the processes used to preserve the metadata. Our future
work will look at the question of linking this output to a workflow ontology to preserve
the complete workflow with the commands and parameters to be given to the
containers. We see this provenance within the build process useful to provide a
complete overview of the workflow.
Submitted dd Month yyyy
Correspondence should be addressed to Iain Emsley, Oxford e-Research Centre, 7 Keble Road, Oxford, OX1 3QG.
[email protected]
The 12th International Digital Curation Conference takes place on 20–23 February 2017 in Edinburgh. URL:
Copyright rests with the authors. This work is released under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International Licence. For details please see
2 | A Framework for the Preservation of a Docker Container
Reliably building and maintaining systems across environments is a continuing problem
as a project or experiment may run for years. Software and hardware may change as can
the operating system. When a paper is written, the software, its environment and
parameters may not be fully described, contributing to reproducibility problems.
Various approaches are suggested to tackle this, such as providing virtual machines with
the full installations and containers with the software described.
Containerisation is a technology that is used in a variety of companies, such as Google,
Amazon and IBM, and scientific projects to rapidly deploy a set of services repeatably.
The long-term science archives of the SKA are designed to store data for 50 years or the
lifetime of the SKA. What is not defined is how the software used to process the data
and create the science data objects might be preserved to show the processes and
version used at a particular moment.
Software containers, virtualised processes running within an operating system, provide
an alternative method of glossing the contained software and processes. Running within
a jailed environment directly on a host environment, containers have become popular as
a method of virtualising services. Docker1 is currently the dominant container project.
As the Docker project is adopted into workflows, it is being used to publish their
construction and to provide the environments to repeat experiments and show
parameters. Though this provides the raw data to re-run an experiment, containerisation
technology occupies a dual space: it is both a repository of software and it is software
itself. In considering Docker in this fashion, we should verify that the container can be
reproduced, that the Dockerfile is linked and its original environment is recorded.
We present related work before discussing our framework: beginning with the
preservation of the Dockerfile, the container’s provenance, and capturing the build
environment. The pipeline is run as part an experiment in the Integration Prototype for
the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). We discuss future work before concluding. Our
contribution is showing the workflow to create the Docker container and linking it to a
scientific workflow.
Related Work
The Recomputation manifesto (Gent, 2013) argues for the use of virtual machines to
contain software artefacts for future reproducibility. Maintaining the virtual
environment also requires having software to run it again and the hypervisors used to
run the Virtual Machine provide sandboxes to limit access the underlying hardware.
(Kuzak, 2015) describes the use of containers within sustainable software processes.
The Docker Project, Retrieved from
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The Bioinformatics field uses Docker as a method of reliably building pipelines that
may require older software versions (Di Tommaso, 2015). (Boettiger, 2015) argues for
the project’s use in the reproducibility, prevention of code rot, and documentation for
how a system is built.
In Radio Astronomy, Square Kilometre Array (SKA) precursor projects, such as the
Low Frequency Aperture Array (LOFAR) (Molenaar, 2014) and Meerkat telescopes,
use Docker containers for their pipelines. The SKA South Africa team have released
Kliko, a manager for input and output parameters that can be loaded within a Docker
container but this assumes that the process runs in one container.
The Smart Container ontology (Huo, Nabrzyski, & Vardeman, 2015) links the
Dockerfile to the container but does not look at the feasibility of preservation through
migration or linking this as a citable object. Our work develops the preservation aspect
and provides a provenance of the processes employed to create the container and from
which the container is created.
A Framework for Docker Containers
Unlike other container projects, such as LXC2 or Rkt3, Docker provides two forms of
providing metadata to build the system: Dockerfile or the Docker Composer tool. Our
work focuses on the Dockerfile as it
‘serves not only as the recipe for Docker to build your image but as a
comprehensive description of the complete environment your software
requires to be able to run.’ (Haines & Jay, 2016)
Dockerfiles are being used as part of experimental notebooks and to share the software.
Using these files ensures that a custom container is built repeatably, to allow
conformance and easy updating when changes take place are becoming common within
projects and pipelines (Kuzak, 2015). (Haines & Jay, 2016) associate digital object
identifiers with the container for citation purposes.
Placing the Dockerfile in version control follows good software engineering practices
(Matthews, McIlwrath, Giaretta, & Conway, 2008) and provides a history through
versioning. Our work builds on this by looking at preservability aspects of the
Dockerfile and container, whilst providing a provenance for the processes used to build
the container.
We present a framework that builds on existing practice to begin considering the
container as a Research Object, following (Bechhofer et al, 2013). Current practice sees
the Dockerfile as a recipe for the installation, or providing a link between the container
and Dockerfile. Our approach links these steps together and also provides a provenance
of the build environment, treating the container as software and a container, and allows
for inference upon the described files to see if software and system policies are being
LXC,, last accessed 15 January 2017
rkt,, last accessed 15 January 2017
IDCC17 | Practice Paper
4 | A Framework for the Preservation of a Docker Container
We derive the properties of software composition, provenance and ownership from
(Matthews, Shaon, Bicarregui, & Jones, 2010) in a given Dockerfile and processing
pipeline. We add the container environment of the container and workflow to our
framework in table 1.
Software Composition
Provenance and Ownership
Container Environment
Description of the components in the container
Processes used to build the container.
The maintainer of the Dockerfile
The environment used to construct the container
The workflow with the configuration details for
the pipeline
Table 1: Docker container properties
The software composition is not only the description of the components but also the
commands defined by the metadata and its maintainer. The owner of the file and
container may be two different entities: one being an individual, the other an
organisation or project. As part of this, we also capture the environment in which the
container was built.
As a part of the pipeline to create the container, we capture the processes used and put
them into a file using the W3C PROV (Lebo, 2013) ontology. Provenance is defined “as
a record that describes the people, institutions, entities, and activities involved in
producing, influencing, or delivering a piece of data or a thing”4. As argued, the
Dockerfile provides the entities to make the software in the container but the
consideration of the entities and processes used to make the container itself.
An automated build system, such as Jenkins or Travis CI, can be used to transform the
metadata file into the container system, tag it and store it in the repository. Though the
build system provides a provenance of the commands given to it, it cannot capture the
environment used if the machine uses a distributed build across slave machines. The
provenance can be used not only to provide the provenance but also to infer the integrity
of the machines as social entities running the commands.
Software Composition
Using a subset of the Dockerfile reference5, a domain specific language is created to
ensure that Dockerfiles can be reused at a later stage to recreate the original
Our focus is on the operating system, maintainer details and the package versions to
allow for the preservation of the information for a migration to a different system and to
allow the exact packages to be built and reused. This is done to limit the chance of the
environment changing the performance of the software.
Dockerfile reference,, last accessed 15 January 2017
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The initial model is to extract the Operating System name and version and the packages
from the Dockerfile and to mark these up within the Dockerfile namespace. The
operating system is extracted from the FROM command to check that operating system
is both defined and that a version is installed. The Docker specification allows for the
operating system to be defined on its own or to have the keyword “latest”, both of
which installing the image contained but this harms repeatable builds and the container
as research object.
The maintainer details are represented using the Friend of a Friend (FOAF) namespace.
The name and mailbox details can be extracted from the MAINTAINER command and
placed into the graph.
The software package details are added to graph so that dependencies can be inferred
across other containers.
Provenance and Ownership
The Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) ontology is also used
to provide a link between the container and the Dockerfile, instead of PROV Agent. The
Group 1 and Group 2 options are used to link the artefacts together and the people who
are involved in the process.
Using FRBR provides two senses of ownership: the maintainer of the metadata file and
the organisation that owns the container. In a distributed project, the two may not be the
same entity, or the maintainer may work for another institution, such as a university or
company, that is distinct from the project identity.
Container Environment
The machine environment on which the container is created is recorded as part of the
workflow. The version of the Go language and the underlying operating system details
are captured, providing further information about the environment that built the
container. As the pipeline knows the Dockerfile and the container it is to build, we can
provide a provenance between the Dockerfile and that particular container at that
This provides a framework to address the question of the preservation of containers and
its environment, storing it as a file. Capturing the machine environment and package
versions helps development and testing through ensuring that the system is repeatably
built and that any changes in the software environment can be equally shared in the
Dockerfile. This work supports not only the citation process it also the open scientific
one by providing environmental details of the work.
Capturing the processes also provides information that can be used to invite further
questions about the underlying system and people involved in the production of the
This provides the potential for providing it with a persistent identifier and traceability of
the processes used to preserve the metadata. Building on this, this allows not only the
IDCC17 | Practice Paper
6 | A Framework for the Preservation of a Docker Container
preservation of the particular container but all the metadata files to be queried. This
supports the use for publications and the science support but it also supports engineering
The SKA is reviewing various options for creating the workflow. The SKA South
Africa team created Kliko6, a Scientific Compute Container specification, to be used to
capture the parameters being used within a container. Parsing the Kliko file and linking
it to the container graph provides a method of viewing the linked containers and also the
processes linked to them. We must be flexible enough to either link one container to a
workflow or many containers for one workflow.
Work with the SKA Integration Prototype
A build and deployment system was created as the outcome of our work with the SKA
Science Data Processor (SDP) Integration Prototype team, using machines within the
Oxford test bed.
The driving purpose of the build system is the repeatable build of machines: to install
the operating system with a standard user and starting state that allows for connections
to a central Docker registry instance. Although this creates a known base state, we are
still challenged by the ingestion of software into the central registry from
geographically spread out and heterogeneous SDP development teams.
Github is used by the SDP development teams, we experiment with using Continuous
Deployment pipelines to ensure that the Dockerfile could be automatically built into a
Docker container and stored, as shown in Figure 1. Using a build tool such as Jenkins
provides some metadata that is stored but this is limited.
Figure 1: Activity Diagram for the Framework Pipeline
Rather than extracting the metadata outside of the automated pipeline, we derive it
within the pipeline as the containers are being built, tagged and stored and also capture
the environment. Attaching this process to a particular branch of the version control
system forms a discrete, automated pipeline per container and Dockerfile to create the
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local metadata. The aim is to place provenance as part of the automated software
processes instead of it being an adjunct process or reconstructed at a later stage, such as
from log files when data is processed.
Two Jenkins projects are set up: one to retrieve the Dockerfile from version control, and
the second to run the build the container on success of the first one. The latter runs the
Python scripts (Emsley, 2016) to write the build process and software metadata files as
part of the project.
An instance of the Jenkins server was set up to build an existing Dockerfile for the
OSKAR7 project. A Freestyle project is set up to download and install the Dockerfile
from version control and is linked to a build project called Continuous Build that is
triggered when the file is installed correctly.
The two generated files provide a snapshot of the container at the moment. The software
graph, as shown in Figure 2, supports the browsing of the packages contained for
installation. The desired outcome is that the we can extract the version number of the
package from the file so that a repeatable build can be constructed, instead of assuming
that the package does not change between installations. Over long running projects,
build systems may change so the metadata should support migration from one system to
another without losing precision of installation. This does place an onus on the package
and software maintainers to ensure that versions numbers are put into the software.
Figure 2: Graph of the software generated
The process is not only about providing support for future systems but may also support
a project’s existing software practices and policies. Although the SKA is still defining
processes, an operating system has been chosen. If the metadata is being used for
integrity of the container, as software it should also follow similar guidelines to the
software development process. For the SKA, Ubuntu is chosen as the operating system,
using Long Term Support builds. Our pipeline would prevent builds where an operating
system does not have a version or if the version is not one of accepted version and
where a maintainer is not provided. In so doing, we use the provenance to not only
IDCC17 | Practice Paper
8 | A Framework for the Preservation of a Docker Container
support potential migration of software but to also support inference for the project
software processes being followed.
Figure 3: Graph of the process, entities and links in the container generation process
Providing the entities, environments and processes in the build process, as in Figure 3,
in the timestamped file develops a versioned history. The environment information for
the slave machine is captured on for reference, instead of only preserving the container
and its version number. As preserving entire machines may be out of scope for a
project, the information about the environment and tools is kept. Capturing both tools
and environment provides not only information about the process but also allows it to
be the recipe for rebuilding the container and its components.
This data can then be used to interrogate the artefacts and entities of the build system.
The generated file can be linked to the stated scientific workflow using the Kliko
specification to a container that can be linked to its own build process (Figure 4). The
metadata extracted links the container to the maintainer, who may be different from the
Figure 4: Graph of a Kliko Workflow specification
The workflow specification for the larger project has not been decided and there are
various options. The Kliko metadata file, developed in South Africa, allows us to
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extract the parameters and the contained processes. It does not account for any logged
errors. Querying the workflow presents a combinatorial issue for much larger pipelines,
larger than the ones that we have been exposed to through various sub-projects.
Identifying those responsible for software at different levels can be challenging. Moving
from the organisational links, the graphs allow us to discover the maintainers from the
workflow, allowing their work and software to be cited.
Although we may not achieve the ideal state of the container and metadata being a
complete Research Object as we do not describe how the data is being used, we do
describe the parameters given to the contained processes.
The reliable use of time becomes a key object in storing the software so that the relevant
metadata can be queried and the flow of information is captured correctly, as
maintainers may change over a long running project and we should support historical
queries to determine the provenance of the container but to also provide support for
citation of the software.
Using this latter graph, we approach the use of provenance to infer integrity of the
pipeline and the system. Over the lifetime of a project, processes change and are
updated. These graphs may also be used to view the status of software and whether it is
following mandated procedures, such as defining the correct operating system or
inferring if old libraries are being used.
As automated processes become increasingly linked together to create and update
software, it becomes more complicated to maintain the entities and artefacts in the
Future work
Our future work will refine the formal semantics of our presented model and any
required extensions, such as the software citations where the maintainer may not be the
original developer. Refining the formal semantics will help us to develop more powerful
queries and inferences.
We see this work as supporting the integrity of the build environment through querying
the files and inference to show the origins and trustworthiness of the containers.
Reliable archiving and provenance supports the reputation of the science project
through maintenance of the software’s integrity as well as processes for the software
that supports the science. Having shown that this work can be implemented as part of
the deployment process, we should look at its integration with the data archiving and
operations processes.
A Docker-Compose file can be used to compile multiple containers and to build them
with a configuration for each part. Although not used in the Integration Prototype, it
provides a second model for building complex applications with more complex
workflows to be modelled. Although the parameters presented at the moment are
relatively simple, combinations of these will provide challenges for discoverability for
reproducible research or finding those who should be cited.
IDCC17 | Practice Paper
10 | A Framework for the Preservation of a Docker Container
We introduce existing work that uses Dockerfiles as part of the reproducible software
output. Our work builds on this by linking the versions of the Dockerfile to the relevant
container, extracting the entities and environments: machines, organisations, and people
involved, and linking to a workflow file.
This allows the container to be built on another machine and the experiment to be rerun. It supports the data archiving by recording the recipe for recreating the experiment
but also how that recipe is built and its parameters. As the Integration Prototype is at
early stages, the amount of data that can be used is small so a challenge is scaling this to
larger deployments.
Our focus shows how a container can be built within a Continuous Deployment for
archiving to preserve both software and creation environments and be linked to
workflow metadata. This supports publication and citation efforts.
From these files, inferences may be made upon the artefacts in the automated build
process, supporting the process and its artefacts and also supporting any existing
software policies. This provokes questions regarding the increasing use of machines as
social entities. Building on the existing processes and ideas for preserving the container,
we demonstrate a method of preserving the process and also linking this to a workflow
file provided by another process.
Using SPARQL queries, we are able to map parameters to the container used but are
aware that we are using a small dataset at present. This also supports software metadata
archiving and the use of containers as repositories. Providing the metadata provides
transitive links between the expression of the container and the container itself, allows
us to view the Docker container as software that may also be preserved to support
sustainability for the project. This metadata provides a context to the artefact as an
object within the research flow, implying that it is more than a software object but part
of processes.
Thanks to Benjamin Mort, Fred Dulwich, and Wesley Armour from the Oxford eResearch Centre.
The authors acknowledge the FP7 funded CRISP project, grant agreement number
283745, the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Telescope Project, the Department of
Physics and the Oxford e-Research Centre (OeRC) at the University of Oxford, for use
of their system resources and personnel. The authors would like to acknowledge the use
of the University of Oxford Advanced Research Computing (ARC) facility in carrying
out this work. The authors also acknowledge
IDCC17 | Practice Paper
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the Oxford University CUDA Center of Excellence (CCOE) for providing GPU
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IDCC17 | Practice Paper