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En el presente trabajo se aborda la discusión que se ha generado acerca del lenguaje incluyente, polémica que ha alcanzado niveles álgidos debido a las posturas radicales de quienes están a favor y en contra. En... more
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      DialogueLinguistic SexismDialogoSexismo Lingüístico
This paper examines how Dio depicts the politician Cicero in his account of the Civil War period.1 According to Fergus Millar's still influential opinion, Dio's view of Cicero is that he was a "complete failure"; we are informed that... more
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      Ancient HistoriographyCiceroCassius DioCivil Wars (Roman Republic)
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      Classical philologyAncient Greek ethicsAncient Greek PhilosophyDiogenes Laertius
Sobre la historia de la traducción de Epicteto en España.
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      Translation StudiesStoicismTranslationRoman Stoicism
L'apatheia radicale que prône Télès a un caractère cynique marqué, nettement distinct de l'apatheia plus nuancée des stoïciens. Tout le sermon nous fait entrevoir un philosophe bien plus original que celui, dépendant entièrement de Bion... more
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      History Of PsychologyAncient Greek PhilosophyCynicism (Ancient Greek Philosophy)Cynicism
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      Moral PhilosophyCynicism (Ancient Greek Philosophy)Ancient EducationHistoire De L'éducation
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      Ancient Greek ethicsAncient Greek PhilosophyLiterary GenresHistory and theory of literary genres
Dion of Prusa, or. 54. 55. 70–72, German translation
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      PhilosophyGreek LiteratureHomerRhetoric
"This paper departs from a 19th Century - unauthorized and rather obscure – Hetzschrift on masonic history and rituals, published on request by a deceased freemason, entitled “Sarsena or the Perfect Architect containing the Origin and... more
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      German LiteraturePublishingNineteenth Century StudiesBook History