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Unilever Company has been selected to do this assignment in management process. With this assignment it is expected to discuss about the organizations planning, organizing, controlling, and leading, and how the Unilever has success in... more
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    • Development Econmomics
تكمن مشكلة البحث في أن صناعة الدواجن تواجه العديد من المشكلات، من أهمها المشكلات الإنتاجية والتسويقية مما يحول دون الاستخدام الاقتصادي الأمثل للموارد المستثمرة في هذه الصناعة ،ويهدف البحث إلى تحليل عناصر تكاليف الإنتاج والتقديرالإحصائي... more
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      EconomicsAgricultural EconomicsAgricultureAgriculture and Food Studies
An extensive background overview on the use of agricultural residues (wastes) for production of paper, board, binderless board, energy, different types of fuels by pyrolysis (solid, liquid and gaseous fuel), many petrochemicals... more
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    •   277  
      Rural SociologyDevelopment EconomicsBioeconomicsEnergy Economics
"New results from archaeological research in southern Moravia and Lower Austria are leading to a new understanding of the early medieval development of the region. It is now clear, that in the 9th century the Great Moravian and the East... more
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    •   14  
      Monetary EconomicsInternational TradeEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval History
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      International EconomicsMonetary EconomicsMacroeconomicsInternational Relations
The Indian economy continues to gr ow as a global economic powerhouse. In the world, India is considered as the second fastest growing economy at two digit growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It is most due to the... more
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    •   10  
      Development EconomicsMonetary EconomicsPublic FinanceMacroeconomics
John Maynard Keynes was certainly the most famous and arguably the greatest political economist of the twentieth century. His seminal publication, The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money, published in 1936, changed economics... more
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      FinanceEconomicsInternational EconomicsMonetary Economics
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      Monetary EconomicsInternational TradeViking Age and Medieval coinage and monetary historyPolish Numismatics
The major concerns for most emerging or developing nations particularly in Africa have been the application and usability of knowledge based systems and technologies. Knowledge is a vital tool for every economy. Over the years in Nigeria,... more
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      Knowledge ManagementDevelopment Econmomics
-Producción de arándanos en el Perú-
Efectos en el mercado nacional con relación al periodo comprendido entre los años 2012 y 2017
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsFinancial EconomicsPolitical Economy
The Euro and the German Veto, Roland Vaubel 82-90 Outliers and the Halloween Effect: Comment on Maberly and Pierce, H. Douglas Witte 91-98
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      Economic HistoryMonetary EconomicsHistory of Economic ThoughtInternational Trade
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      EconomicsMonetary EconomicsPolitical EconomyEnvironmental Law
Confidence in combining inflation-targeting-cum-flexible-exchange-rate regimes with isolated microprudential regulation as a means to guarantee both macroeconomic and financial stability has been shattered by the scale and synchronization... more
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      FinanceMonetary EconomicsInternational TradeInflation Theory
This paper seeks to give an argument that resource-rich African economies can harness the potential of natural resources and rising commodity prices (revenues) to permit inter-generational transfer. These transfers can be translated using... more
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      Development EconomicsMonetary EconomicsMacroeconomicsInternational Trade
The Foundation for Critical Dialogue has commissioned four studies to see the changes in caste system over the time. All four studies have almost observed the similar caste practices but with different places and informants i.e. freedom... more
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      Social SciencesRacial and Ethnic PoliticsWelfare StateInclusive Design
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      Real EstateInternational EconomicsMonetary EconomicsMacroeconomics
Despite growing attention on the role of renewable energy in promoting economic growth and environmental sustainability, its adoption rate remains uncomfortably low, especially in developing countries. This study attempts to explore the... more
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      EconomicsRenewable EnergyEconomic integrationEnvironmental Sustainability
OBREAL/EULARO monitor de integración regional [San José de Costa Rica, septiembre de 2005] Disclaimer: Esta publicación se ha realizado con la ayuda financiera de la Comunidad Europea. Su contenido es responsabilidad exclusiva del autor y... more
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    •   13  
      Monetary EconomicsInternational DevelopmentInternational TradeHaiti
This paper examines how cash resources affect the sustainable environmental practices and financial performance of firms listed on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) in the United Kingdom (UK). The study adopts Ordinary Least Square... more
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      BusinessMechanical EngineeringMathematicsEconomics
Upieniężnienie kiedy moneta staje się pieniądzem MUZEUM MIEJSKIE W NOWEJ SOLI XIV OGÓLNOPOLSKA SESJA NUMIZMATYCZNA Upieniężnienie -kiedy moneta staje się pieniądzem Redakcja Projekt okładki i skład muzeum miejskie w nowej soli © Copyright... more
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    •   4  
      Monetary EconomicsInternational TradeViking Age and Medieval coinage and monetary historyDevelopment Econmomics
Confidence in combining inflation-targeting-cum-flexible-exchange-rate regimes with isolated microprudential regulation as a means to guarantee both macroeconomic and financial stability has been shattered by the scale and synchronization... more
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    •   43  
      Economic HistoryMonetary EconomicsMacroeconomicsPolitical Economy
The article covers the primary contribution to the existing literature on education in Bolivia as it delves into its education policies. The study compares relevant economic indicators with Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica,... more
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      Latin American StudiesEconomicsEducationEconomic Growth
This paper analyses the impact of foreign aid on economic growth in Nigeria during the period of 1970-2010. The empirical analysis rests on the neo-classical modelling analytical framework and combined several procedures in modern... more
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      Monetary EconomicsPublic EconomicsMacroeconomicsHealth Economics
This chapter deals with tourism of experience proposing a model.
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism ManagementEvents
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      Development EconomicsPolitical EconomyHeterodox EconomicsEconomia
The first five years of life are the most crucial to the physical and intellectual development of children and can determine their potential to learn and thrive for a life time. That is why it is specifically stated as one of the goals of... more
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      Monetary EconomicsInternational TradeDevelopment Econmomics
This paper argues that globalization and interdependence has contributed to the "contingent maneuvering" of states with sovereignty from an economic perspective, whilst nuclear non-proliferation, security, survival, and rising nationalism... more
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      HistoryMonetary EconomicsInternational RelationsMulticulturalism
Non-technical summary 5
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      Monetary EconomicsInternational TradeDevelopment Econmomics
"Could either monetary policy or financial prudential regulation be relied on individually to mitigate asset price cycles or their effects? If both ways are effective, monetary policy and prudential regulation could then be considered... more
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      FinanceInternational EconomicsMonetary EconomicsEconometrics
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      Economic HistoryMonetary EconomicsEuropean integrationInternational Trade
More than eight million people around the world die every year simply because they are too poor to remain alive (Sachs 1). Despite all of the advances in technology, conservation, and development efforts, the statistics on global poverty... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsCambodiaPakistan
This paper examines FDI flows (1994-2004) from the EU (and for comparison from the USA and Japan) to two neighbouring regions: Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and South Mediterranean (MED) countries. The analysis provides circumstantial... more
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      African StudiesIslamic LawEconomicsMonetary Economics
The study examined the effects of twins’ deficits in Nigeria for the period 1970-2008. Secondary time-series data were used for the study and analysed using econometric techniques. The results showed there was a bidirectional causality... more
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      Monetary EconomicsInternational TradeMacroeconomics, fiscal and monetary policiesFiscal Policy and Economic Growth Relationship
In this study, we measured the central bank independence for all fourteen ESCWA countries using two indicators: the legal independence and accountability measure (the de jure measure) and the turnover rates of central bank governors (the... more
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      Monetary EconomicsMiddle East StudiesInternational TradeMonetary Policy
The Asian style of regional integration may be seen as a “quasi-common economy” that eschews a formal linkup in political or monetary terms, but manages to generate similar results by strong physical integration and distributed chains of... more
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      BusinessFinanceEconomic HistoryLatin American Studies
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      PharmacologyMonetary EconomicsCongress (American Politics)International Law
The study investigated the transmission channels of monetary policy impulses on sectoral output growth in Nigeria for the period 1986 to 2009. Secondary quarterly data were used for the study while granger causality and Vector... more
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      Monetary EconomicsInternational TradeDevelopment Econmomics
... Considering the ecological impact that the agro-food production sector has upon the carbon footprint, we investigated the potential that farming of edible terrestrial snail Helix pomatia andHelix aspersa Muller (Cornu aspersum) can... more
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      Business EthicsChristianityEconometricsCorporate Social Responsibility
Richard Florida is one of the world’s leading urbanists. He is a researcher and professor, serving as University Professor and Director of Cities at the Martin Prosperity Institute at the University of Toronto, a Distinguished Fellow at... more
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      Political EconomyCreative IndustriesDevelopment Econmomics
This paper discusses and analyzes various aspects of ethics in international trade. Both utilitarian and nonutilitarian approaches are used to examine the ethics of protectionism, antidumping actions, globalism, and sanctions policy. A... more
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      Business EthicsEconomic SociologyPolitical SociologyEconomics
The study investigated the transmission channels of monetary policy impulses on sectoral output growth in Nigeria for the period 1986 to 2009. Secondary quarterly data were used for the study while granger causality and Vector... more
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      EconomicsMonetary EconomicsInternational TradeApplied Economics
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      EntrepreneurshipBusiness EthicsReligionAmerican History
In a discretionary regime the monetary authority can print more money and create more inflation than people expect. But, although these inflation surprises can have some benefits, they cannot arise systematically in equilibrium when... more
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      Monetary EconomicsInternational TradeDevelopment Econmomics
Because the corporate goal is to obtain the highest profit possible, not social welfare, public health or environmental sustainability, business interests often give little or no consideration to the effects of corporate practices on... more
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      Monetary EconomicsInternational TradePublic HealthMultinational Corporations
This chapter deals with tourism of experience proposing a model.
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism ManagementEvents
This note examines in detail Brazil’s export performance over the past 15 years, focusing not only on growth and composition, but also on different performance dimensions, including diversification, sophistication, and firm dynamics. The... more
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      Monetary EconomicsInternational TradeCompetitiveness (Economics)Brazil
This study examines the impact of monetary policy on economic growth in Nigeria.The study uses time-series data covering the range of 1975 to 2010.The effects of stochastic shocks of each of the endogenous variables are explored using... more
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      Monetary EconomicsPublic EconomicsMacroeconomicsHealth Economics
This note examines in detail Brazil’s export performance over the past 15 years, focusing not only on growth and composition, but also on different performance dimensions, including diversification, sophistication, and firm dynamics. The... more
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      Monetary EconomicsInternational TradeCompetitiveness (Economics)Brazil