Recent papers in Dedication
The following articles refer to this text: 2006;32 :339-348 2008;34(5):345-355 Demerouti E, Bakker AB, de Jonge J, Janssen PPM, Schaufeli WB. Burnout and engagement at work as a function of demands and control. Scand J Work Environ Health... more
"L’intenso quindicennio (1551-1566) in cui si svolge la carriera editoriale di Girolamo Ruscelli è caratterizzato dal progressivo affinamento dei meccanismi di un apparato paratestuale che estende la sua influenza sull’area del testo e ne... more
In the 2nd century CE, Aristolochos and the two siblings Apollonius and Ostamas erected a monument with a dedication to Heracles on the eastern slopes of the mountain Alacadağ. Its location can be reached via a steep forest path climbing... more
Marianna Villa Ai margini del Cortegiano: la dedicatoria d'autore al Da Silva La dedica autoriale al Da Silva, aggiunta solo in fase di stampa del Cortegiano, ha finito per costituire un “doppio sistema” di dediche, perché si è... more
An examination of how business-oriented models of education attempt to promulgate a Neoliberal ideology emphasizing entrepreneurship, 'leadership' and anti-unionism. Notions of Social Learning and Hegemony are usee to highlight... more
Brief Description: DEDICATION – AN INTRODUCTION TO SYSTEMS OF PRESSURE: Directed, Pointed And Encompassing Narratives Variation on Title: Dedication – An Introduction to Systems Of Pressure in 12 Steps Alternate Title: The TFA... more
The thesis may be consulted by you, provided you comply with the provisions of the Act and the following conditions of use: Any use you make of these documents or images must be for research or private study purposes only, and you may not... more
This study proposes to examine the Work Engagement of Information Technology (IT) employees in relation to their demographics. The study is descriptive and empirical in nature and the data was collected through questionnaire method. The... more
Weiss, WM and Halupnik, D. Commitment to strength and conditioning: A sport commitment model perspective. J Strength Cond Res 27(3): 718-722, 2013-The purpose of this study was to empirically apply the sport commitment constructs within... more
Abstract: In this article, three carved works in stone (Figs. 1-3) found in a variety of areas in Eskişehir (Fig. 4) (within the territory of Dorylaion) and preserved in the archaeological museum of Eskişehir are introduced. These three... more
I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the work contained in this dissertation is my own original work and I have not previously in its entirety, or in part, submitted it at any university for a degree. Stellenbosch University
This study proposes to examine the Work Engagement of Information Technology (IT) employees in relation to their demographics. The study is descriptive and empirical in nature and the data was collected through questionnaire method. The... more
This study proposes to examine the Work Engagement of Information Technology (IT) employees in relation to their demographics. The study is descriptive and empirical in nature and the data was collected through questionnaire method. The... more
This research focused on the work engagement as represented by the sub-dimensions of vigour, absorption and dedication in female academics at two universities in South Africa. An open distance learning (ODL) university, as well as a... more
The ability of an organization, especially in the industrial setup, largely depends upon the team work. Team work helps to grow competence and confidence among the employees and this in turn results in improving the overall performance of... more
This dissertation is dedicated to my father and mother, Roy Gene and Glenn Ella Marie Runnels. My parents taught us many things, one of them being to never quit. This work was completed to honor my father and mother and the legacy of... more
References are among the most important contextual factors of art. This lecture scrutinizes several thematically based conceptual, motivational and compositional connections between various artworks. Instead of being a systematic overview... more
Certified that the work contained in this thesis titled as
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Factors affecting disparities in early diagnosis and care for Latino children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are reviewed through a socio-cultural lens. Other models of disparities do not include the expansive factors that... more
Church Dedications and Pilgrimages represent two of the defining and determining liturgical moments for the church life in general, but also for the life of parishes, monasteries, dioceses, etc., in particular. These events also... more
of Palayaseevaram village regarding sharing of water with the Chennai city and its impact on the village
Pelatihan social entrepeneurship merupakan salah satu cara untuk menjawab masalah social ekonomi masyarakat pinggiran di kota. Sasaran utama dari kegiatan ini adalah para pemuda dari karangtaruna di daerah Tandes, Surabaya Barat. Strategi... more
La dedicatoria al duque de Béjar, del _Quijote_ de 1605, es, como se sabe, en buena parte un plagio. Para explicarlo caben varias posibilidades, y no solo la hipótesis que la supone redactada por alguien próximo a Robles tras una pérdida... more
The objective of this study was to explore the relationship between job insecurity, organisational commitment and work engagement among staff in an open distance learning institution. The research was conducted through computer-aided... more
The Dissertation Committee for Anissa Wicktor Lynch certifies that this is the approved version of the following dissertation: Cultivating literacies among emerging bilinguals: Case study of a third grade bilingual/bicultural community of... more
This study proposes to examine the Work Engagement of Information Technology (IT) employees in relation to their demographics. The study is descriptive and empirical in nature and the data was collected through questionnaire method. The... more
Reference spadaju među najznačajnije kontekstualne činioce umetničkog delovanja. Ovo predavanje razmatra nekoliko tematski grupisanih konceptualnih, motivskih i kompozicionih veza između različitih umetničkih dela. Umesto sistematskog... more