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Reference spadaju među najznačajnije kontekstualne činioce umetničkog delovanja. Ovo predavanje razmatra nekoliko tematski grupisanih konceptualnih, motivskih i kompozicionih veza između različitih umetničkih dela. Umesto sistematskog pregleda repro-materijala i literature, predavanje sam zasnovao samo na primerima koje sam zapazio tokom letnjeg semestra 2010 nekoliko meseci da bih ilustrovao učestalost, složenost i višeznačnost referiranja u umetnosti i kulturi.
Relax 8 practicas, cuerpo completo 2 16 Reductor 30 practicas. 2 pacientes (15 sesiones x paciente) 3 90
Вестник гуманитарного образования, 2024
Накопление новых данных иногда позволяет по-новому оценить материалы старых раскопок, уточнить атрибуции и контексты находок. При обработке коллекции Камышлы-Тамакского могильника (с. Камышлы-Тамак Бакалинского района Республики Башкортостан; раскопки Н. А. Мажитова 1961 г.), хранящейся в Музее археологии и этнографии Института этнологических исследований Уфимского научного центра РАН, были найдены фрагменты железной пряжки редкой формы. Она относится к группе «западных» типов, распространенных в начале нашей эры на границах и в ближней периферии Римской империи. Но отдельные находки проникают далеко на Восток, вплоть до Средней Азии и Алтая. В рамках этой публикации авторами учтено в Прикамье 7 пряжек (фонды Национального музея Республики Башкортостан (Уфа), Музея археологии и этнографии народов Прикамья (Ижевск), Сарапульского историко-архитектурного и художественного музея-заповедника (Сарапул)) двух групп. Все они связаны с контекстом пьяноборской культуры. Но местный материал не очень выразителен, преимущественно представлен разнообразными бляшками. Большинство могил может быть датировано 2 пол. I – нач. II в. н. э. Самое позднее погребение из рассмотренных – Афонино, п. 5 – относится ко 2 пол. II – 1 четв. III в. Выделяется комплекс Сасыкуль, п. 75. Детское погребение кроме пряжки – единственной находки такого типа, сопровождалось фибулой с S-образным завитком на конце приемника, также единственной в Прикамье. Комплекс Камышлы-Тамак, п. 83 важен тем, что является реперным для хронологии «этнографической» поясной гарнитуры пьяноборского населения – прямоугольных накладок с рядами треугольников. The accumulation of new data sometimes makes it possible to evaluate the materials of old excavations in a new way, to clarify the attributions and contexts of finds. When processing the collection of the Kamyshly-Tamak burial ground (Kamyshly-Tamak village, Bakalinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan; excavations by N. A. Mazhitov in 1961), stored in the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography of the Institute of Ethnological Research of the Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, fragments of a rare iron buckle were found. It belongs to the group of "Western" types common at the beginning of our era on the borders and in the near periphery of the Roman Empire. But individual finds penetrate far to the East, up to Central Asia and Altai. As part of this publication, the authors took into account 7 buckles in the Kama Region (funds of the National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan (Ufa), the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Kama Region (Izhevsk), the Sarapul Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve (Sarapul)) of two groups. All of them are related to the context of the Pianobor culture. But the local material is not very expressive, mainly represented by various plaques. Most of the graves can be dated to the 2nd floor. I – beginning. II century A. D. The latest burial of the examined – Afonino, grave 5 – refers to the 2nd floor II – 1st fourth. III. The Sasykul complex stands out, grave 75. In addition to the buckle, the only find of this type, the children's burial was accompanied by a fibula with an S-shaped curl at the end of the receiver, also the only one in the Kama region. The Kamyshly-Tamak complex, grave 83, is important because it is a reference for the chronology of the "ethnographic" waist headset of the Pianobor population – rectangular overlays with rows of triangles.
BSAA arte, 2018
La historiografía de la catedral de Oviedo ha estado condicionada por las etapas fundacionales de edificio. El aspecto de la iglesia del Salvador construida por Alfonso II en el siglo IX se ha querido interpretar de distintas maneras, a partir de la documentación, poniendo de manifiesto cuán contradictorias son las noticias al respecto. En este trabajo, se propone una posible remodelación del conjunto a comienzos del siglo XII. Esta transformación podría explicar las referencias a una iglesia con un enorme transepto de treinta metros de longitud durante el comienzo de las obras de la nueva catedral gótica en la segunda mitad del siglo XIV.
Journal of Field Archaeology, 2022
The origin and dissemination of paired horse burials and the implications of adopting wheeled vehicle technology on Bronze Age European societies has not been extensively studied. To address this, we present the chronological, artifactual, DNA, contextual, and zooarchaeological analytical results from a Bronze Age double-horse burial in a barrow from Husiatyn, Podolia Upland, western Ukraine. The burial was radiocarbon dated to the 15th century B.C., and the preserved antler bridle elements are stylistically similar to those from the Carpathian-Danube area. The coat color of the Husiatyn horses was determined from ancient DNA analysis, and their arrangement facing each other, combined with little evidence of lesions on their bones and teeth, suggest they were well treated and probably ridden and/or harnessed to a chariot/cart. We argue that Middle Bronze Age Trzciniec Circle communities northeast of the Carpathians adopted the chariot package as a useful component of their elaborate funerary rituals.
The QUEST: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development
Vermicomposting in portable bins is usually adopted nowadays after the public understanding of vermicompost process increased and its deployment to convert organic waste into vermicompost has been increasingly expanded. Using worms, the vermicomposting technique turns food scraps, manure, and other biodegradable waste into "vermicast," which is an excellent fertilizer. Ease of the vermicompost process and ability of its application in various scales made the vermicomposting a popular issue almost everywhere. The experimental descriptive research method was used in this study specifically the true experimental research design that relied on statistical analysis to approve or disprove a hypothesis. The researcher conducted a 15-day experiment to observe and collect data and the process were divided into two stages: development and assessment. A total of 12 portable bins were put up in the experimental study and used them in developing and accessing which organic substrates a...
Tradumàtica: tecnologies de la traducció, 2021
The bourgeoning and rapid evolution of cloud-based applications has triggered profound transformations in the audiovisual translation (AVT) mediascape. By drawing attention to the major changes that web-based ecosystems have introduced in localisation workflows, we set out to outline ways in which these new technological advances can be embedded in the AVT classroom. Along these lines, the present study sets out to explore the potential benefits of cloud platforms in AVT training curricula by exploring ways in which this technology can be exploited in subtitling training. An analysis of current subtitling practices and tools, localisation workflows, and in-demand skills in the AVT industry will be followed by an experience-based account on the use of cloud-based platforms in subtitler training environments to simulate and carry out a wide range of tasks. Our study pivots around the idea that cloud subtitling might prove useful to bridge the technological gap between academic institu...
Нова педагогічна думка, 2021
Danylova, H. (1997). Metodychni sluzhby Ukrainy: problemy upravlinnia, profesiina pidhotovka [Methodical services of Ukraine: management problems, professional training]: navch.-metod. posib. Kyiv: IZMN. 224 s. [in Ukrainian]. Orban-Lembryk, L. (2010). Psykholohiia profesiinoi komunikatsii [Psychology of professional communication]: navch. posib. Chernivtsi: Knyhy-XXI. 528 s. [in Ukrainian]. Bondarchuk, O. (2008). Sotsialno-psykholohichni osnovy osobystisnoho rozvytku vykhovateliv u profesiinii diialnosti [Socio-psychological foundations of personal development of educators in professional activities]: monohrafiia. Kyiv: Naukovyi svit. 318 s. [in Ukrainian]. Butenko, T. (2009). Obgruntuvannia pedahohichnoi tekhnolohii formuvannia komunikatyvnoi kompetentnosti vykhovateliv [Substantiation of the pedagogical technology of the formation of the communicative competence of educators]. Pedahohika formuvannia tvorchoi osobystosti u vyshchii i zahalnoosvitnii shkolakh: zb. nauk. prats Klasychnoho pryvatnoho universytetu. № 3. S. 94-98. [in Ukrainian]. Kulish, O. (2006). Formuvannia osnov profesiinoho spilkuvannia u maibutnikh vykhovateliv [Formation of the foundations of professional communication among future educators]: avtoref. dys... kand. ped. nauk: 13.00.04. Luhansk. 20 s. [in Ukrainian]. Syndrom «profesiinoho vyhorannia» ta profesiina kariera pratsivnykiv osvitnikh orhanizatsii [The syndrome of «professional burnout» and the professional career of employees of educational organizations]: navch. posib. (2004). Kyiv: Milenium. 264 s. [in Ukrainian].
Hebräisches Denken, 2022
Revista Argentina de Ciencia Política, 2024
Journal of Applied Health Sciences and Medicine, 2024
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 2017
Emerging Materials Research, 2018
KnE Social Sciences
Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology, 2021
Saúde e Sociedade, 2015
Journal of Thoracic Disease and Cardiothoracic Surgery, 2020