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La complejidad creciente implica la necesidad de adquirir métodos más eficientes para el tratamiento de los datos de una organización, en consecuencia, las organizaciones deben optimizar sus sistemas de gestión. Sin embargo, no fue antes... more
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      Political ScienceBusiness IntelligenceTICUniversidad
These last years we have been witnessing a tremendous growth in the volume and availability of data. This fact results primarily from the emergence of a multitude of sources (e.g. computers, mobile devices, sensors or social networks)... more
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      Computer ScienceRelational DatabaseData ModelingAnalytics
Data warehousing solutions play a crucial role in empowering e-commerce businesses to manage and analyze vast volumes of data for informed decision-making. With the advent of cloud computing, organizations now have the option to deploy... more
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      Dataware HouseE-Commerce
En la última década uno de los importantes cambios que impactaron en las organizaciones, fue la transformación de las economías y sociedades industriales, en economías de servicio basadas en el conocimiento y la información. El uso... more
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      EconomíaSistemas De InformaciónSociedad del conocimientoTecnologías de la información
La implementación de soluciones basadas en Business Intelligence (BI) permite a las empresas mejorar sus procesos de toma de decisiones mediante la optimización del acceso a datos precisos y en tiempo real. Este artículo detalla un caso... more
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      Educational TechnologyInformation Communication Technology
En la última década uno de los importantes cambios que impactaron en las organizaciones, fue la transformación de las economías y sociedades industriales, en economías de servicio basadas en el conocimiento y la información. El uso... more
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      EconomíaSistemas De InformaciónSociedad del conocimientoTecnologías de la información
As organizations increasingly rely on data-driven decision-making, the need for efficient data management solutions has become paramount. This paper explores the design and implementation of cloudbased data warehousing solutions,... more
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This paper provides a comprehensive comparison of AWS Redshift and Snowflake, two leading cloud-based data warehousing solutions, focusing on their performance and usability for data analytics. By examining various metrics such as query... more
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Real-time data processing has become increasingly important in today's data-driven world, where organizations need to quickly analyze and respond to incoming data to maintain a competitive edge. PySpark, an open-source distributed... more
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Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
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      SociologyHumanitiesKnowledge ManagementData Mining
The healthcare sector enhances the integration of artificial intelligence, natural language processing and machine learning in data governance for developing automation procedures. Data management offered AI-powered ETL testing with the... more
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      Data MiningDatabase SystemsDataware HouseBig Data
Change Data Capture (CDC) is a pivotal feature in Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) that facilitates the identification, tracking, and extraction of modifications made to data within databases. This paper provides a thorough... more
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      Database SystemsData IntegrationDataware House
Sahabat-sahabat yang selalu menjadi tempat berbagi cerita, Teman-teman TF angkatan 2009 yang setia, ceria, kompak, dan selalu memberi semangat, serta teman-teman menyanyi penulis sebagai tempat melepas lelah. 7. Segenap karyawan Kantor... more
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    • Geography
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    • Warehouse Management System
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      ManagementHumanitiesPolitical ScienceInformation Technologies
Dalam merancang dan menganalisa sistem yang ada pada perusahaan digunakan metode analisa CSF, analisa SWOT dan analisa matriks. Data warehouse menyimpan data transaksional baik yang bersifat histori ataupun data baru yang telah... more
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      Business AdministrationEngineeringComputer ScienceData Warehouse
Implementar una solucion de inteligencia de negocios acerca de la informacion de los docentes, estudiantes y personal administrativo de la Universidad Tecnica del Norte para el Instituto de Altos Estudios.
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      HumanitiesPolitical ScienceBusiness IntelligenceSistemas Computacionales
Today's enterprises are constantly looking for means to reduce operational costs while increasing the efficiency of their database management systems. This helps them to quickly go through real-time analytics and make critical decisions... more
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    • Cloud Computing
A large portion of the public health frameworks is taking transformations into data-centred techniques as a base for proper decision-making targeting the complicated nature of modern health issues. In recent years, the old-fashioned... more
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Sahabat-sahabat yang selalu menjadi tempat berbagi cerita, Teman-teman TF angkatan 2009 yang setia, ceria, kompak, dan selalu memberi semangat, serta teman-teman menyanyi penulis sebagai tempat melepas lelah. 7. Segenap karyawan Kantor... more
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    • Geography
Actualmente estamos rodeados de grandes volúmenes de datos, que van generándose cotidianamente como resultado de diferentes procesos; el adecuado procesamiento de estos datos puede marcar el éxito o la falta de procesamiento, puede... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical Science
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Sistem teknologi informasi yang dipadukan dengan Business Intelligence (BI) atau intelijen bisnis dapat membantu pemilik bengkel Ban Motor XYZ dalam memenuhi kebutuhan manajemen bengkel. Metode yang diterapkan pada penelitian menggunakan... more
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Bab 14 Bisnis inteligen2024
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    • Business
Bab 11 Bisnis inteligence2024
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    • Business Intelligence
Antes del inicio del proyecto cada campus (21) manejaba su propio sistema de información, los procesos no estaban relacionados ni compartían información alguna. El software ha mejorado los tiempos de atención de 2 horas a 5 minutos, y ha... more
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      Gestión del ConocimientoAprendizaje Organizacional
Antes del inicio del proyecto cada campus (21) manejaba su propio sistema de información, los procesos no estaban relacionados ni compartían información alguna. El software ha mejorado los tiempos de atención de 2 horas a 5 minutos, y ha... more
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      Business IntelligenceInteligencia de Negocios
Pertemuan 7 8 9 datawarehouse 2024
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    • Dataware House
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      BusinessWarehouse Management System
The purpose of this study is to analyze sales data from warehouse to distributors, identification of distributor status, and extension periods of active distributors. From the analysis, a data warehouse application is created with user... more
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      Computer ScienceData WarehousingData WarehousesComTech
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      EngineeringComputer NetworkUncategorized
Data mining is increasingly becoming an essential tool in organizations today. Particularly, academic organizations are requesting more sophisticated tools to improve their decision making process. A large quantity of data and information... more
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      Computer ScienceDecision MakingData MiningDecision Support
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      Data WarehousingWarehouse Management System
The data warehouse (DW) is a modern proven technique of handling and managing diversity in data sources, format and structure. Recent advances in database technologies are leading to the proliferation of different kinds of information... more
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      Computer ScienceDatabase Management SystemsData WarehouseDataware House
TUJUAN PENELITIAN ini adalah untuk melakukan identifikasi kebutuhan data, informasi dan pengetahuan serta permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh Divisi IT dan manajemen yang berkaitan dengan pengambilan keputusan, pengolahan data dan juga... more
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      Computer ScienceData WarehouseWarehouse
Pertemuan 1,2,3 datawarehouse
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    • Dataware House
Transact SQL (T-SQL) merupakan bahasa pengelolaan basis data yang digunakan pada Database Management System (DBMS) Microsoft SQL Server. Kelebihan dari T-SQL adalah, perintahperintah T-SQL dapat disisipkan dalam bahasa pemograman. Pada... more
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      Computer ScienceSql InjectionSQLDatabase
Sahabat-sahabat yang selalu menjadi tempat berbagi cerita, Teman-teman TF angkatan 2009 yang setia, ceria, kompak, dan selalu memberi semangat, serta teman-teman menyanyi penulis sebagai tempat melepas lelah. 7. Segenap karyawan Kantor... more
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    • Geography
These last years we have been witnessing a tremendous growth in the volume and availability of data. This fact results primarily from the emergence of a multitude of sources (e.g. computers, mobile devices, sensors or social networks)... more
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      Computer ScienceRelational DatabaseData ModelingAnalytics
Data warehouses traditionally are built using relational databases. The main reason for that-data warehouses mostly are used in enterprises with large-scale data sets stored in relational data structures of different legacy systems.... more
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      Computer ScienceData WarehouseNoSQLWarehouse
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      Information SystemsEngineering
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      Information SystemsEngineering
Pembentukan struktur basis data merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam pengembangan sistem informasi. Tidak sedikit pengembangan sistem informasi gagal karena pemahaman kebutuhan data atas user tidak tercapai. Kebutuhan user inilah yang... more
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    • Physics
Kemajuan teknologi yang berkembang pesat sehingga memberikan berbagai kemudahan dalam setiap aspek kehidupan. Dalam era globalisasi persaingan bisnis yang semakin ketat, baik dalam penyediaan barang dan jasa industri, keberhasilan suatu... more
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    • Computer Science
Extraction, Transformation, dan Loading, yang lebih dikenal dengan singkatan ETL, merupakan salah satu proses yang sangat penting dalam penerapan konsep data warehouse. Secara garis besar tugas dari proses ETL adalah untuk mengumpulkan... more
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      MathematicsGreedy Algorithm
Interest in biological methods for livestock and poultry pest management is largely motivated by the development of resistance to most of the available synthetic pesticides by the major pests. There also has been a marked increase in... more
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      BiologyLivestockBeauveria bassianaMetarhizium Anisopliae
Considering the market's competitiveness and the complexity of organizations and projects, analyzing data is crucial to decision support on software development and project management processes. These practices are essential to increase... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringUsabilityDocumentation
Information about the distribution of data and supporting students is needed bymarketing and communications department (markom) Dr. Soetomo University(Unitomo) of Surabaya. On the other hand, the data distribution information... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceData WarehouseWarehouse
Data Warehouse merupakan sekumpulan teknologi yang memberikan dukungan pengambil keputusan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan bagi pegawai tingkat manajerial seperti eksekutif, manajer, analis dan jajaran direksi yang berguna... more
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Dashboard is a tool that used for serving information in diagram model, visual indicator or graphic that make simply summary of information. Purpose of the thesis is to make an application for development dashboard that could used for... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringSQLDashboard