Dacia Porolissensis
Recent papers in Dacia Porolissensis
The present paper is centred around the presentation of the ceramic lighting devices discovered throughout the years in the necropolis of Porolissum, situated on Ursoieș Hill. The assemblage at hand, while not particularly large,... more
The following study is focusing on the linear features located on the north-western frontier area of Dacia Porolissensis, from Poieni (located in front of the auxiliary fort from Bologa) to Porolissum. Being an area of an intense... more
The present study aims to form an image of the names of places (toponymy) of Dacia Porolissensis in the current stage of research. Regarding the names of the military or civil settlements of the province, these can be categorized in two... more
Rezumat: Studiul de față se concentrează pe o serie de descoperiri făcute pe suprafața ruinelor a patru turnuri romane din zona Porolissum, unele dintre ele fiind distruse iremediabil de drumuri forestiere, de exploatări sau de vânătorii... more
Known since the beginning of the 20th century, the circular frontier watchtower from Porolissum-Poiana Mogrădanilor was the subject of two archaeological excavations that took place in 1970 and 1997, made by Nicolae Gudea and Alexandru V.... more
Rezumat. Fortificațiile minore ale frontierei Daciei Porolissensis, îndeosebi turnurile de supraveghere, oferă, doar în câteva cazuri, indicii cu privire la cronologia lor, la garnizoana care este detașată în ele sau la diferitele faze de... more
1. -AE 1944, 51 (Porolissum) 5 : Imp(erator) Caes(ar) M(arcus) Aur(elius) Antoni|nus pius Aug(ustus) felix Part(h)i|cus maximus pontifex | max(imus) Brit(annicus) max(imus) trib(uniciae) pot(estatis) | 5 XVI imp(erator) II co(n)s(ul) IIII... more
Cuvinte cheie: limes romanus, turn de observație roman, moștenire romană, geoarheologie, situri arheologice, turism cultural.