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      EconomicsEconometricsEmerging EconomiesMarket Structure
This paper, to our knowledge, is the first attempt at applying a dynamic intertemporal CGE methodology to study of impact of expansive fiscal policy in context of an African country. The paper is oriented towards constraints government... more
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      EconomicsProductivityFiscal policyDebt
In our model, private actors with interbank cash flows similar to, but nore general than borrow from the outside economy at a certain interest rate, controlled by the central bank, and invest in risky assets. Each private actor aims to... more
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      EconomicsMonetary EconomicsMarket Liquidity
This paper lays down a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with a fraction of non-Ricardian agents with the aim of estimating with Bayesian techniques the effects of fiscal policy in the euro area. A newly computed quarterly data... more
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      EconomicsPublic EconomicsDSGE ModelingFiscal policy
for helpful comments and insightful discussions. Responsibility for any remaining errors rests with us. The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Reserve Bank of Australia.
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In this project, we challenge the conventional wisdom on exchange rate predictability with the Taylor rule (Molodtsova & Papell, 2009; Rossi, 2013) by employing the vector error correction model (VECM) when the cointegration (CI) rank of... more
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Every financial crisis raises questions about how the banking market structure affects the real economy. Although low bank concentration may reduce markups and foster riskier behavior, concentrated banking systems appear more resilient to... more
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      Financial EconomicsBankingDSGE ModelingMonetary Policy
Por otro lado, un salario real más alto hace posible que el consumo aumente sin sacrificar el ocio. Asimismo, un salario real más alto implicará un aumento/decremento del ocio siempre y cuando el efecto renta sea mayor/menor al efecto... more
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 We propose a refinement of Ascari's (2004) model by introducing two theoretical important ingredients.  We propose a re-evaluation of the macroeconomic effects of non-zero trend inflation.  The omission of some important theoretical... more
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      EconomicsEconometricsDSGE ModelingApplied Economics Letters
This paper considers the persistence puzzle unveiled by Chari, Kehoe, and MacGratten (2000, Econometrica 68, 1151-1179). Our findings show that endogenously persistent output dynamics are not a puzzle for the standard sticky-price model... more
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      EconomicsMonetary EconomicsDSGE ModelingApplied Economics Letters
In the current New Keynesian literature, the role of monetary aggregates is generally neglected. Yet it's hard to imagine money completely "passive" to the rest of the system. By entering real money balances in a non-separable utility... more
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      EconomicsMonetary EconomicsEconometricsMacroeconomics
This paper analyzes the role of money and monetary policy as well as the forecasting performance of New Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models with and without separability between consumption and money. The study is... more
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      EconomicsMonetary EconomicsEconomic TheoryGlobal Financial Crisis
Most empirical studies on price setting that use micro data focus on advanced industrial countries. In this paper we analyze the experience of an emerging economy, Slovakia, using a large micro-level dataset that accounts for a... more
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      EconomicsEconometricsSocial Science Research NetworkPrice Dispersion
In this study, we investigate forecasting performance of various univariate and multivariate models in predicting inflation for different horizons. We design our forecast experiment for the post-oil boom years of 2010-2014 and compare... more
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      EconomicsEconometricsForecastingRandom Walk
The standard new Keynesian monetary policy problem is, in its original presentation, a linear model. As a result, only three possibilities are admissible in terms of long term dynamics: the equilibrium may be a stable node, an unstable... more
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      EconomicsMonetary PolicyLinear ModelDynamic Analysis
The standard new Keynesian monetary policy problem is, in its original presentation, a linear model. As a result, only three possibilities are admissible in terms of long term dynamics: the equilibrium may be a stable node, an unstable... more
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      EconomicsMonetary PolicyLinear ModelDynamic Analysis
In this paper, we estimate at the same time a VAR and a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium model (DSGE) for the Venezuelan economy using Bayesian methods. The results show that the estimated VAR has a better predictive performance... more
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      PhysicsHumanitiesBayesian estimationForecast
Based on a threshold monetary policy rule model which allows for two inflation policy regimes: a low and high, this paper provides clear cut evidence that eurozone monetary authorities follow an asymmetric policy concerning more about... more
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      EconomicsMonetary EconomicsKeynesian EconomicsMonetary Policy
des services d'édition numérique de documents scientifiques depuis 1998.
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      SociologyEconomicsHumanitiesFiscal policy
In this paper, we criticize the use of the standard New Keynesian model in analyzing the Moroccan economy. By showing that, in addition to the well-known structural short comings of the model, it also fails to replicate the... more
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      EconomicsEconometricsDSGE ModelingMonetary Policy
The scientific literature that studies the economic cycles contains a historical debate between random and deterministic models. On the one hand, models with explanatory variables that follow a stochastic trajectory and produce, through... more
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      MathematicsMathematical EconomicsDeterminismBusiness Cycle
The scientific literature that studies the economic cycles contains a historical debate between random and deterministic models. On the one hand, models with explanatory variables that follow a stochastic trajectory and produce, through... more
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      MathematicsMathematical EconomicsDeterminismRandomness
In this paper, we navigate the uncharted waters of the inflation targeting (IT) policy effectiveness in 19 middle-income nations (MINs), that have been implementing inflation targeting policies, to boost their output. The prerequisite for... more
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      MacroeconomicsBayesian statistics & modellingMonetary PolicyInflation Targeting
This paper studies the factors accounting for the large, coincident increases in international borrowing and lending and international trade from 1970 to the present. We focus on the rise in annual changes in borrowing and lending across... more
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Economic growth is the most common goal in any economy, and capital is one of the most important determinants of growth. In the last few decades, the use of securities in various countries' capital markets has expanded and has become an... more
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      BusinessSecuritizationFinancial SystemMoney Economy
Tato prace analyzuje chovani ceske ekonomiky v době dramatických ekonomických udalosti, ktere zapocaly v roce 2008. Analýza je provedena za využiti dynamickeho stochastickeho modelu vseobecne rovnovahy (DSGE). Model je identifikovan na... more
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      EngineeringPolitical ScienceMasarykova univerzita
The authors estimate a small monthly macroeconometric model (BEAM, for bonds, equity, and money) of the Canadian economy built around three cointegrating relationships linking financial and real variables over the 1975-2002 period. One of... more
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      EconomicsFinancial MarketsStock MarketWorking Papers
In this paper, I examine the role of monetary policy in a heterogeneous expectations environment. I use a New Keynesian business cycle model as the experiment laboratory. I assume that the central bank and private economic agents... more
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      EconomicsMonetary EconomicsApplied EconomicsMonetary Policy
We build a DSGE model to study the asymmetries of FDI shocks in an economy like Colombia. Besides nominal wage and price rigidities, we use the fact that Colombia has two productive and differentiated regions, Bogota that produces more... more
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      EconomicsColombiaEmerging EconomiesForeign Direct Investment
Customer satisfaction occurs when customers' expectations are met. This study examined the factors that are critical in improving customer satisfaction in rural banks in Ghana. Two random sampling techniques were used to select 300... more
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      BusinessMarketingAgricultural EconomicsCustomer Satisfaction
BIS Working Papers are written by members of the Monetary and Economic Department of the Bank for International Settlements, and from time to time by other economists, and are published by the Bank. The papers are on subjects of topical... more
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      BusinessEconomicsFinancial CrisisMacroprudential Regulation and Risks
We discuss the impact of a Covid-like shock on a simple toy economy, described by the Mark-0 Agent-Based Model that we developed and discussed in a series of previous papers. We consider a mixed supply and demand shock, and show that... more
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      PhysicsEconomicsSocial Science Research NetworkAgent Based Model
This paper studies a multi-country currency union of small open economies. Demand-side disturbances hamper monetary union stabilisation unless participating countries’ business cycles are perfectly synchronised. In the face of... more
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      EconomicsMonetary EconomicsEconomic integrationCurrency Union
We report transparency scores and growth indicators for the euro area and various classes of potential euro area candidates. We then study currency union stabilization when monetary policy transparency may be imperfect and supply... more
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      EconomicsInternational EconomicsMonetary EconomicsEconomic integration
decena de variables a lo largo del ciclo económico para distintas ciudades y grupos demográficos. Las fechas utilizadas para identificar las fases de recesión fueron tomadas de Alfonso et al. (2013). Se encuentra que la participación... more
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      EconomicsHumanitiesPolitical ScienceApplied Economics
After the financial crisis of 2008, many economists expressed dissatisfaction with the state of macroeconomics. They criticised deficiencies in the dominant dynamic stochastic general equilibrium modelling approach and conceptions of good... more
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      MacroeconomicsPhilosophy of ScienceSocial sciences and valuesPhilosophy Of Economics
The objective of this paper is to evaluate the impact of fiscal instruments for Colombia on two of the country’s main issues: income inequality and informality, phenomena that have been exacerbated by the pandemic. For this purpose, we... more
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      DSGE ModelingInformal EconomyPublic ExpendituresExogenous Shocks
This paper attempts to assess the impact of public investment within the framework of a simple DSGE model calibrated on Russian data. To this end, three versions of the DSGE model were constructed. The first model, referred to as the... more
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      MacroeconomicsDSGE ModelingPublic InvestmentAdvanced Macroeconomics
Although policymakers and practitioners are particularly interested in dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models, these are typically too stylized to be applied directly to the data and often yield weak prediction results. Very... more
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      Applied MathematicsEconomicsEconometricsForecasting
This paper describes a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model featuring a fraction of non-Ricardian agents in order to estimate the effects of fiscal policy in the Euro area. The model takes into account distortionary taxation on... more
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      EconomicsDSGE ModelingFiscal policyApplied Economics
WP/22/118 IMF Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published to elicit comments and to encourage debate. The views expressed in IMF Working Papers are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily... more
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      EconomicsMacroeconomicsFiscal policy
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      Computer ScienceEconomicsCongestion PricingMultidisciplinary
We augment an otherwise standard business cycle model with a richer government sector, and add monopolistic competition in the product market, and rigid prices, as well as rigid wages a la Calvo (1983) in the labor market. This... more
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      EconomicsCurrencyBusiness CycleCurrency Board
In this paper, we compare the performance of different models, on two data frequencies, in terms of matching the business cycle moments of Pakistani economy. Out of the four models, two are simple real business cycle models for Pakistan... more
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      EconomicsEconometricsBusiness CyclePasha
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      Political ScienceUniversidad de Chile
We derive a new Keynesian IS curve that is augmented to capture the direct effects of the labour share on output. Our derivation shows that the direct effect of the labour share on output is ambiguous. Furthermore, theory suggests that... more
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      EconomicsApplied EconomicsPublic health systems and services researchMusic Information Dynamics
This thesis, through a shadow rate augmented Structurar VAR model and a DSGE model with financial frictions and large scale asset purchases by the Central Bank, aims to examine the effects of unconventional monetary policy at the zero... more
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      MacroeconomicsDSGE ModelingMonetary PolicyNew Keynesian Macroeconomics
This paper concerns with the effect of exchange rate on gross domestic product (GDP) in the five founding member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN-5) namely, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and... more
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      PsychologyEconomicsInternational EconomicsPanel Data
Persistent shifts in equilibria are likely to arise in oligopolistic markets and may be detrimental to the measurement of conduct, related markups and intensity of competition. We develop a cointegrated VAR (vector autoregression) based... more
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      EconomicsBankingEmpirical EconomicsCompetition
EMU was a major step towards deeper financial integration among member states. However, diversification of equity portfolios remained limited while banking integration surged. We argue that the nature of banking integration is of... more
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      BusinessEconomicsMonetary EconomicsFinancial System