Cultural history of industrial society
Recent papers in Cultural history of industrial society
The study of the Demidoff / Demidov industrial enterprises during the latter half of the XIX Century has been hampered by the reliance on exclusively Russian sources, even though the owners spent most of their time during this period in... more
‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference,
Si pone in rilievo il ruolo di una rivista di disegno industriale, oggi design, nella storia dell'italiano contemporaneo. Fondata dall'architetto Alberto Rosselli nel 1954, la pubblicazione trimestrale e poi bimestrale, «Stile industria»,... more
This is a Thesis on Industrial Archaeology, the first of its kind to be developed in the University of Cordoba. Its main aim is to analyze the role played by copper mining and metallurgy in the peculiar industrialization process of... more
American Associatio of Italian Studies – Conference 2018 14-17 June 2018 – Sant’Anna Institute, Sorento (I) panel: ITALIAN INDUSTRIAL CULTURE(S) ACROSS MEDIA This session invites contributions on any aspect of industrial culture in... more
Példázatok a megismerésről és a továbbépítésről. Építész mesterkurzus. BME Középülettervezési Tanszék 2015.
“DE DRIE GEKROONDE HAMERS” Geschiedenis van een Zaanse smederij 1676-2022 (“THE THREE CROWNED HAMMERS” History of a Zaandam forge 1676-2022) New book (in Dutch) by Margreet van der Hut, published by Publishing House Uitgeverij Casae,... more
En la historia de la fotografía y el arte en México, diversos autores han señalado que el concurso artístico abierto por Cementos Tolteca en 1931 fue un parte aguas que marcó el inicio de una visualidad vanguardista. Sin duda, para el... more
Brede Works is an interactive museum, treating the public as users, not just visitors. Its aim is to give the users an understanding of how industrialization have radically changed the way we live, work, think and interact with each... more