Cultural heritage and nationalism
Recent papers in Cultural heritage and nationalism
This newspaper column from 2003 examines how Indians in Trinidad and Tobago are misled, guided by so many fears, the encouragement of feelings of victimhood, and smallness of vision. There is an important contribution for Indians to make... more
In this chapter, I provide an ethnographic account of how ‘heritage’ has been used in the nationalist and pro-independence movement in Catalonia. Catalan heritage has taken on new significance as a symbol of resistance and separate... more
In this paper I would like to show briefly the specialties of Hungarian identity building in the post-communist period through the analysis of the institutionalization of the notion of cultural heritage. I suggest a simplified approach to... more
There is an established body of literature surveying the role of language policy in identity construction. This paper exposes an angle that has been understudied. It suggests that national song festivals may be seen as a tool of... more
The paper explores the ambivalent nature of poems that are part and parcel of the kathak dance repertoire in the context of a changing system of dance patronage during the 19th and 20th centuries in North India. Through a textual analysis... more
With thanks and gratitude to the author for permission to post this important article. Challenging the Myths of Art History: A Symposium in Honor of Linda Seidel,’ was held at Fordham University’s Lincoln Center Campus, February 13,... more
Vivimos el siglo del nacionalismo y, paradójicamente, el del individualismo. El pensamiento sobre la colectividad y sobre el sujeto invade las reflexiones de las ciencias sociales de los últimos 100 años, principalmente luego del boom del... more
This project aims to study the complex situation regarding the unstable and quite questionable state of 'identity' of Kashmir, especially in recent years. The socio-political condition of Kashmir resides in a state of liminality and... more
Politics is a science of governance and an art of the possible. It requires good legal training, a fine tact for negotiation, and the courage for timely concessions. Many a political crisis would not end with violent confrontations if an... more
The physical space is an important element in the construction of a nation's primordial, exclusive identity, however, if it does not fit into the state's official nationalistic discourse, it can be contested and divisive. Pakistan also... more
The 1950s were an extraordinary time of cultural development in Indonesia, in which writers, filmmakers, and painters explored possible "Indonesian" identities in their work, drawing on foreign as well as indigenous sources of inspiration... more
In this chapter, I provide an ethnographic account of how ‘heritage’ has been used in the nationalist and pro-independence movement in Catalonia. Catalan heritage has taken on new significance as a symbol of resistance and separate... more Dynamics of cultural appropriation: Exoticism, conspicuous consumption, social prestige. Criticism of luxury by moralists and mercantilists. Cultural hybridity: appropriation through Sarmatian... more