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Die Münzsammlung des Kunsthistorischen Museums enthält eine zwar recht kleine, aber dennoch repräsentative Sammlung von Münzen der Kreuzfahrerzeit. In diesem Beitrag werden die Prägungen der Kreuzfahrerstaaten vorgestellt, also die... more
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      Medieval numismaticsCoin CollectionsCRUSADER KINGDOM OF JERUSALEMHistory of Coin Collecting
A beginner's guide to some of the more common Crusader Coins one ight encounter!
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      Medieval CoinsMedieval CoinageCrusader CoinageCrusader Coins
A beginner's guide to coins of the Crusaders - These are the coins you will most likely encounter!  A quick guide to identification, and attribution.
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      Medieval CoinsMedieval CoinageCrusader CoinageCrusader Coins
Co-authors: Irakli Paghava, Severiane Turkia, Vaso Sapanadze.
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      CrusadersCoin CirculationHistory of GeorgiaGeorgian Numismatics
Ancient Greek history and coin types, together with several medieval Byzantine coin types, are used to interpret an Alexius I Comnenus coin design that has been described by a leading authority as having " no satisfactory explanation. "... more
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      IconographyLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryCrusadesNumismatics
Excavation of medieval coins, from Cicilian Armenia and the Ayyubid principality of Damascus are important for the understanding of the medieval coin circulation and the urban history of Yafo (Jaffa)
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      Armenian StudiesMedieval IslamAyyubid historyCrusader Archaeology
Erscheint halbjährlich | Zuschriften an das Sekretariat: Wien 1 | Burgring 5 T: (01) 525 24 -4201 | Fax: 525 24 -4299 | E: [email protected] | |
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      Medieval numismaticsCrusader NumismaticsCrusader Coinage
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      Medieval numismaticsAntiocheiaCrusader NumismaticsCrusader Coinage