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No comedies are preserved from 413 or 412 BC. But we do have two — Aristophanes' Lysistrata and Thesmophoriazusae — that were performed in 411. The plot of Lysistrata is overtly political. Scholars have nonetheless found it difficult to... more
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      Ancient HistoryAristophanesDemocracyAthenian Imperialism
Аннотация: Отождествление агона и конфликта в комедиях Аристофана затрудняет интерпретацию аристофановских пьес в плане содержания и композиции. Комедии без агона и комедии с двумя агонами свидетельствуют о факультативности данного... more
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      AristophanesDramaAncient Greek and Roman TheatreOld Comedy
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesHumorAthenian Democracy
Ο συνδυασμός παραμυθιακής φαντασίας και πολιτικής καθορίζει την ιδιότυπη φύση της αττικής Παλαιάς Κωμωδίας. Η ελληνική κωμική παράδοση ξεκινάει δίχως πολιτικό χρωματισμό, με το σικελιώτικο δράμα του Επίχαρμου, το οποίο συνεχίζουν στην... more
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      AristophanesFolktalesOld ComedyAncient Greek Comedy
A close reading of three Aristophanic scenes in which non-elite Athenian citizen characters confront one another in ways which highlight issues relating to the operation of Athenian democratic social values. The analysis teases out an... more
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesAthenian DemocracyAristophanic comedy
This is a comparison of Agathon’s role in Aristophanes’ Thesmophoriazusae and Plato’s Symposium. Firstly, I examine the Platonic version, and the unique, idiosyncratic part Plato gives Agathon to play, as a host to all, and a hostage to... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural StudiesGender Studies
For general background, see my Introduction to the Classical Greek Theater.] Contents Aristophanes and Greek Old Comedy Aristophanes' Preserved Works Aristophanes' Clouds and Old Comedy Clouds and the Greek Enlightenment Socrates in... more
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      AristophanesOld ComedyAristophanes' Clouds
This essay discusses the ancient testimony claiming that the Athenians decreed a second performance of Aristophanes’ Frogs shortly after its original performance in 405 BC. These testimonia have suggested that the Athenians granted... more
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      Aristophanes FrogsOld Comedyparabasis in Old ComdyAthenian Drama
This is my full text and commentary on the surviving fragments of Aiges to Demoi by the late 5th-century comic poet Eupolis (a contemporary and major rival of Aristophanes), along with a synthetic introduction to the poet and his work.
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      Greek ComedyClassical philologyOld ComedyCommentary
This study focuses on the influence of classical authors on Ben Jonson’s dramaturgy, with particular emphasis on the playwrights Aristophanes, Plautus, and Terence, and the literary satirists Horace, Juvenal, Persius, and Lucian. Jonson... more
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      AristophanesPerformance StudiesHoraceEarly Modern theatre studies
The popular farces of Doric Greek regions represented a form of traditional folk theatre, based on the performers’ oral improvisations, without fixed scripts. The various local species of Doric folk drama seem to have shared a common... more
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesCommedia dell'arteOld Comedy
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      PythagoreansOld ComedyMiddle ComedyAncient Greek Comedy
Text and commentary on the fragments without play-title of the 5th-century comic poet Cratinus.
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      Greek ComedyClassical philologyOld ComedyAncient Greek Literature
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      AristophanesAthenian DemocracyOld ComedyAlcibiades
The significance and influence of Attic drama on Hellenistic poetry has been a topic of little consistent focus in recent scholarship, reflecting the dominant academic emphasis on Hellenistic poetry as a written artefact, allegedly... more
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Ecclesiazusae, the first surviving work of Aristophanes from the fourth century b.c.e., has often been dismissed as an example of Aristophanes’ declining powers and categorized as being less directly rooted in politics than its... more
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesAthenian DemocracyGreek Law
Aristophanic comedy combines the materials of popular fantasy with keen, well-targeted satire and criticism of the major political issues of the Athenian state. The Birds can be read as an open parable which illustrates caustically the... more
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      AristophanesJ. R. R. TolkienAthenian DemocracyAthenian Imperialism
This article expands on recent scholarly attention to the ritual aspects of Athenian Old Comedy, including its possibly cultic and civic functions within the performa-tive setting of the Great Dionysia, and proposes the use of linguistic... more
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      Old ComedyGreat DionysiaAnciet Greek RitualsThe Birds by Aristophanes
The formal beginning of comedy is firmly dated to the Dionysia of 486 b.c.e. 1 For what preceded it there were at least three ancient candidates: phallic processions, Doric comedy and Susarion. Each is supported by visual evidence of the... more
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De Ste. Croix famously argued that Aristophanes had a conservative political outlook and attempted to use his comedies to win over lower-class audiences to this minority point of view. The ongoing influence of his interpretation has meant... more
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      Ancient HistoryCultural HistoryClassicsGreek Comedy
""On the base of the third part of Ion’s monologic prologue (vv. 154-183), where the homonymous young guardian of the Delphic temple, through a strongly realistic, mimetic-pantomimic movement, tries and manages to drive away from the... more
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1 Ioannis M. Konstantakos Aristophanes, comic fantasy and political satire in the fourth century B.C.
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesOld ComedyMiddle Comedy
(= Atti del Seminario ‘Politica e filosofia nel mondo antico’, organizzato nel periodo febbraio-maggio 2014 presso il Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità dell’Università di Roma ‘La Sapienza’, a cura di P. Vannicelli, J. Thornton, F... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek LiteratureGreek HistoryPlato
Στο άρθρο αυτό εξετάζονται όλα τα χωρία από τα σωζόμενα έργα και αποσπάσματα της αττικής κωμωδίας, τα οποία αναφέρονται ρητά ή υπαινικτικά στον Αλκιβιάδη, το τρομερό παιδί της αθηναϊκής πολιτικής κατά τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες του 5ου... more
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      AristophanesOld ComedyAlcibiadesPolitical Satire
Kernos Supplément 35
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesGreek ReligionAncient Greek and Roman Theatre
Mediante un análisis de las representaciones humorísticas de la justicia ateniense en la comedia antigua, este libro se ocupa de relevar y analizar los modos en que el derecho es revelado, imitado, privatizado, suspendido, enseñado o... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek HistoryGreek ComedyAristophanes
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      Social PsychologyAristophanesBehavioral SciencesCivic Education
Nella commedia antica e nuova, il Sicofante è associato all’idea del ricatto e della delazione. Antagonista dell’eroe comico, egli entra bruscamente in scena usando un lessico giudiziario, spesso interrompendo il dialogo in corso:... more
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      AristophanesOld ComedyGreek Scholia and History of Scholarship
This paper is concerned with the study of gender as political metaphor. It argues that in ancient Athens, or indeed in other pre-industrial societies, the aristocracy had symbolic feminine attributes, and that "political gender" was... more
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      AristophanesPlatoOld ComedyAristocracy
Η Αρχαία Ελληνική Κωμωδία άκμασε κυρίως μεταξύ του 5ου και του 3ου αιώνα π.Χ. στην Αττική αλλά και εκτός αυτής. Ο Αριστοϕάνης και ο Μένανδρος είναι οι πιο γνωστοί κωμικοί ποιητές και οι μόνοι των οποίων έργα διασώζονται ακέραια.... more
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesMenanderUtopianism
Ziel dieses Aufsatzes ist es, einen Beitrag zur Beschäftigung mit visuellen Darstellungen von Identitäten und zugrundeliegenden Erzählstrukturen unterschiedlicher Bevölkerungsgruppen im späten 5. und frühen 4. Jh. v. Chr. zu leisten. Dies... more
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      ComedyIdentity (Culture)Old ComedySouth Italian vase-painting
This is a slightly-modified version of a paper I presented at the 2019 conference/workshop series 'Plato on Comedy' at Durham University. It serves as the basis for a (significantly altered) chapter in a volume of the proceedings for CUP.... more
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesPlatoAsceticism
Control hegemónico y dispositivos transnormativos del matrimonio ateniense en la comediografía política fragmentaria Emiliano J. Buis
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesHistory of International RelationsHistory of International Law
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      AristophanesOld ComedyObscenityObscenity Studies
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      Greek LiteratureGreek ComedyAristophanesHistory of International Relations
Este artículo se propone analizar la escena del cresmólogo intruso en Aves, revalorizando la comedia aristofánica como fuente de conocimiento histórico. Este análisis se centra en la práctica oracular como una técnica de producción... more
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      Ancient HistorySociology of ReligionHistory of ReligionWalter Benjamin
This essay calls for a re-evaluation of the image of Dikaiopolis as a selfish, hedonistic figure who stands in sharp contrast to the figures of Trygaios and Lysistrata. Underneath the veneer of self-centeredness and self-indulgence —... more
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      AristophanesPolitical TheoryAncient Greek ReligionOld Comedy
Leo Strauss is one of a handful of politi¬cal philosophers to turn his gaze to the political thought of Aristophanes. In his book Socrates and Aristophanes (1966) Strauss provides one of the longest, methodical, comprehensive studies of... more
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Afectaciones poéticas de la normatividad en el mundo griego antiguo COLECCIÓN SABERES
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      Greek LiteratureGreek ComedyAristophanesNormativity
Approaching the subject from a different point of view than Rusten 2006 (Who "invented" comedy), I ask what are the assumptions that underlie both the Aristotelian and modern attempts to explain the existence of Old Comedy, both... more
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesComedyOld Comedy
What does interpreting Aristophanes today mean? What are the most fascinating challenges? And how has the scholarship worked around Aristophanes in the last decades?
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      AristophanesAristophanic comedyOld ComedyAncient Greek Literature
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      AristophanesOld Comedy
It is widely acknowledged that continuity through change and coherence through experimentation constitute the defining attributes of Athenian Comedy. A number of major trends and patterns (e.g. politics, obscenity, personal satire)... more
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      MenanderAthenaeusNew ComedyPhilosophical Parody
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryGreek Literature
Por ser uma arte que permanece há tantos séculos, o teatro desperta a curiosidade acerca de seus primórdios, existindo várias conjecturas e teorias sobre o surgimento da tragédia e da comédia. Como seria a construção dos personagens... more
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      AristophanesOld ComedyAriano Suassuna
A careful reading of the passage from Ar. Ec. 877-1111 reveals a bisemical structure. Eros and thanatos are skilfully superposed throughout the scene: Hags' proposal of love to a young boy is seen by their victim as a gruesome attempt to... more
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      AristophanesOld ComedyLamiaEmpusa
Review essay on Roman Satire: Ferriss-Hill 2015, Keane 2015, Uden 2015
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      Roman SatireOld ComedyJuvenal
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      Ancient HistoryClassicsGreek LiteratureAristophanes