Recent papers in Antiocheia
This paper presents some thirty unpublished bronze lamps that are housed in local museums of Cilicia, Hatay and Mardin in southern Turkey. The chosen methodology of this paper is to compare these lamps typologically, dating them by... more
After the death of Alexander III of Macedon, the Seleucid Empire emerged as one of the most powerful Hellenistic kingdoms of Asia. His huge territorial extension and the various peoples who came under their control necessitated the... more
Throughout history, the Seleucid military might demonstrated many times its importance for the maintenance, expansion and defense of the Empire. Rarely the Seleucid army was defeated in a campaign and it happened in front of the almighty... more
La metropoli dell'Oriente, la terza città dell'impero romano, ad onta della ricchissima documentazione letteraria sopravvissuta 1 , è praticamente sconosciuta sul piano topografi co, urbanistico ed archeologico. Diffi coltà oggettive... more
Bu kitapta yayınlanan yazıların yayım hakkı saklıdır. Yazarlarının yazılı izni olmaksızın çoğaltılamaz, basılamaz, yayınlanamaz. Yazıların metinleriyle ilgili her türlü sorumluluk yazarlarına aittir.
The similarities between St George and the Muslim saint Khidr are striking. When looking for the mentifacts at the root of the similarities, we come across the Greek god Zeus, the Hebrew prophet Elijah, and the Phoenician weather-god... more
Beyond the devastation and tragedy of human lives precipitated by the conflict in Syria, priceless representations of ancient culture and history have likewise fallen victim to a seemingly never-ending maelstrom of destruction. Ancient... more
Antiochia, a differenza di Roma e Costantinopoli, oggi non conserva nulla del suo splendido passato, che possa evocare la ricchezza monumentale e la vivacità culturale della prestigiosa metropoli dell'Oriente, che possiamo intuire... more
The Museum of Hatay (Antioch on the Orontes, today Antakya, southeastern Turkey) preserves a mummiform bronze lamp of great interest, so far unpublished (accession no. 7587). The lamp, in the shape of a mummified Osiris, has only a few... more
iii. antiochia nad orontesem. FunKcjonowanie miasta i życie jego mieszKańców w iV wieKu wstęPne uwagi na temat miast rzymskich w iV wieku. cesarstwo rzymskie światem miast Kiedy grecki obieżyświat, Pauzaniasz, przechodził przez Fokidę,... more
The present contribution will examine the eleventh-century Arabic translation of Basil of Caesarea's Homilies on the Hexaemeron by the translator and theologian ʿAbdallāh ibn al-Faḍl of Antioch.1 Because there is no edition of Ibn... more
Libanius (born 313, died post 393) was a sophist (professor of rhetoric). He was born in Antioch and taught in the city from 354 until his death. His works are many and varied. Among his speeches, the Antiochicos or « Antiochean »... more
In ancient Antioch there was a gate called the Cherubim Gate. It was held that statues at this gate were cherubs taken from the temple in Jerusalem when the city was destroyed in 70 CE. However, the fact that a quarter in the city close... more
A thorough analysis of historical sources, in particular the writings of Libanios, Ammianus Marcellinus, John Chrysostom and John Malalas, makes it possible to identify places in Antioch where the revolts of local populace broke out (most... more
This contribution is presenting 25 funeral steles and grave slabs from the ancient metropolis of Antioch-on-the-Orontes which are stored today in the Museum of Hatay. The steles and slabs show a rather simple relief decoration and bear... more
Dans le second tiers du XX e siècle, des observations réalisées à Alep et Lattaquié ont permis à Jean Sauvaget de proposer un schéma d'évolution des rues à portiques des villes antiques du Proche-Orient aboutissant, au terme... more
The introduction of Hellenic cults in Seleucid Syria: Colonial appropriation and transcultural exchange. Rolf Strootman, University of Utrecht The Amuq Plain in what is now the Turkish province of Hatay once was a core region in the... more
Publication of a colloquium about geographical history of Asia Minor
Antiocheia is a city founded in Anatolia under the rule of Augustus, where Veterans are mainly settled down in that main Roman colony. The aim of that article is to study how that city had the characteristics role and the factors of... more
When Augustus travelled to the eastern provinces of the Roman Empire in the years 22–19 BC, he entered an area which had been affected particularly badly during the Roman Civil Wars. Thus, the princeps took great interest in getting an... more
Histoire urbaine de l'Orient romain tardif (Catherine Saliou, directrice d'études) ; les jeudis de 14h-16h, en Sorbonne (Escalier E, 1 er étage, salle D 52), 1ère séance : 25 octobre 2018.
Johannes Chrysostomos und Libanios waren im4. Jahrhundert berühmte Söhne ihrer Stadt. Was machte Antiochia so einzigartig und warum war Bildung für Heiden und Christen von so herausragender Bedeutung? Die Rekonstruktion der Schülerschaft... more
Jacques Leblanc et Grégoire Poccardi, "Recherches sur la topographie d'Antioche sur l'Oronte et de ses environs à partir de la documentation photographique de l'époque du Mandat français", jeudi 23 mai 2019 de 14h à 16h en Sorbonne,... more
À l'occasion de la parution de l'édition traduite et annotée de l'Éloge d'Antioche (discours XI) de Libanios dans la CUF, une soirée de présentation est organisée le 13 octobre à 19h à la librairie Guillaume Budé, 95 boulevard Raspail,... more
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