Cross-cultural transfer of ideas
Recent papers in Cross-cultural transfer of ideas
This paper presents an overview of the adoption of Adam Smith’s work in the Central European countries, namely the Czech lands and the Hungarian Kingdom in the last third of the 18th and the first half of the 19th century. The paper is... more
The development and construction of identities in medieval Europe, through the circulation of people and the exchange of knowledge, are fields of study that have gained an increasing amount of recognition in recent years. For that... more
Britain and its Neighbours explores instances and periods of cultural contact and exchanges between communities in Britain with those in other parts of Europe between c.500–1700. Collectively, the twelve case studies highlight certain... more
The paper traces how the creation and development of the disciplines of political science in the United States and in Germany have mutually influenced each other. The protagonists of both transfers of ideas pointed across the Atlantic for... more
The paper examines how global, national, agency-level factors explain the variations between legitimating discourses of indigenous and imported practices in the source and recipient countries. Drawing upon the world-society, word-systems,... more
Material, technology and knowledge transfer between Britain and Russia during the Enlightenment was possible, roughly, in two ways: the indirect way, that is via France, German states, and other countries, and the direct way. The last one... more
This study focuses on the problem of interpreting Lajos Vajda's Icon Self-Portrait Pointing Upward (1936) while attempting to rethink the artist's relationship to the ideas of Russian religious philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev (1874-1948). In... more
in: S. Bayer/ K. Dickhaut/ I. Herzog (Hrsg.), Lenkung der Dinge. Magie, Kunst und Politik in der Frühen Neuzeit, Frankfurt/Main 2021 (Zeitsprünge. Forschungen zur Frühen Neuzeit, 25) 121-140. Die Studie untersucht die sogenannten... more
В статье трансфер цивилизационных представлений между Францией, Англией, Германией и Россией в XIX в. рассматривается в контексте современных исторических теорий о «связанности» исторических явлений и необходимости изучать их... more