Cost of Capital
Recent papers in Cost of Capital
... Identifies the factors that affect current and future developments in food globalisation ... in the country of origin and, sanitary requirements including animal welfare or disease ... business process although different... more
The capital expenditure appraisal process has so far been presented in the framework of a cost benefit analysis where all benefits and costs are expressed in monetary values. However, many projects or programs undertaken by governments... more
This volume is a product of the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/ The World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper do not necessarily reflect the views of the... more
This paper develops some results regarding the economic value added and real options. We use Merton's (1987) model of capital market equilibrium with incomplete information to introduce information costs in the pricing of real assets.... more
Pro ject finance investments are a key backbone fo r a wide range of sustainable and bankable new infrastructures; being long term investments, they are highly exposed to inflation risk, which in Public Private Partnerships is mostly... more
This work assesses the main regulatory responses to the changes in the capital structure of the utilities firms. It examines the different means of influencing the capital structure and the various concerns related to high gearing;... more
This report estimates the returns that private investors in infrastructure projects in Latin America really made on their investments, and assesses the adequacy of these returns relative to the risks taken-the cost of capital-and the... more
This paper presents a formal derivation of general expressions for Ke and WACC in perpetuities with constant growth, which do not make any assumption on what the proper discount rate is to be applied to the firm’s tax shield, and are... more
This article advocates a new approach to assessing the desirability of downsizing. The model treats downsizing programs the same as any other projected investment by a firm. The steps involved in reaching a decision include: (a)... more
This paper examines the corporate governance of banks. When banks efficiently mobilize and allocate funds, this lowers the cost of capital to firms, boosts capital formation, and stimulates productivity growth. Thus, weak governance of... more
One of the practical problems faced by managers when choosing between alternatives (including whether or not to invest in a particular foreign project), is how to deal with the uncertainty of the outcome(s). The majority of textbooks... more
The aim of the article is to describe how Estonian venture capitalists make financing and investment decisions, and compare these results with theoretical recommendations found in corporate finance and venture capital literature. The... more
New Zealand, the United States, and Chile had the best rankings regarding risk from political, commercial, war, or government actions and for the ease of doing business. Conversely, Venezuela, Indonesia, Colombia, and Argentina had high... more
Cost of capital is one of the critical components in the financial performance of manufacturing firms. Manufacturing firms listed in Nairobi Securities Exchange have not been able to appropriately choose the right mix of cost of capital,... more
We examine the NYSE and NASDAQ listing and delisting decisions of German companies in the context of the market segmentation and bonding theories. Both theories explicitly or implicitly assume that cross listing resulted in lower costs of... more
Thomas Palley argues that the causes of the †œGreat Recession†are not primarily to be found in the asset bubble that was allowed to inflate in the housing market and in the financial sector. The bubbles actually reflect the... more
Financing Constraints and Corporate Investment EMPIRICAL models of business investment rely generally on the assumption of a "representative firm" that responds to prices set in centralized securities markets. Indeed, if all firms have... more
This study examines whether adoption in 2003 of FASB Interpretation No. 46/R (FIN 46), Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities-an Interpretation of ARB No. 51, changes the cost of equity capital for affected firms. Using comparative... more
Healthcare infrastructures are a typical risky investment, which can be financed in many different and competing ways, and Public Private Partnership and project financing techniques are increasingly recognized as a useful and appropriate... more
Research suggests that equity markets value Big N audits over non-Big N audits. Explanations include the information quality hypothesis, whereby Big N auditors increase information quality, and the insurance hypothesis, whereby investors... more
∎ In recent decades, theoretical breakthroughs in such areas as portfolio diversification, market efficiency, and asset pricing have converged into compelling recommendations about the cost of capital to a corporation. By the early 1990s,... more
We survey 290 LATAM firms on capital budgeting, cost of capital and capital structure issues. We analyze the results and compare them to those of other studies. We interpret differences according to special features characterizing both... more
This Book is for only for readings purpose not for selling to anyone. This Book is for financially weaker students.
This Book is of Assessment Year 2018-19.
Password is :- parvpoddar0309
This Book is of Assessment Year 2018-19.
Password is :- parvpoddar0309
In this paper we investigate to what extent tax incentives are effective in attracting investment in Sub-Saharan Africa. We test the neo-classical investment theory prediction that tax incentives, by lowering the user cost of capital,... more
We examine the effect of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on the cost of equity capital for a large sample of U.S. firms. Using several approaches to estimate firms' ex ante cost of equity, we find that firms with better CSR... more
The present study is an attempt to find the relationship between capital structure and value of firm and to find the significance of differences in capital structures of different companies -inter and intra industry. Two hypothesis were... more
The authors report the results of a study on the motives of corporate headquarters in large European manufacturing firms for engaging in outsourcing and the risks they perceive to be associated with strategic outsourcing operations. Four... more
Dividend policy is a vital part of a corporate’s financing decision. This dividend-payout policy will determine the amount of earnings that can be retained in the firm as a source of financing (Horne & Wachowicz, 2008). Over the past 40... more
The present study attempts to examine the relationship of EVA and MVA with Cost of Capital in Hindustan Unilever Limited. The study is based on secondary data from 2009-10 to 2015-16. The results reveal that the values of EVA and MVA are... more
Issues related to flows of goods and information are frequently discussed in the logistics and Supply Chain Management literature. But, only few contributions are exploring the financial flows associated with supply chains. This article... more
We investigate the association of foreign share ownership with firm-level disclosure and corporate governance structures in Zimbabwe, a developing country in Southern Africa. Our motivation for the study derives from the literature, which... more
the Weighted Average Cost of Capital WACC calculation as: WACC = d(1-T)D% + eE% (1) Where d is the cost of debt before taxes, T is the tax rate, D% is the percentage of debt on total value, e is the cost of equity and E% is the percentage... more
This paper focuses on the role of corporate financial strategies to improve their market valuations and lower their cost of capital. The identification of successful strategies is accomplished within an overall strategic framework. The... more
يهتم هذا البحث بدراسة مشكلة تكلفة رأس المال والصعوبات المرتبطة بها بهدف توضيح أهمية حساب تكلفة رأس المال فى المشروعات الاستثمارية لترشيد استخدام الأموال وتحقيق قدر متوازن من الاستقرار والاستدامة في المجتمع. وتحدد إطار الدراسة في تحقيق... more