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      TerminologyByzantine ArchaeologyByzantine artColumn Capitals
Mylasa is one of the most important cities in Karia region in ancient times and has a very important place in terms of shedding light on the archeology of the region. The fact that the city was located in a geography that kept its... more
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We present a study of the architectural elements of the Villa A of Oplontis. They are divided into classes of materials subdivided into groups and types and framed within the Campania workshops with local and / or regional production. We... more
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      PompeiiGreek and Roman Art and ArchitectureVillas RomanasDecorazione Architettonica
In the villa, during the Gentili excavations of the 50s of the past century and ours of 2004-2014, a large number of shafts, bases and capitals has been found: these and the colonnaded spaces that can be rebuilt from archaeological... more
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      Architectural Decoration-BauornamentikLate Roman SicilyArchitectural DecorationRoman Archaeology
It is known that the phenomenon that affects the artistic-monumental horizon of the Roman provinces between the advanced second century and the beginning of the third century AD. it consists of a widespread "marbling" of public... more
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      Roman ArchitectureAsia MinorRoman TheaterArchitectonical Decorations
European travellers writing about İzmir and environs in the XVIII-XIX. centuries have called the hot spring we know today as Halkapınar the “Diana Baths”. They have not specified what kind of building complex was found around the... more
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      Roman Baths (Archaeology)PergamonMarblesRoman Architecture
Having emerged in the classical period, Corinthian capitals were very popular and widely used in the Roman Empire. Based on designs of Roman Empire structures, methods used, architectural arrangements in the city, public structures and... more
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      Roman ArchitectureMuseum of BoluCorinthian CapitalsKorinth Başlığı
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine StudiesByzantine ArchaeologyByzantine art
Σε αυτό του το άρθρο ο Lohmann δε συμφωνμεί με τη χρήση του Διόλκου ως δρόμου για τη μετακίνηση των πλοίων ενώ διατηρεί μία κριτική στάση απέναντι στα ανασκαφικά δεδομένα του Βερδελή σχετικά με τη χρονολόγησή του, καθώς πιστεύει ότι το... more
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      ConstructionCorinthiaGreek ArchitectureAncient Roads