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This literary work investigates the rhetoric of Marine Le Pen and how she exploits the worsening immigration crisis to reawaken France’s nationalist spirit and to booster the Front National’s electoral support as seen in her speeches and... more
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    • Contemporary French Politics
Les quatre textes suivants tentent de répondre aux hypothèses avancées par Emilio Quadrelli dans un article publié par la revue britannique Mute. On peut le trouver en anglais sur Internet: http:... more
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      Social Movements (Political Science)20th century FranceAntisemitism/RacismsSocial movements and revolution
Through a synthesis of fledgling theories of post-truth (author, 2006, 2014, 2016, 2017) developing around Donald Trump and Brexit and theories of emotions in populism, I analyze the right-wing French movement La Manif Pour Tous, and... more
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      Social MovementsEmotionGender StudiesComparative Politics
How can the resurgence of the FN since 2007 be explained? Has it finally normalise? Has the mainstream right radicalised and thus, helped in such a process? How did the FN benefit from the rejection of mainstream politics? This paper... more
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      CommunismFrench PoliticsContemporary French PoliticsSarkozy
From May 6th 2012 until March 1st 2013 the main Centre Right French political party, the UMP passed through an extremely difficult period, the worst since it’s creation on 2002. Especially between November 19th and December 17th, when a... more
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      French PoliticsContemporary French Politics
Emmanuel Macron’s electoral victory and the rise of his political subject La République en Marche, led to significant changes at the level of French party politics in recent decades. This new political entity has taken the dominant... more
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      French PoliticsFrench history and politicsContemporary French PoliticsCharles de Gaulle
In French : Depuis près d'une décennie, la controverse sur l’identité nationale déchire les familles politiques, divise le monde intellectuel et embrase la société française. La généalogie de cette obsession identitaire est peu... more
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      Cultural HistoryEuropean StudiesNationalismFrench Politics
Wahlkämpfe: Frankreich 2002 (Chirac, Jospin, Le Pen), Italien 2001 (Berlusconi), Spanien 2000 (Aznar, Gonzalez), Russland 1996 (Jelzin) Die These von der "Amerikanisierung" europäischer Wahlkämpfe ist populär. Aber eigentlich ist das,... more
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      CampaigningWestern EuropePolitical CampaignsItalian Politics
This present paper sets out to examine empirically how closely this widespread impression of bias corresponds to the reality of television coverage; or rather, less ambitiously, since one can hardly claim that there are ready-made or... more
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      French history and politicsContemporary French PoliticsPublic Communication. Political CommunicationFrench Media
This was the first chapter I wrote for my PhD thesis, which analysed Nicolas Sarkozy's identity discourse and made the case that it necessitated a response from the French anti-racist movement. I have decided to upload it to my page... more
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      HistoryFrench StudiesRace and RacismImmigration
Les «Nuits debout» voient la résurgence d'une idéologie qui avait repris du poil de la bête avec le mouvement altermondialiste et ATTAC en France, il y a une vingtaine d'années. Les Indignados espagnols et les différents mouvements Occupy... more
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      Social Movements20th century FranceContemporary French PoliticsReformism
Review of Quand la Gauche se réinventait. Le PSU, Histoire d’un Parti Visionnaire. 1960 -1989. Bernard Ravenel. La Découverte. 2016. From its creation in 1960, at the height of the war for Algerian independence, its continued... more
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      Critical TheoryMarxismNew LeftNew Left and the 1960s