Recent papers in Ideational
The intention, this study was launched with, was to explore the applicability of the Systemic Functional Grammar, the linguistic development promoted by famous linguist M.A. K. Halliday. The theory establishes the view of functionality of... more
This article examines the development of methods of political analysis concerned with ideas, beliefs and meanings and argues that these need to be supplemented by an approach attuned to the specific nature of political action. It argues... more
The article reviews ‘ideational’ analysis and theory in political science. It argues that this is an important area of research limited by lack of a clear sense of what ideas in politics are and of how to analyse them as directly as... more
Ideational meaning, or some linguist called experiential meaning is the meaning that expresses the experience or the idea of someone on producing text. Ideational meaning is one of three metafunction in Systemic Functional Linguistic... more
The intention, this study was launched with, was to explore the applicability of the Systemic Functional Grammar, the linguistic development promoted by famous linguist M.A. K. Halliday. The theory establishes the view of functionality of... more
Despite the primacy of the abolitionist policy regime, adopted in 1960 and which is centred on concerns about the wellbeing of the “victims” of prostitution, contemporary French prostitution policy has sustained a variety of inconsistent... more
ABSTRACT The intention, this study was launched with, was to explore the applicability of the Systemic Functional Grammar, the linguistic development promoted by famous linguist M.A. K. Halliday. The theory establishes the view of... more
This article argues that in considering the effects of economic policy reform on women’s human rights, we must also consider the political economy mechanisms through which these effects operate. Treating the distribution of policy costs... more
The intention, this study was launched with, was to explore the applicability of the Systemic Functional Grammar, the linguistic development promoted by famous linguist M.A. K. Halliday. The theory establishes the view of functionality of... more
This research attempts to develop a supplementary writing teaching method that is compatible with the Unlock intermediate level students at Birzeit University. To achieve this goal, the study identifies four general writing needs and... more
The intention, this study was launched with, was to explore the applicability of the Systemic Functional Grammar, the linguistic development promoted by famous linguist M.A. K. Halliday. The theory establishes the view of functionality of... more
This research attempts to develop a supplementary writing teaching method that is compatible with the Unlock intermediate level students at Birzeit University. The purpose of the study is to also provide writing instruction regarding four... more