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In the last few years, the interaction between more conscious consumers and wine supply chain actors, has influenced the complex, and somewhere trendy, phenomenon of wine consumption. In Europe, the growing number of wine clubs and... more
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      Wine EconomicsFood MarketingConsumer Behavior and Food Choice
This paper addresses two questions: (1) How does the visibility and convenience of a hedonic food influence one's consumption, and (2) how do these factors influence one's estimate of how much he or she had consumed? Both questions have... more
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      Environmental PsychologyConsumer BehaviorHuman Eating BehavioursConsumer Behavior and Food Choice
Standardowy kwestionariusz FRL składa się z 5 obszarów (konstruktów badawczych), do których należą: sposób robienia zakupów, sposób gotowania, motywy zaku-powe, aspekty jakościowe i sytuacje konsumpcyjne. Każdy konstrukt składa się z 2-6... more
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      Consumer Behavior and Food ChoiceFood Related LifestylesFood PreferenceFood Behaviour
This paper aims to identify predictors of consumer ethnocentrism in the food market. An online survey was conducted in a sample of 1000 Polish consumers, which was representative by sex, age, education level, urban–rural divide, and... more
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      MarketingHuman ValuesLocal foodConsumer Behavior
This study uses the consumer affinity concept to examine the multiple motives that may shape con-sumers' relationships with food. The concept was applied in a study on four broad product types in the Netherlands, which cover a wide range... more
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    • Consumer Behavior and Food Choice
Access to nutritious food is imperative to physical well-being and quality of life. Previous food environment studies have revealed a disparity of access to healthful food on various geographical scales. An overlooked facet of this... more
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      Social MediaTwitterConsumer Behavior and Food ChoiceBig Data
One of the most insidious forms of food waste is the casual disposal of nourishing parts of plants and animals which are considered " inedible " for cultural reasons.
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      Sustainable Production and ConsumptionSocial and Cultural AnthropologyAnthropology of FoodFood and Nutrition
Purpose-This research aims to understand the behaviour of food consumption and waste in Peruvian households at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Design/methodology/approach-Exploratory research was carried out with Peruvian... more
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      ManagementMarketingFood ScienceFood Security and Insecurity
Chile recently implemented a food labeling law that requires packaged foods with sugar, saturated fats, sodium, and/or calorie content that exceeds government-defined thresholds to carry a front-of-package warning for each excessive... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsPublic Health NutritionFood PolicyGlobal Health
How aware are people of food-related decisions they make and how the environment influences these decisions? Study 1 shows that 139 people underestimated the number of food-related decisions they made—by an average of more than 221... more
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      ObesityConsumer Behavior and Food ChoiceMindless Eating
The proportion of the British population reducing their consumption of animal food products has increased dramatically over the last decade, while vegetarian and vegan options are now widely available in supermarkets and restaurants... more
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      BusinessNutrition and DieteticsSustainable Production and ConsumptionFood and Nutrition
The proportion of the British population reducing their consumption of animal food products has increased dramatically over the last decade, while vegetarian and vegan options are now widely available in supermarkets and restaurants... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsSustainable Production and ConsumptionFood and NutritionAnimal Welfare
Food production, especially meat, is one of the main pressures on the environment and experts agree that diets have to change into a more sustainable direction. The present paper examines whether Self-Determination Theory (SDT) can be of... more
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    • Consumer Behavior and Food Choice
Adapting Western meat consumption to health and sustainability challenges requires an overall reduction of industrially produced animal proteins plus a partial replacement by plant proteins. Combining insights on food, environment, and... more
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      Consumer BehaviorConsumer Behavior and Food Choice
Production of functional beverage is an excellent method for incorporation of phyto-chemicals, anti-oxidants and beneficial components. In the present investigation, an effort has been made to prepare a Ready-To-Serve (RTS) functional... more
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      Food and NutritionFood Science and TechnologyConsumer Behavior and Food ChoiceFuntional Foods
In Ghana, out-of-home ready-to-eat foods including fast food generally have been associated with food safety problems. Notwithstanding, fast food production and consumption are increasing in Ghana and therefore this study sought to... more
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      Food SafetyConsumer Behavior and Food Choice
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore snacking behavior and perspectives on healthy and unhealthy food choices among adolescents in Mainland China. Design/methodology/approach Four focus-group interviews were conducted.... more
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      MarketingSocial MarketingAdvertisingConsumer Behavior
Purpose – The aim of this study is to examine profiles of consumers in organic foods market segments and determine their attitudes toward organic food consumption. Consequently, we explore whether there are differences among these... more
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      Organic foodsConsumer Behavior and Food Choice
Purpose This research aims to understand the behaviour of food consumption and waste in Peruvian households at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Design/methodology/approach Exploratory research was carried out with Peruvian... more
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      ManagementMarketingFood ScienceFood Security and Insecurity
The aim of this thesis is to answer to my main research question: “can mass media affect our food choices?”. Talking about veganism as an increasing lifestyle, I first choose to analyze some researches, in the pre-existent literature, on... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaSocial NetworksVirtual Communities
Many people enjoy eating meat but dislike causing pain to animals. Dissociating meat from its animal origins may be a powerful way to avoid cognitive dissonance resulting from this 'meat paradox'. Here, we provide the first comprehensive... more
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      Consumer BehaviorFood and NutritionConsumer Behavior and Food ChoicePsychology of Food
All stakeholders within the livestock industry face a considerable challenge in achieving a balance between economic viability, environmental responsibility and social acceptability; and thus maintaining sustainable food production. This... more
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      Organic agricultureProductivityConsumer BehaviorFood and Nutrition
Recent legislation by the United States and European Union governments now mandates the provision of country-of-origin (COO) information at the point of purchase for a variety of meats, fruits, vegetables, and other assorted food... more
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      ObesityEuropean UnionCountry-of-Origin EffectPublic Health
This article facilitates deeper insight into label-related consumer information acquisition behaviour. An integrated framework of label information search (LIS) has been developed based on a synthesis of related literature and explorative... more
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      MarketingProduct DesignConsumer BehaviorFood and Beverage Management
This paper addresses the relationship between meat eating and climate change focusing on motivational explanations of environmentally-relevant consumer behavior. Based on a sample of 1,083 Dutch consumers, it examines their responses to... more
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      Climate Change Adaptation And Mitigation StrategiesConsumer Behavior and Food Choice
A field experiment was conducted to assess how diners' taste evaluations change based on how much they paid for an all-you-can-eat (AYCE) buffet. Diners at an AYCE restaurant were either charged $4 or $8 for an Italian lunch buffet. Their... more
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      MarketingFood ScienceNutritionConsumer Behavior
The achievement of sustainability and health objectives in Western countries requires a transition to a less meat-based diet. This article investigates whether the alleged link between meat consumption and particular framings of... more
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    • Consumer Behavior and Food Choice
This publication aims to present barriers to the development of sustainable food consumption from the perspective of consumers. The purpose of the research was to use the results of own research and other authors, supplemented with the... more
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      Consumers & ConsumptionSustainable DevelopmentGreen Consumer BehaviorConsumer Behavior and Food Choice
Obesity and several other negative persistent health conditions may be, in part, associated with the way in which people are conditioned to purchase and consume food. While the food industry is successfully promoting and making available... more
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      Food ScienceConsumer BehaviorFood and NutritionPublic Health
This quantitative study of commodity prices examines the early modern food market, a period and topic widely neglected by historians owing to a lack of data or palaeographic expertise that has prompted scholars to turn their attention to... more
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      Food HistoryHistory Of Food ConsumptionFish NutritionConsumer Behavior and Food Choice
Depuis la Stratégie mondiale de l’OMS en 2004, les résultats des politiques de santé en matière de nutrition n’ont engrangé que de timides réussites. Pourtant, les maladies chroniques sont maintenant les premières causes de mortalité en... more
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      NutritionPublic Health NutritionFood SystemsObesity
Chile recently implemented a food labeling law that requires packaged foods with sugar, saturated fats, sodium, and/or calorie content that exceeds government-defined thresholds to carry a front-of-package warning for each excessive... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsPublic Health NutritionFood PolicyGlobal Health
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      Wine EconomicsFood MarketingConsumer Behavior and Food Choice
Food-based approaches such as dietary diversification, nutrient retention and biofortification combined with nutrition education can be effective in eliminating micronutrient deficiencies. The objective of this study was to assess the... more
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      NutritionConsumer Behavior and Food ChoiceFood ConsumptionConsumer education and consumer studies
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      Food ScienceTheory of Planned BehaviourConsumer BehaviorTheory of Planned Behavior
This paper investigates the role of supermarket promotions on consumption of healthy and unhealthy food in Scotland using Kantar Worldpanel data that records weekly purchases at the barcode specific level. This cross-sectional study... more
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      Consumer Behavior and Food ChoiceConsumer Behaviour
Rainforest World Music Festival (RWMF) is a unique festival, which not only bring together many artists from various continents but also the indigenous musicians from the interiors of the legendary island of Borneo. This festival attracts... more
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      Tourism StudiesTheory of Planned BehaviourSocial MediaConsumer Behavior and Food Choice
Since 2015 there has been a surge of academic publications and citations focused on consumer food waste. To introduce a special issue of Appetite focused on the drivers of consumer food waste we perform a transdisciplinary and historical... more
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      Food ScienceSocial NetworksClimate ChangeFood Systems
Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad de incluir información nutricional y de propiedades de los alimentos en un comedor universitario de Salamanca (España), para promover las conductas alimentarias saludables. Diseño: Estudio experimental y... more
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      Health CommunicationHealth PromotionPublic Health NutritionFood and Nutrition
Recent legislative changes in the European Union have mandated nutrition labeling for the majority of pre-packaged foods. This research compared effects of several nutrition labeling formats on consumers’ food choices (i.e., the... more
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      ObesityFood and NutritionEuropean UnionPublic Health
EZME A. T. (2016). "Muslim Immigrants' Food Culture and Its Effects on Location Preference," Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari Persfektifler Kongresi: Yeni Bölgesel Vizyonlar (Congress on International Economic and Administrative... more
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      International StudiesCase Study ResearchUrban PlanningCase Studies
Abstract A cluster of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the first intron of the fat mass and obesity related (FTO) gene were the first common variants discovered to be associated with body mass index and body fatness. This review... more
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      Exercise PhysiologyObesityDiabetesPhysical Activity
In rethinking the role of food substitutes and health supplements in India’s contemporary market culture, this paper will comment upon the commodification of fitness culture which has generated a pervasive need for consumption of these... more
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      South Asian StudiesFood StudiesFood & CultureFood Marketing
Rizolatti’nin beyinde ayna nöronları keşfinden bu yana, empati ya da eş duyum dediğimiz şeyin nöral temellerini biliyoruz [1-2]. O günden bugüne empatinin beyinsel temelleri ve ayna mekanizmaları konusundaki bilgimiz artıyor. Empatiyi... more
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      Cultural StudiesEmpathy (Psychology)Sociology of Food and EatingHuman Eating Behaviours
We address how adding food ingredients (AFIs) to a base packaged food affects consumers’ calorie estimation of the new augmented product. The four performed experiments and ANOVA analyses demonstrate an underlying psychological mechanism,... more
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      Consumer Behavior and Food ChoiceConsumer ChoiceHeuristics and BiasesFood Packaging
Consumer behavior toward traditional specialties varies according to the cultural context of consumption. It thus becomes crucial to develop marketing strategies that target segments with different levels of familiarity with food. Our... more
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      Food MarketingConsumer Behavior and Food ChoiceTraditional Foods
In reaction to reports that the consumption of processed meat can cause colorectal cancer, it is anticipated that health interventions will be designed to reduce this potentially harmful behavior. Based on terror management theory and the... more
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      CommunicationHealth CommunicationHealthPublic Health
Celem artykułu jest analiza sposobu definiowania żywności naturalnej przez klientów targów świeżej żywności. Postawione w nim tezy opierają się na piętnastu indywidualnych wywiadach pogłębionych, przeprowadzonych z klientami targów w... more
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      Sociology of Food and EatingActor Network TheoryActor-Network-TheoryConsumer Behavior and Food Choice
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      Rural TourismFood MarketingConsumer Behavior and Food Choice