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Fichamento da obra de Peter Häberle.
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      Constitutional LawConstitutional TheoryDireito ConstitucionalConstitutional Hermeneutics
As contribuições da Hermenêutica para a redução da subjetividade do intérprete assumem significativa importância na atualidade, face aos recentes avanços nas searas da Hermenêutica Filosófica e da Hermenêutica Constitucional.
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      Constitutional LawHermeneuticsDireito ConstitucionalHERMENEUTICA
The theme of this master thesis is the interpretation of the agrarian property, from constitutionalized legal grounds, based on the Philosophy of Liberation hermeneutic proposal developed by the philosopher Enrique Dussel and on the... more
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      Philosophy of liberationConstitutional HermeneuticsAgrarian reformLand and property law
Este artigo analisa a hermenêutica constitucional concretista, considerando sua contribuição para a superação da “crise de efetividade” do Direito constitucional em relação aos direitos fundamentais sociais, bem como suas implicações para... more
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      Right to EducationConstitutional HermeneuticsDireitos Fundamentais SociaisHermenêutica Constitucional
This article deals with Gadamer's contribution to philosophical hermeneutics. Introducing the centrality of the concept of linguisticity in his thought, it discusses the criticism he made to the method as a means to get to the truth, to... more
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    • Constitutional Hermeneutics
The chief task of this essay is to assess the Bosnia-Herzegovina (BH) Constitutional Court decision of 1 July 2000 (U 5/98-III), which can be reduced to an attempt to demonstrate that the Dayton BH Constitution implies a thesis on... more
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      Constitutional LawInternational RelationsPolitical PhilosophyLanguages and Linguistics O título da minha palestra foi pensado para ser uma provocação e a introdução ao que considero ser um dos temas centrais da hermenêutica constitucional contemporânea. Quando... more
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      Direito ConstitucionalHermenéuticaDireito Constitucional, Direitos Coletivos, Direitos HumanosConstitutional Hermeneutics
The theme of this master thesis is the interpretation of the agrarian property, from constitutionalized legal grounds, based on the Philosophy of Liberation hermeneutic proposal developed by the philosopher Enrique Dussel and on the... more
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      Latin American StudiesConstitutional LawComparative Constitutional LawConstitutional Hermeneutics