Thesis Chapters by Vitor Sousa Freitas
The theme of this master thesis is the interpretation of the agrarian property, from
constitution... more The theme of this master thesis is the interpretation of the agrarian property, from
constitutionalized legal grounds, based on the Philosophy of Liberation hermeneutic proposal developed by the philosopher Enrique Dussel and on the changes in the agrarian property caused by the Latin-American New Constitutionalism. The work aims to provide new foundations for the study of agrarian law, in a context of paradigmatic crisis, through the development of new theoretical models that rearticulate legal thought before institutional transformations. The research is theoretical and it is based primarily in the works of Dussel, and in the constitutions of Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia. It can be concluded, according to Dussel, that praxis is the foundation and condition to the understanding of subjects in community and that linguisticity, instrumentality, historicity and intersubjectivity are articulated in the necessarily intentional and projective constitution sense, in view of, ultimately, the care of specific needs of the subjects living in community. Law is constituted in the praxis of subjects such as mediation institutionalized by power to satisfy those needs in everyday life and in multiple fields of existence. The Philosophy of Liberation, in turn, worries about the situation of domination, victimization, denial of rights, alienation that precludes the exercise of authentic interpretation, non participation in the institutionalization of law and its meaning as well as the instrumentalization of the interpreter for strange understanding that are negativ to their needs. In this sense, the modern property is interpreted in itseconomic, ecological, cultural, legal and geopolitical negativity, from the revelation of the mechanisms that make it servesto a project that denies the dignity of nature and human work for the benefit of a economic world system that pressuposes and asserts itself with the generation of systemic poverty, non-central countries dependency in the world-system, environmental and cultural destruction, and denial of rights. The crisis of this world system opens new institutional possibilities and demands the affirmation of new projects for Latin American peoples, with the consequent need for statement of rights. In this context, the LatinAmerican Transformative Constitutionalism faces the issue of access to land and denies the negativity of modern agrarian property in its various dimensions, through his transformation, and in view of new rights. This positivity from the victimsconstitute new foundations for the legal use of the land and transform the agrarian property models of interpretation.
Papers by Vitor Sousa Freitas
O tema da presente dissertacao de mestrado e o da intepretacao do direito de propriedade imobilia... more O tema da presente dissertacao de mestrado e o da intepretacao do direito de propriedade imobiliaria agraria, a partir de fundamentos juridico-constitucionais, com base na proposta hermeneutica da Filosofia da Libertacao elaborada pelo filosofo latino-americano Enrique Dussel e nas mudancas da propriedade agraria decorrentes do Novo Constitucionalismo Latino-americano. O trabalho visa constituir novos fundamentos para o estudo do direito agrario, num contexto de crise paradigmatica, por meio da concepcao de novos modelos teoricos que rearticulem o pensamento juridico diante de transformacoes institucionais. A pesquisa realizada tem carater teorico e esta fundamentada, primeiramente, nas obras de Dussel, e nas constituicoes da Venezuela, Equador e Bolivia. Pode-se concluir, de acordo com Dussel, que a praxis e o fundamento e a condicao da compreensao dos sujeitos em comunidade e que linguisticidade, instrumentalidade, historicidade, e intersubjetividade se articulam na constituicao n...
Revista da Defensoria Pública do Distrito Federal, 2019
O presente artigo representa um esforço de atualização da obra "Introdução Crítica ao Direit... more O presente artigo representa um esforço de atualização da obra "Introdução Crítica ao Direito Agrário", da coleção Direito Achado na Rua, de modo a identificar sujeitos e temas emergentes no Direito Agrário que não foram abordados no livro, e levantar questões que contribuam para pensar a relação entre o direito e os desafios atuais da realidade agrária brasileira. O trabalho foi realizado por meio de revisão bibliográfica e análise documental e seus resultados apontaram transformações importantes no campo nas últimas décadas, como a multiplicação das pautas, repertórios de ação e dos sujeitos coletivos de direitos, com destaque para a emergência política dos povos e comunidades tradicionais, a ressignificação do sentido da Reforma Agraria e a intensificação dos processos de expropriação territorial, violência e violações de direitos.
Thesis Chapters by Vitor Sousa Freitas
constitutionalized legal grounds, based on the Philosophy of Liberation hermeneutic proposal developed by the philosopher Enrique Dussel and on the changes in the agrarian property caused by the Latin-American New Constitutionalism. The work aims to provide new foundations for the study of agrarian law, in a context of paradigmatic crisis, through the development of new theoretical models that rearticulate legal thought before institutional transformations. The research is theoretical and it is based primarily in the works of Dussel, and in the constitutions of Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia. It can be concluded, according to Dussel, that praxis is the foundation and condition to the understanding of subjects in community and that linguisticity, instrumentality, historicity and intersubjectivity are articulated in the necessarily intentional and projective constitution sense, in view of, ultimately, the care of specific needs of the subjects living in community. Law is constituted in the praxis of subjects such as mediation institutionalized by power to satisfy those needs in everyday life and in multiple fields of existence. The Philosophy of Liberation, in turn, worries about the situation of domination, victimization, denial of rights, alienation that precludes the exercise of authentic interpretation, non participation in the institutionalization of law and its meaning as well as the instrumentalization of the interpreter for strange understanding that are negativ to their needs. In this sense, the modern property is interpreted in itseconomic, ecological, cultural, legal and geopolitical negativity, from the revelation of the mechanisms that make it servesto a project that denies the dignity of nature and human work for the benefit of a economic world system that pressuposes and asserts itself with the generation of systemic poverty, non-central countries dependency in the world-system, environmental and cultural destruction, and denial of rights. The crisis of this world system opens new institutional possibilities and demands the affirmation of new projects for Latin American peoples, with the consequent need for statement of rights. In this context, the LatinAmerican Transformative Constitutionalism faces the issue of access to land and denies the negativity of modern agrarian property in its various dimensions, through his transformation, and in view of new rights. This positivity from the victimsconstitute new foundations for the legal use of the land and transform the agrarian property models of interpretation.
Papers by Vitor Sousa Freitas
constitutionalized legal grounds, based on the Philosophy of Liberation hermeneutic proposal developed by the philosopher Enrique Dussel and on the changes in the agrarian property caused by the Latin-American New Constitutionalism. The work aims to provide new foundations for the study of agrarian law, in a context of paradigmatic crisis, through the development of new theoretical models that rearticulate legal thought before institutional transformations. The research is theoretical and it is based primarily in the works of Dussel, and in the constitutions of Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia. It can be concluded, according to Dussel, that praxis is the foundation and condition to the understanding of subjects in community and that linguisticity, instrumentality, historicity and intersubjectivity are articulated in the necessarily intentional and projective constitution sense, in view of, ultimately, the care of specific needs of the subjects living in community. Law is constituted in the praxis of subjects such as mediation institutionalized by power to satisfy those needs in everyday life and in multiple fields of existence. The Philosophy of Liberation, in turn, worries about the situation of domination, victimization, denial of rights, alienation that precludes the exercise of authentic interpretation, non participation in the institutionalization of law and its meaning as well as the instrumentalization of the interpreter for strange understanding that are negativ to their needs. In this sense, the modern property is interpreted in itseconomic, ecological, cultural, legal and geopolitical negativity, from the revelation of the mechanisms that make it servesto a project that denies the dignity of nature and human work for the benefit of a economic world system that pressuposes and asserts itself with the generation of systemic poverty, non-central countries dependency in the world-system, environmental and cultural destruction, and denial of rights. The crisis of this world system opens new institutional possibilities and demands the affirmation of new projects for Latin American peoples, with the consequent need for statement of rights. In this context, the LatinAmerican Transformative Constitutionalism faces the issue of access to land and denies the negativity of modern agrarian property in its various dimensions, through his transformation, and in view of new rights. This positivity from the victimsconstitute new foundations for the legal use of the land and transform the agrarian property models of interpretation.