Computer Modelling
Recent papers in Computer Modelling
Long-term rainfall prediction is a challenging task especially in the modern world where we are facing the major environmental problem of global warming. In general, climate and rainfall are highly non-linear phenomena in nature... more
We prove the existence of mild solutions for a partial neutral functional integrodifferential equation with unbounded delay using the Leray–Schauder alternative.
It is well known that certain fluids are birefringent and when flows are viewed in polarised light interference fringes are observed. The fringes are caused by a phase shift in the light passing through the fluid and are proportional to... more
The search for the neural substrate of vertebrate action selection has focused on structures in the forebrain and midbrain, and particularly on the group of sub-cortical nuclei known as the basal ganglia. Yet, the behavioural repertoire... more
The present study deals with the analysis of a Lotka-Volterra model describing competition between tumor and immune cells. The model consists of differential equations with piecewise constant arguments and based on metamodel constructed... more
The construction of an excavation often means penetrating the local or regional water table. This causes inflows, which if the country rock is significantly permeable can become at best a nuisance to operations and at worst a hazard. Dry... more
In this paper, we define a new type of M(G)-group action , called M(G)-group soft union(SU) action and M(G)-ideal soft union(SU) action on a soft set. This new concept illustrates how a soft set effects on an M(G)-group in the mean of... more
5th International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Sciences (AMA 2021)will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications impacts and challenges of Mathematics and... more
C4I (command, control, communications, computer and intelligence) system is a complex system of systems that enables the military commander to achieve decision superiority by affecting adversary's information and information based... more
Information security is a serious issue especially in present age because a solo attack may cause a big harm in computer and network systems. Several intrusion detection approaches exist to tackle this critical issue but the problem is... more
The possibility of using a nodal method allowing irregular distribution of nodes in a natural way is one of the main advantages of the generalized finite difference method (GFDM) with regard to the classical finite difference method.... more
Finally, I would like to express m y deepest thanks and love to m y Parents, m y Wife and children. Their moral support during the difficult period of m y study, their encouragement, and m y children's patience contributed to the success... more
Climate and rainfall are highly non-linear and complicated phenomena, which require sophisticated computer modelling and simulation for accurate prediction. An artificial intelligence technology allows knowledge processing and can be used... more
As illustrated by the approaches presented during the 5 th FSPM workshop (Prusinkiewicz 16 and Hanan 2007, and this issue), the development of functional-structural plant models 17 requires an increasing amount of computer modeling. All... more
Infants (from Latin infans, speechless) are human beings who cannot speak. It took most of us the whole first year of our lives to overcome this infancy and to produce our first few meaningful words, but we were not idle as infants. We... more
The Vetiver System (VS) is now well accepted and used worldwide for numerous applications. Amongst these, environmental protection applications are the most popular due to its effectiveness, simplicity and low cost. Earlier research... more
Soft systems methodology provides a structured and systematic approach for analysing human activity systems such as the institution of education
During the re-configuration of their grate-kiln induration system for the firing of iron ore pellets at the Whyalla Steelworks, caused by a change from an earthy hematite to a magnetite ore with considerably less flux, OneSteel... more
There are some methods for solving Multiple Criteria Decision-Making problems, of which one is the TOPSIS method. When data is nondeterministic like interval data, the method must be modified to show the correct result. In this research... more
A screen for TBX1 gene mutations identified two mutations in patients with some features compatible with the 22q11.2-deletion syndrome but with no deletions. One is a de novo missense mutation and the other is a 5 0 untranslated region (5... more
Computer simulations are used to represent the essential features of a real system so that analyzers can test their design skills in a convenient and safe environment. Organizations throughout the world are quickly moving to adopt process... more
a b s t r a c t In 2007, Huang and Zhang [L.G. Huang, X. Zhang, Cone metric spaces and fixed point theorems of contractive mappings, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 332 (2007) 1468-1476] rediscovered normal cone metric spaces and obtained the Banach... more
Irradiation by ion beams, used alone or combined with electron beams/X-rays, is in the basis of most vacuum techniques for surface analysis of materials. The ion bombardment effects in solids are however still hard to predict and... more
While there has been significant progress in the treatment of ischemic heart failure, it remains a significant health and economic problem worldwide. In this paper, we present the challenges of modelling ischemic heart failure and... more
The intention of this paper is to demonstrate the feasibility of a performance-based solution for providing adequate life safety levels for the occupants of an industrial warehouse. Focus was given to the evaluation of the performance of... more
Cognitive neuroscience has made considerable progress in understanding the involvement of the medial temporal and frontal lobes in long-term memory. Whereas the medial temporal lobe has traditionally been associated with the encoding,... more
In a laboratory activity students study the behaviour of a bouncing ball. With the help of a high-speed camera they can study the motion in detail. Computer modelling enables them to relate the measurement results to the theory. They... more
Jarosite [KFe 3 (SO 4 ) 2 (OH) 6 ] is a mineral that is common in acidic, sulphate-rich environments, such as acid sulphate soils derived from pyrite-bearing sediments, weathering zones of sulphide ore deposits and acid mine or acid rock... more
Delamination in composite structures is best modelled at a mesoscopic level. In this approach, the plies are modelled as continua, which can either be assumed to behave linearly elastically or to degrade according to a damage law.... more
The ability to grow microscopic spherical birefringent crystals of vaterite, a calcium carbonate mineral, has allowed the development of an optical microrheometer based on optical tweezers.
An approach to real-time control of a network of signalized intersections is proposed based on a discrete time, stationary, Markov control model (also known as Markov decision process or Markov dynamic programming). The approach... more
According to pancomputationalism, everything is a computing system. In this paper, I distinguish between different varieties of pancomputationalism. I find that although some varieties are more plausible than others, only the strongest... more
In this paper, computational modelling of the exhaust system of two types of large-bore, multicylinder, two-stroke engine is performed. The airflow performance of a four-cylinder V-bank Cooper GMV-4TF engine and a six-cylinder in-line... more
There are many factors which influence the incorporation of particulate in metal matrix composites (MMCs). This paper presents work which examines the effect of viscosity during Al–SiC MMC production. Processing periods (up to 65 min),... more
The numerical simulation of transitional flow around a two-dimensional stationary circular cylinder is presented using two groups of turbulence models in a sub-critical flow regime. In the first group, enhanced two-equation turbulence... more
The fluid-particle interaction and the impact of different heat transfer conditions on pyrolysis of biomass inside a 150 g/h fluidised bed reactor are modelled. Two different size biomass particles (350 μm and 550 μm in diameter) are... more
A computer model that simulates the population dynamics and epidemiology of three major species of parasitic nematodes of sheep found in the UK (Telodorsagia [Ostertagia] spp., Haemonchus spp. and Trichostrongylus spp.) is described. The... more
A strategy for adaptive control and energetic optimization of aerobic fermentors was implemented, with both air flow and agitation speed as manipulated variables. This strategy is separable in its components: control, optimization,... more