Most cited papers in Communicology
First comprehensive explication of the Philosophy of Communication in two parts as (1) Communicology and (2) Semiology within the methodological context of Phenomenology as Applied Research. Each Part contains two sections: (1) Eidetic... more
Abstract The analysis takes up the conjunction of semiotics and cybernetics as a problem in theory construction in the human sciences. From a philosophical per- spective, this is also the ontological problem of communicology: the... more
In the classic Greek conception, axiology is the study of values or decisions displayed in behavior (ethics, aesthetics, politics, rhetoric). Whereas, dialogue is the study of discourse or choices displayed in judgement (dialectic,... more
An analysis of existential communication focused on Maurice Merleau-Ponty's place in the study of logic and discourse from both an American (USA) and continental philosophy perspective. (1) Phenomenalism is compared to Phenomenology as a... more
Discussion of the characteristics of Communicology as a qualitative research approach to the human sciences.
Abstract: The analysis explores the main arguments of Noam Chomsky’s short book, Media Control that also reprints the monograph “The Journalist from Mars: How the ‘War on Terror’ Should Be Reported.” The problematic is Aristotelian... more
Communicology is the science of human communication where consciousness is constituted as a medium of communication at four interconnected levels of interaction experience: intraper-sonal (embodied), interpersonal (dyadic), group... more
Es passierte, während ich an dem Vorwort zu Innis' Empire and Communications arbeitete, daß ich die größte Entdeckung meines Lebens gemacht habe. Kurz gesagt besteht die Entdeckung in folgendem: 2.500 Jahre lang haben die Philosophen der... more
Abstract: The Human Science of Communicology culminates several disciplinary developments, largely viewed as singular constitutions and foundational to differential attitudes about the nature and function of philosophy and science in... more
Abstract: The article consists of a brief biographical account of Immanuel Kant’s life and career, followed by a discussion of his basic philosophy, and a brief discussion of his pivotal point in the history of Rhetoric and Communicology.... more
A wider view of Husserl's philosophic influence in the USA; corrects philosophic history about "origins" of phenomenology in the USA. Focus on Ernst Cassirer and Wilbur Urban at Yale University.
A critical review of phenomenological reflectivity, reversibility, and reflexivity in speaking/writing discourse. The review offers an explication based on Merleau-Ponty's thematic of the mental patient: "Do you hear my voices?".
ABSTRACT The foundation of disciplines is often associated with initial books and their authors. The discipline of speech–communication– communicology is no exception. Books by Albert Craig Baird, Lester Thonssen, and Franklin Hayward... more
Communicology explained in classic Peircian terms.
Presentation paper on "The Philosophy of Communication: Centennial Symposium" at the National Communication Association (USA) annual conference. Focus on the origin of the discipline of "Philosophy of Communication" internationally and in... more
Intercultural communicology is a complex system of intergroup communication and, in consequence, is a specialized case of human communication in which discourse is constructed in a semiotic world of experience, i.e., the Semiosphere. I... more
Czy optymistyczna ocena kondycji nauki o komunikacji w Polsce jest zasadna? 55-70 ISSN 1230 55 We wstępie do pracy pt. Nauka o komunikowaniu. Podstawowe orientacje teoretyczne Barbara Dobek-Ostrowska pisze: "Nauka o komunikowaniu ma... more
Among the philosophers who undertook the task of thinking about the status of culture and the key advents of the twentieth century, Vilém Flusser deserves prominent recognition. A multifaceted thinker, Flusser produced sophisticated... more
An analysis of the "animal code" used by Orwell to distinguish human class characteristics in communication behavior.
This essay frames the insights of pragmatics within the stream of everyday life as a normatively dialogical communicative activity. Pragmatics understood as existentially dialogical moves from abstraction to concrete engagement of events... more
Troubled by the consequences of humanity’s inability to engineer a sustainable “modus vivendi” with the planet it inhabits, this paper asks if part of the solution might not lie in the conception of a “function system” specifically... more
Introduction to the basic concepts of Ernst Cassirer, Edmund Husserl, Karl Bühler, and Roman Jakobson on the conjunction of logic, linguistics, and communicology theory. Presentation of multiple diagrammatic models.
The theme of this convention inscribes itself into the investigative domains of biological-evolutional psychology, semiotic phenomenology of human communication, educational sociology as well as cultural anthropology. It merges two... more
A discussion of rhetoric and discourse typologies developed by Thomas Acquinas.
Présentation et discussion des sept sujets suivants: 1) Domaines et problématiques de la recherche actuelle. 2) Rapports entre cultures des médias et langues/langages. 3) Contacts et évolution des ressources de communication dans le... more