Comedy of Manners
Recent papers in Comedy of Manners
This cutting converts the three-act version of Wilde’s play into an abridged two-act version that runs just over two hours (including a 15-minute intermission). The cutting reduces the number of scene changes by keeping the last scenes in... more
This research is about Kate's role in play She Stoops to Conquer, which was written by Oliver Goldsmith in 1773 in England. It is a comedy play which consists of some ethical themes. In this play, women's role and rights are focused on,... more
After an eighteen-year theatrical hiatus due to the Civil War, England witnessed the revival of performative arts with the Restoration of Charles II to the English throne in 1660. In view of the fact that the Civil War was a hegemony... more
The plays of a comedy of manners, a genre which emerged in the Restoration period, draw attention through the presentation of colourful couples and pairs, set-scenes, the satirical approach to upper-class manners and certain themes such... more
Starting from an analysis of the play by Louis Kronenberger, a brief study guide for college students for SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL.
«Η αποτύπωση της κοινωνίας στην ελληνική κωμωδία του 19ου αιώνα: πολιτική, κοινωνική σάτιρα και κωμωδία ηθών», Διαδικτυακό Συνέδριο «Ο Πόλεμος της Ανεξαρτησίας και η Συγκρότηση του Ελληνικού Κράτους. Σύγχρονες ερμηνείες», 10-11 Απριλίου... more
ABSTRACT Leisure and idleness in Sheridan's and Wilde's comedies of manners are not merely used as objects of satire. In Sheridan, idleness is presented as a highly productive state that brings forth the society that takes... more
With its fetishization of social hierarchies, at first blush mannerpunk, more commonly known as “fantasy of manners” fiction, seems incompatible with a punk aesthetic. One online reviewer writes: “Basically, if you can stick ‘Jane Austen... more
Oscar Wilde is a brilliant wit of the 19th century, who still delights us with his literary genius works. Wilde mainly emphasizes the artifice of comedy which he successfully turns into a mirror reflecting an artificial society. In this... more
A short account of high comedy as a comic genre, its history and characteristics and its relationship to humour studies
The aim of this study is to examine the historical evolution of the British aristocratic and upper-class masculinities from the Restoration period to the late-Victorian era with respect to the theories of men and masculinities and to make... more
This paper is interested in commodity fetishism as a signal of collapsing marital mandates in the genre of lad lit. Instead of focusing solely on its late twentieth-century moment of emergence as a response to chick lit, the paper... more