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      New Zealand ArtColin McCahonNational Gallery of Australia
Journeys and Destinations: Studies in Travel, Identity, and Meaning brings together scholarship from diverse fields all focused on either practices of journeying, or destinations to which such journeys lead. Common across the... more
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      BuddhismTourism StudiesJewish StudiesMedieval History
Introductory overview of New Zealand artists who began working in film and video between 1970 and 1985, following their work up to 2010 and beyond. This piece was originally titled A Place Near Here and published in Illusions #35. It... more
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      Visual MusicVideo GamesManga and Anime StudiesVideo Art
A brief overview of landscape in New Zealand experimental film 1970 to 2015. Includes reference to recent Maori moving image making and possible future conceptions of landscape. Abridged and updated version of... more
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      Avant-Garde CinemaLuce IrigarayIndigeneityAustralian and New Zealand Cinema
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryContemporary ArtAppropriation
Considers responses to the work of New Zealand painter Colin McCahon (1919–1987) by abstract artists from diverse social backgrounds. Uses these responses to think about the merits of a 'transversal' approach to art history.... more
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      Abstract ArtHistoriography (in Art History)Feminist Art HistoryNew Zealand Art
This paper explores the didactic artworks of the New Zealand painter Colin McCahon (1919-1987). His Gate and Waterfall series are part of his broader social project to transform perceptions of the environment and forge a path toward peace... more
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      ChristianityAestheticsArt HistoryNew Zealand Studies
The Spirit of Colin McCahon provides a vivid historical contextualisation of New Zealand’s premier modern artist, clearly explaining his esoteric religious themes and symbols. Via a framework of visual rhetoric, this text explores the... more
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      New Zealand LiteratureArt HistoryArtArt Theory
Landscape has its own interiority. It is an interiority constituted by the same interiority that belongs to any and every place: through entry, movement, and boundary; through gate, journey and horizon. This essay explores the nature of... more
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      PaintingMartin HeideggerLandscapeGeorg Simmel
In 1885, Peter Bland’s ode to the colonial New Zealand experience ended with the evocative line “I hold back the dark with the blood of my lambs.” This idea of blood in triumph over darkness is recurrent within colonial New Zealand art... more
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      New Zealand LiteratureSociology of SportNew Zealand StudiesRugby
Report of an exhibition framed within Hollis Frampton's notion of a meta-history of all visual arts, a place where painting, cinema, and photography would all be seen as branches on the same tree. Adam Art Gallery, Victoria University of... more
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      Avant-Garde CinemaAmerican art/ Art of the United StatesTheory and Practice of Visual ArtsVisual Arts
This text is part of the McCahon 100 celebrations which invites New Zealand artists, curators, and writers to reflect on a specific work by Colin McCahon. I have chosen a work which has an ecological message, but used a humorous approach... more
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      EcofeminismColin McCahon
A response to Anthony Lock's paper "Evolutionary Aesthetics, the Interrelationship between Viewer and Artist, and New Zealandism," ASEBL Journal 11.2 (2015): 47-48. Among the topics addressed are the notion of consilience, 'third... more
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      Critica de arteEvolucionismoColin McCahonPsicología Evolucionista
Colin McCahon, one of New Zealand’s major modern artists, dedicated a significant portion of his oeuvre to a spiritual exploration of the beach environment, which may be read as a site of imaginative pilgrimage. Created as a means of... more
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      New Zealand LiteratureArt HistoryArtNew Zealand Studies
This paper examines the schism between intended message and reception in the case of New Zealand artist Colin McCahon (1919–1987). McCahon was heavily influenced by Christianity, for him linked inextricably to a message of ecological... more
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      ChristianityReception StudiesNew Zealand StudiesAudience and Reception Studies