Cognitve Linguistics and Neurolinguistics
Recent papers in Cognitve Linguistics and Neurolinguistics
Being a biological system unit and disseminator of social algorithms, a human being can only realize its integrality and achieve its systemic unity through existence in the sign system. The objective, imperative novelty and uniqueness of... more
This research paper confers the importance of lullabies being sung to children, commencing from the pre-linguistic stage of language acquisition until the end of the first few years of the infancy. Thus, this report deals with the... more
Herzlich bedanken möchte ich mich bei allen, die zur Durchführung und Fertigstellung meiner Dissertation beigetragen haben. An erster Stelle möchte ich mich bei Frau Prof. Dr. Claudia Riemer, Leiterin des Fachs Deutsch als Fremdsprache... more
It deals the delicate issue of gestalt therapy relating to human cognition functioning.
Cognitive Science: From Foundations into the Future (online event) Congress Gerhard Preyer (Key Speakter)) Consciousness and Mental Representation The Polish Society of Cognitive Science invites its members and supporters, as... more
L'importance de la compétence en lecture des élèves au primaire, les approaches sociolinguistiques et le contexte de la langue française au Québec relèvent encore des débats importants: le statut du français en contexte d’immersion, les... more
La neurolinguistique générale est sensée correspondre à la mise à niveau de la sémantique générale que Alfred Korzybski avait de nombreuses fois mentionné comme devant se produire en moins d'une génération après son décès (survenu en... more
A global workspace (GW) is a functional hub of binding and propagation in a population of loosely coupled signaling elements. In computational applications, GW architectures recruit many distributed, specialized agents to cooperate in... more
A global workspace (GW) is a functional hub of binding and propagation in a population of loosely coupled signaling elements. In computational applications, GW architectures recruit many distributed, specialized agents to cooperate in... more
Zusammenfassender Überblick über die Entwicklung der Intelligenz bei kleinen Kindern das mit der Entwicklung der Neokortexverbalenbereiche durch die Beherrschung der Lesefähigkeit zusammen fällt, und des Zustands der Entwicklung der... more
Aksen didefinisasikan sebagai “perbezaan individu daripada segi nada suara, sebutan atau pemilihan perkataan. Aksen juga bermaksud cara percakapan bagi sekumpulan manusia atau penduduk di sesuatu tempat. Setiap tempat mempunyai cara... more
The role of age encompasses a wide area of linguistic research dating ever since the studies of Wernicke’s and Brocca’s area as well as Chomsky’s LAD and Lenneberg’s Critical period hypothesis, and up to more contemporary cognitive... more
A sentence completion task, first introduced by with English speakers, is employed here with Italian to explore the issue of interactivity of different levels of processing in sentence production. In a series of three experiments, we... more
The present event-related brain potential (ERP) study investigates mechanisms underlying the processing of morphosyntactic information during real-time auditory sentence comprehension in French. Employing an auditory-visual... more
Description of the mechanics of conceptual thinking stemming from interaction sequences between the limbic system and the verbal areas of the neocortex. Description of the rise of the attention level to full active awareness when a... more